The term “sorghum molasses” is a collo-quial expression incorrectly applied to sorghum syrup. Sweet sorghum is grown for syrup or forage, whereas some other sorghums, such as kafirs and milos, are grown for grain. Sweet sorghum juice is a liquid sugar feedstock that can be produced in non-tropical climates. The juice yield ranged from 15.2 to 71.1 m 3 ha −1. 2.1. Sucrose was found to be higher in RSSV 9 (152.20 g/l) as compared to CSH 22SS (106.56 g/l). Sweet sorghum is made from 100 percent pure, natural juice extracted from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cane. 2 Experimental 2.1 Materials and chemicals Four different sweet sorghum cultivars, USA 1, USA 2, Honey green and Sugar Graze, were harvested at 3 and 6 months from the Agricol Research Company in Potchefstroom. (2017) Nitro-gen Fertilizer and Panicle Removal in Sweet Sorghum Production: Effect on Biomass, Juice Yield and Soluble Sugar Content. Sweet sorghum juice crashed from stalks is traditionally used for making white sugar or had been examined to produce ethanol through yeast fermentation . Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Features of sweet sorghum juice and their performance in ethanol fermentation. Fermentation of concentrated juices with 25% and 30% sugars were not complete. Harvesting the Crop The last step in producing the crop and the first step in obtaining high quality sorghum syrup is harvesting the crop at the proper stage of maturity. Extraction requires a roller mill or diffuser equipment. Sweet sorghum juice supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate was used as a substrate for ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae TISTR 5048. Some features of the site may not work correctly. At the end of the fermentation process, the sweet sorghum juice yielded more ethanol with higher ethanol concentration compared to … The juice needs to be processed immediately as it will spoil in seven days. Originating in Africa and Asia, where it is still a dietary staple, sweet sorghum was in wide use across the United States from the mid-19th century until the turn of the 20th, when its popularity declined due to the convenience of granulated sugar. Spoilage of juice, manifested by a sour odor, discoloration, and foaming, … of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, that are sweet and juicy. A jar of sweet sorghum syrup. Sweet sorghum juice contains sucrose, fructose, and glucose which can easily be made into ethanol. It is actually a type of grass not unlike corn. Technical challenges of using sweet sorghum for biofuels are a short harvest period for highest sugar content and fast sugar degradation during storage. Sorghum actually looks like a small variety of corn when growing. Sweet Sorghum - A Potential Alternate Raw Material for Bio-ethanol and Bio- energy, An assessment of sweet sorghum cultivars for ethanol production, View 2 excerpts, references background and results, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. According to the experimental results, the possibilities to make drink with the juice were studied. Just be sure to ask for molasses — not silage — sorghum. Sorghum syrup -- sometimes called sorghum molasses -- has long been a favorite sweetener in the South, and it was particularly popular during the 1800s and early 1900s. conditions of sweet sorghum juice during fermentation. Sucrose was found to be higher in RSSV 9 (152.20 g/l) as compared to CSH 22SS (106.56 g/l). Sweet sorghum is an ideal feedstock for fuel ethanol production in the Southeast and Midwest. There are also some ammonia acids and minerals in the juice which allows the sweet sorghum juice to be used for other purposes. When sucrose was used as an adjunct, the sweet sorghum juice … Identyfikator umowy o grant: JOUB0016 . Sweet sorghum (SS) syrup is a high antioxidant food material produced by concentrating its sugary juice. The stem juice of sweet sorghum is rich in fermentative sugar and is a desirable alcoholic fermentation material. Lactobacilli, yeasts, and nonfecal coliform bacteria each comprised about 1% of the microbial population. By the 1950s, about 90% of the acreage of sweet sorghums in the United States was grown for forage. Sorghum syrup, made by essentially evaporating the water from extracted juice from sweet sorghum stalks, is nothing new to the United States. Sorghum bicolor, or better known as sweet sorghum, has three different components which can be used for ethanol production: grain, bagasse, and the juice [9,10].The juice extracted from the plant stalks contains plenty of sugars, such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose, which can be directly converted via biological fermentation process into ethanol [11,12]. Sugars content in sweet sorghum stalk juice mostly were sucrose and invert sugars which invert sugars are included glucose, fructose, maltose and xylose (Almodares et al., 2008c). Well, all over the South at this time of year, folks make a homegrown sugar substitute you might take kindly to: sweet sorghum molasses. Sorghum juice-derived ethanol is cheaper to produce than corn ethanol because it doesn't require the cooking and enzymes that corn requires for conversion of starch to sugar to fuel grade alcohol. The pH and the density of the juice were not affected by the soil or N. CSH 22SS contained higher amounts of reducing sugars and free fructose than RSSV…, Increasing Bioethanol Yield from Fermentation of Sweet Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Sap by Mixed Culture Composed of Two Yeast Strains, Xylanase Production by Isolated Fungal Strain, Aspergillusfumigatus RSP-8 (MTCC 12039): Impact of Agro-industrial Material as Substrate, Sweet sorghum-a promising alternative feedstock for biofuel production, AVALIAÇÃO DA FERMENTAÇÃO DE CALDO DE SORGO SACARINO EMPREGANDO LEVEDURAS COMERCIAIS, Chapter 4A – Sugar- and Starch-Based Biorefineries, ETHANOL RECOVERY AND BIOCHEMICAL STUDIES OF SOME ELITE SWEET SORGHUM CULTIVARS, Features of sweet sorghum juice and their performance in ethanol fermentation. It is one of the many types of cultivated sorghum and is characterized by high sugar content in juice of stem. The sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) after squeezing the fermentable juice was used as the immobilized carrier. sugarcane molasses were used for ethanol production in this work. Sweet sorghum juice supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate was used as a substrate for ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae TISTR 5048. Sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a sugar producing multipurpose crop which is used for simultaneous production of grain (from earhead), sugary juice (from stem) and fodder (leaves and bagasse) for livestock. Fermentation Sweet sorghum stalk processing for ethanol production Fermentation is a multidisciplinary process based on Juice extraction the chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology of the raw materials. Raw or unrefined sorghum juice would likely be as hard on a bee's digestive system as unrefined sugar cane juice is. Sorghum syrup and hot biscuits are a traditional breakfast in the Southern United States. Growing Sweet Sorghum The seed (you'll need 5 to 10 pounds per acre) is available from many farm supply stores such as the FCX chain. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Regardless of the soil and year, the juice content of sweet sorghum stalk averaged 68.8% by weight. “It was a standard sugar back before World War II. “We have been handling sweet sorghum and boiling it down as a sugar for more than 200 years,” Heckemeyer said. Sorghum syrup is also used on pancakes, cornmeal mush, grits and other hot cereals. Data zakończenia 31 … Making drink with sweet sorghum stem juice has great superiority because sweet sorghum is very productive and makes the resource for drink production very rich, and also because this drink is cheaper. The reducing sugars and free fructose in stalk juice ranged between 29.72–33.25 and … The juice is cleansed of impurities and concentrated by evaporation in open pans into a clear, amber colored, mild flavored syrup. First, sweet sorghum juice is expected to contain a complex mixture of polyphenols, rather than a single chemical structure such as quercetin. Second, hydroxyl substituents on a given phenolic structure give rise to multiple peaks at different potentials, as observed for quercetin in Fig 1a. The chemical composition of stalk juice of genotypes RSSV 9 and CSH 22SS of sweet sorghum and production of ethanol by fermentation in shake flasks and laboratory fermenter were determined. Finally, on combining the cheap nitrogen source and the clarification strategy, 114.6 g L −1 l ‐lactic acid with a productivity of 2.61 g L −1 h −1 was produced by A69 strain in a 5 L bioreactor. Therefore the drink has stronger competitiveness for its low price. We needed another ‘sweet’ option here on the farm too (we tap maple trees and have bee hives). Sweet sorghum is any of the many varieties of the sorghum grass whose stalks have a high sugar content. Sweet Sorghum, Juice, Sugar, Panicle, Nitrogen 1. The ethanol concentration and yield were 8.9% w/v and 0.45 g/g for sweet sorghum in 80 h and 6.5% w/v and 0.37 g/g for sugarcane molasses in 60 h, respectively. As demand for and production of fuel ethanol increase to unprecedented levels, feedstocks for ethanol production will become more diverse. The sweet juice was fermented, and the ethanol produced was supplied to oil market companies for blending with petrol. There are also some ammonia acids and minerals in the juice which allows the sweet sorghum juice to be used for other purposes. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Juice concentrations at 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% led to different biomass, lipid, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) production by … Sorghum-makers press sweet, green juice from the sorghum canes and cook the juice down into a finished syrup. Components of sweet sorghum stem juice. The results indicated that the productivity of ABE fermentation process was improved by gas stripping integration. Arkusz informacyjny ; Arkusz informacyjny ; Informacje na temat projektu . Drought tolerant. of sweet sorghum juice harvested from different cultivars were investigated with regard to pH, yeast concentration, nitrogen source and dilution rate. It can be used as a cooking ingredient with a similar sweetening effect as molasses, though blackstrap molasses still has a higher nutritional value than sorghum syrup in most regards. Samples from each planting date and harvesting stage were stored openly on the ground for 0, 24, and 48 hours before milling. It was then proved that the efficiency of l ‐lactic acid production was significantly boosted using sweet sorghum juice purified via clarification treatment. Sweet sorghum is a grass of Old World origin. Sweet sorghum juice, obtained from low water consuming, drought resistant, short duration and seed-propagated sweet sorghum crop, was explored as a source to obtain syrup which can be used as sugar alternative for meeting certain requirements of the beverage industry. Stalk juice from sweet sorghum grown in Southern Illinois, USA, was examined for lipid production through microalgal fermentation. This study showed that as much as 20% of the fermentable sugars can be lost in 3 days at room temperature because of activities of contaminating bacteria, which lead to significant increases in bacterial count and decreases in pH values. Glycerol contents in finished beers from concentrated juices were higher than in beers from normal juices. This juice is considered ‘raw’ fresh sorghum cane juice. In the photo: Sorghum juice. As the crop matures, changes in the composition of the juice and soundness of the stalks influence the syrup quantity and quality. No significant changes in pH value, sugar contents, and sugar profiles were observed in juices stored in a refrigerator. Sweet sorghum juice supplemented with 0.5% ammonium sulphate was used as a substrate for ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae TISTR 5048. was planted April 1, May 1, and June 1 and was harvested in the flower, milk, dough, and ripe stages of maturity. Interest in sorghum syrup is renewed whenever a shortage of sugar results in higher sugar prices. Possible ethanol yield can be 600-650 gal/a if all the fermentable sugars in sweet sorghum are converted to ethanol (Wu et al., 2008). Sorghum was grown primarily for syrup until the settlement of the semiarid West created a demand for drought-resistant forage crops. Sweet sorghum originally had only three utilizations: (1) grain production, (2) sugars and (3) forage. **WARNING** DO NOT FEED RAW SORGHUM LEAVES OR ANY PART OF THE SORGHUM GREENS TO PETS OR LIVESTOCK without researching first. Introduction Throughout the world, there is increasing attention to bio-based renewables as How to cite this paper: Kering, M.K., Temu, V.W. Disease can alter sorghum juice, reducing the desirability of syrup and contributing to lodging. ‘Rio’ sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolorz (L.) Moench.] On the other hand, high fermentable sugar content in sweet sorghum stalk makes it to be more suitable for fermentation to ethanol. Sweet sorghum juice, obtained from low water consuming, drought resistant, short duration and seed-propagated sweet sorghum crop, was explored as a source to obtain syrup which can be used as sugar alternative for meeting certain requirements of the beverage industry. Nonetheless, the main component of sweet sorghum juice indicated that it is a desirable and cheap carbon resource for the fermentative production of LA. The syrup retains all of its natural sugars and other nutrients. A significant interaction was also found between the effect of the year and N on the juice yield (P < 0.0001). These results help to identify the most important factors affecting the quality of sweet sorghum juice under different processing and storage conditions, enabling development of effective strategies to process the juice, preserve fermentable sugars, and retain the processing properties of the juice during processing, transportation, and storage. When working with any food product that is to be sold to the public, make sure you follow all state and county requirements. There's enough juice in an acre of sweet sorghum to make 400 to 800 gallons of ethanol. Sorghum syrup is a 100 percent natural sweetener sometimes called “sorghum molasses,” as its flavor and uses are similar to those of molasses … Besides disease resistance, other selected traits include high brix (very few report stem sugar), low purity juicy stalks, high yields, stalk erectness, and good quality syrup. This is a relatively early … The plants were harvested at grain maturity, and juice extracted from the millable stalk was analysed for sucrose contact (Pol percentage), brix and purity. It is 100 percent natural and contains no chemical additives of any kind. Sweet sorghum stalks contain up to 75% juice, varying between 12 and 23% in sugar. The chemical composition of stalk juice of genotypes RSSV 9 and CSH 22SS of sweet sorghum and production of ethanol by fermentation in shake flasks and laboratory fermenter were determined. We’ve always called it ‘cane’ – sorghum is known by many names; sweet sorghum, sorghum cane and all are correct. Sweet sorghum also possesses high photosynthetic efficiency and high biomass yield, so it has become more attractive in agricultural production. The bagasse can be used to feed livestock or pelletized to burn . Sweet sorghum juices usually contain approximately 16–18% fermentable sugar, which can be directly fermented into ethanol by yeast. Sweet sorghum thrives better under drier and warmer conditions than many other crops and is grown primarily for forage, silage, and syrup production. Sweet sorghum is known across the southeastern portion of the United States as a sweet and nutritious substitute for sugar products. Sweet sorghum has been used for producing sugar, fermenting, and making forage. sugars in sweet sorghum juice are beneficial to the rate of alcohol production. Sweet sorghum is made from 100 percent pure, natural juice extracted from sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) cane. Also, sugarcane is not a salt tolerant plant. Increasing the juice yield or making use of the remaining sugar in the juice is crucial for the high ethanol yield of sweet sorghum and is of economical value. Sweet sorghum is an ideal feedstock for fuel ethanol production in the Southeast and Midwest. Keywords. Sugar is con- 2008e). Tìm kiếm fermentation of sweet sorghum juice , fermentation of sweet sorghum juice tại 123doc - Thư viện trực tuyến hàng đầu Việt Nam The main component of the sugar in sweet sorghum stem is saccharose. The total sugar content of the juices extracted from the different cultivars used in this study at different harvesting times is presented in Table 1. Calcium, from the juice and MOL, and phosphorous that occurs naturally in the sweet sorghum juice are necessary for the formation of calcium-phosphate bridges that aid in the flocculation process. The name "sweet sorghum" is used to identify varieties of sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, that are sweet and juicy. In batch fermentation, kinetic parameters for ethanol production depended on initial cell and sugar concentrations. Ten gallons of sorghum juice will make approximately 1 gallon of syrup. Data rozpoczęcia 1 Lutego 1990. “It was a standard sugar back before World War II. Among these isolates, the newly isolated thermotolerant yeast strain, which was designated as Saccharomyces cerevisiae DBKKU Y-53, exhibited great potential for ethanol production from sweet sorghum juice (SSJ) at high temperatures. different sweet sorghum cultivars for biomass yield and juice quality in the temperate zone. Sweet sorghum juice yield varied between 15.2 and 71.1 m 3 ha −1 depending on the year, the soil type, and the N rate (P < 0.0001) (Table 5). 2 Introduction Bioethanol, a form of renewable energy can be produced from agricultural feedstocks such as sugar cane, sorghum, potato, manioc, and maize. Also, they reported that mannose, galactose and arabinose were not detected in sweet sorghum juice. Sweet sorghum juice is known to contain different amount of sugars depending on the type of cultivar (Prasad et al. Thrives in the heat. Abstract. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Study on genotypic variation for ethanol production from sweet sorghum juice, Sweet stalk sorghum: an alternative sugar crop for ethanol production, Production of bioethanol from sweet sorghum: A review, Ethanol production from sweet sorghum juice in batch and fed-batch fermentations by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ethanol, sweet sorghum, fermentation, sugar and ethanol profile, kinetics. … overall quality of your sweet sorghum syrup, pay close attention to the cookoff process. A total 24 g/L of ABE solvents was obtained from 59.6 g/L of initial sugar after 80 h of fermentation with gas stripping. Sweet sorghum is genuinely fit for growing in dryland conditions, as it only requires one-seventh of the irrigation water used by sugarcane. And among the latter, there are two types characterized by higher or lower sucrose content in the stem: “sucrose” which provides more … We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has been considered as an attractive raw material in biorefinery process, and it offers great advantages: greater biomass yield per hectare, high photosynthetic efficiency and wide adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. Innovative ways of composting using sweet sorghum bagasse was developed as part of the project. In addition, high carbohydrates content of sweet sorghum stalk are similar to sugarcane but its water and fertilizer requirements are much lower than sugarcane. To combat that you can freeze the juice if not using right away. After extraction of sugars containing juice from sweet sorghum stalk, the bagasse is available in large quantities that can be used as fuel in boilers in the sugar mills for the cogeneration process. The juice is cleansed of impurities and concentrated by evaporation in open pans into a clear, amber colored, mild flavored syrup. This sweet sorghum cane grows up to 12' tall with seed heads that turn amber red when mature. When grown after cotton (loam 2007) or soybean (loam 2008), the N fertilization did not improve the juice yield (P ≥ 0.29). Arkusz informacyjny. The reducing sugars and free fructose in stalk juice ranged between 29.72–33.25 and 11.38–14.40 g/l, respectively, among two genotypes. Sorghums, however, are a special kind of crop and quickly drew the attention of farmers and breeders all over the world. The objective of this study was to assess the agronomic performance and juice yield of five sweet sorghum cultivars (Keller, Della, Dale, M81E and Sugar Drip) as potential sources of biomass and grain for ethanol production. The sugar is composed mainly of saccharose (70-80 %), fructose and glucose, similar to sugar beet. It is difficult to measure the juice Sugar content in the process of production. Usually sorghum with over 8 °BX of sugar in the juice is called sweet sorghum. Sweet sorghum juice extraction, sterilisation and concentration. The dominant bacterium was Leuconostoc mesenteroides, followed by gram-negative rods. IMHO the term "Sorghum Nectar" is related to the term "Agave Nectar" in that "Sorghum Nectar" is a marketing term, and it refers to the cooked down (reduced) unrefined sweet sorghum cane juice, therefore sorghum nectar is not by any definition a true nectar nor is it produced … Bicolorz ( L. ) Moench., such as quercetin newly isolated thermotolerant strain of Pichia kudriavzevii silage —.. Stronger competitiveness for its low price ideal feedstock for fuel ethanol production depended on initial cell and sugar concentrations the. There sweet sorghum juice enough juice in an acre of sweet sorghum cane grows up to 12 ' tall with seed that! Contained 10 8 microorganisms per ml sorghums that accumulate sugars in sweet sorghum juices usually contain approximately %! 108 cells ml−1 and 24 °BX respectively, so it has become more attractive agricultural. Quality in the United States was grown primarily for syrup production 1 gallon of.! 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