Besides vitamins, supplements, and fish oil, Garden of Life also provides food that should help your health and digestion. In some cases, spotting or bleeding can even be a side effect of treatment. Tilt your head back or lie down so you’re looking at the ceiling. Rubbing coconut oil into nails may help to keep them moisturized. Essential oils are transporters of fundamental nutrients necessary to feed and nurture all the cells of the body. For instance, a large portion of MCTs pass directly into the portal vein (which services the gastrointestinal tract) and are transported, directly to the liver (in the blood). These can dilute the oil and reduce potency. In fact, it’s the most common non-viral STD in the world. With that said, coconut oil is still a great source of MCTs. Established in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1998, Optimal Health Network was founded by and is continuously cultivated by Kristina Amelong, CCT, CNC. It is most common in menopause and can cause loss of libido. I found her to be very informative and she is quite patient." Method 3: Mint Tea. Often, rabies vaccination can cause the body to mimic the disease it was intended to prevent. Her protocol is far better than others. Caffeine in powder or liquid form can provide toxic levels of caffeine, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has cautioned. Caprylic Acid (C8) has been shown to increase energy, boost ketone production, and facilitate weight loss [*][*][*]. This unique protocol is outlined as a 35-day, step-by-step program in Kristina's book, Ten Days to Optimal Health: A Guide to Nutritional Therapy and Colon Cleansing. 4. Because it can be both a liquid and a solid, coconut oil is an ideal carrier oil for do-it-yourself (DIY) suppositories, facilitating the absorption of other oils. This figure will help: In this case, three identical fatty acids (lauric acid - C12) bind with glycerol to make an MCT. Browse the WebMD Questions and Answers A-Z library for insights and advice for better health. You will find that it just slides right into the rectum. This essential oil blend may assist with colds, bronchitis, respiratory congestion, flu, cold sores, pneumonia, sore throat, and mucus. The amount of essential oil needed depends on which oils or oil blends you are using and what issue you are working with in the body. Even though the suppository may look large to you, it is easy to insert. I saw various health practitioners without results, and felt hopeless. These infections may not cause any symptoms at first. I believe they had all the C12 (lauric acid) removed which leaves all C6, C8 and C10 which are the fatty acids that boost ketone production. To use grapefruit oil to relieve the symptoms of peripheral edema, simply combine 3–4 drops of grapefruit with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Rabies miasm is deep-rooted disease often caused by rabies vaccination but it can also be passed down through generations and cause illness even in unvaccinated dogs.. Rabies miasm symptoms are very common in dogs. ▶︎ Read Important Cautions and Disclaimers. Share your experience with others on. Collin But because it’s a bigger molecule (more carbon atoms connected together), it takes even longer to break down and therefore isn’t optimal for ketone production. But you will need to consume much higher amounts to get the same effects as you would from taking concentrated C8/C10 MCT oil. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis ensures that you have adequate amounts of essential nutrient minerals and that their relationships to one another (ratios) are optimal. Essential oil suppositories can also help men effectively support their prostate health. Frequent vaginitis can cause tears, cracks, or sores in vaginal tissue. Common side effects are insomnia, heartburn, diarrhea, and … ~ Charles N. Home Colon Cleanse: Supplies & Expertise for Better Health. Once the essential oil is dispensed onto the top of the frozen coconut oil, fill up the rest of the each cube with more coconut oil. Fennel oil also helps to relieve inflammation and remove wastes that can cause swelling. To assist you in your anal fissure program, we have put together a suppository kit for overcoming anal fissures. ▶︎ View Candida (Yeast Balance) Suppository Kit. Meal Suggestions To Accompany Your Colon Cleanse Program, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) home testing kits. “C8” refers to the eight carbon chain that characterizes this specific fatty acid. |    Essential Oil Suppository Recipes. ~ Wendy C. "I've struggled with debilitating chronic constipation for years, unable to work or have a life. Note: If possible, insert the suppository after a bowel movement or after an enema series. Have you tried it yet? Trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite and can cause a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, genital itching and painful urination. check the purity. You probably realize that “C8 MCT oil” is different from “regular MCT oil” (read: coconut oil). If NJ does not have a DAW 7 for Thyroid brand name medications, I would have your doctor submit a Prior Authorization to your prescription insurance company, explaining that you need this brand name in particular, due to your specific thyroid diagnosis. There are four different kinds of MCTs [*]: Caproic Acid (C6) is an oily liquid at room temperature [*] and boosts the production of blood ketones. Placed in your freezer, this BPA-free silicone suppository tray creates 21 essential oil suppositories for smooth insertion into the rectum. First, a little more about MCTs and the fatty acids used to build them. ~ Dennis H. "I’ve been a customer of yours since 2016. This essential oil blend helps bring relief and healing to those struggling with hemorrhoids. Delivered via rectal suppository, essential oil implant recipes support healing from hemorrhoids, anal fissures, yeast infections, and other colon-related ailments, and more broadly support a healthy colonic mucosa. But you will need to consume much higher amounts to get the same effects as you would from taking concentrated C8/C10 MCT oil. "Only business I call. This material is presented for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or prescribing from a licensed healthcare professional. Since then, I’ve found the products for sale on your site are excellent quality, shipped promptly, and packed very professionally. Coconut oil can be both a liquid and solid, which makes it the perfect carrier oil for essential oil suppositories, facilitating the absorption of other oils. Hydration Fluids are needed to carry nutrients to the cells, aid digestion and help the kidneys to flush toxins from the body. Rather, you can make a variety, as essential oils are best used in rotation. Carefully dispense your essential oil drops onto the top of the frozen coconut oil in each cube. Learn More About Health Consultations with Kristina Amelong, essential oil blend specifically designed to heal a fissure, Learn More About Our Anal Fissure Healing Protocol, colon-cleansing, nutritional, and educational health products, Ten Days to Optimal Health: A Guide to Nutritional Therapy and Colon Cleansing. In a rounded 21-cube suppository tray, fill each cube of the tray 1/3 to 1/2 full of coconut oil. This essential oil blend is beneficial to your colon health, supporting healthy gut bacteria and strengthening overall immunity. You take care of me. Most people do not leak when they use these coconut oil suppositories. I buy only your enema equipment. Essential oils are strong; only a drop or two is needed each time. Price in conjunction with colon cleansing (herbal laxatives, in-home enemas, and/or colon hydrotherapy). Cannabis oil is legal to buy and consume in the UK, with CBD oil first stocked in UK shops in 2018. They taste like potatoes.) Sure you can! Rinse mint leaves and then grind them. We offer some of the most proven colon cleanse products for sale online. Raw Food Detox Diet, Fasting, Weston A. Some home remedies, such as … August 11, 2020. Therefore the HTMA is an invaluable screening tool which allows a correct program of diet and supplementation to be designed for each individual's specific needs. This essential oil blend is formulated to support the respiratory system. That’s because caprylic acid (C8) seems to be the most metabolically active medium-chain fatty acid [*]. You will see that it has a rounded edge that allows for easy insertion into the rectum. It is best to try your first suppository on a day when you can easily get to the bathroom or to wear a sanitary pad. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is derived from the CBD compound which is found in cannabis, and has been associated with having a number of potential therapeutic uses, including for diabetes. The manufacturer of this product is a reputable company that belongs to the Natural Products Association. The key to relieving my agony was your products and diet recommendations! Might be a cheaper alternative to the expensive MCT oils being sold. In addition, it offers protection against cancer and cardiovascular disease. In contrast, long-chain fatty acids must be taken up by chylomicron triglycerides and enter the blood via the lymph system [*][*]. I have had two consultations with Kristina. So in a different MCT molecule, we might have two caprylic fatty acids and one capric fatty acid held together by a glycerol molecule. The difference (and benefits) are noticeable, but not essential. This means that 100% pure C8 MCT oil is nearly ten times more concentrated than regular MCT oil (e.g., coconut oil). The brand was founded back in 2002 meaning it has been present on the market for 16 years. So double check the ingredients list and grab the product with the lowest C6 (if you can't find any without it). Placed in your freezer, this BPA-free silicone suppository tray creates 20 essential oil suppositories for smooth insertion into the rectum. They provide a host of benefits for people seeking active and healthier lifestyles. Don’t pay premium for a less than premium oil. June 10, 2020, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Plantain leaf (not the fruit that looks like a banana) is a common weed. Jump to ProductsIngredients and SuppliesInstructions, Ingredients and Supplies    |    Instructions    |    View Suppository ProductsWhat Is an Essential Oil Suppository? This suppository kit — with two tray options — contains a blend of essential oils that works to kill the Candida fungus and support healthy flora. Coconut water . You need to mix 3-4 drops of mint oil with 200-300 ml water and then drink it in the morning before breakfast. If other oils are included in the ingredients, make sure this is reflected in the price point. I have never experienced so much pain in my life. Feel free to give us a call at (608) 242-0200 for assistance. The three fatty acids attached to the glycerol each have a medium-length chain of carbon atoms ranging from 7 to 12. ▶︎ Questions about ordering? In contrast, long-chain fatty acids must be taken up by chylomicron triglycerides and enter the blood via the lymph system [, Can be beneficial for random ailments like tooth infections, frequent urination, and respiratory infections, Sure you can! DISCLAIMER: The Optimal Health Network offers therapeutic products and protocols to support your health under the supervision of your doctor. A single MCT molecule is made up of three fatty acids and one glycerol. For a difficult case of hemorrhoids, alternate this blend with lime essential oil suppositories. The short answer is that regular MCT oil contains all four medium-chain fatty acids (C6, C8, C10, C12) at varying concentrations [*], while C8 MCT oil is 100% pure caprylic acid (the C8 fatty acid). Some products contain high amounts of C6 caproic acid, which can cause upset stomach and lead to diarrhea or nausea. I learned from you (and your website) what not to eat in order to start the healing process. Once in the liver, fatty acids are converted into ketones before being discharged back into the blood where they are transported for other cells to use, especially by your brain [*]. 8. How Does a Coffee Enema Cleanse the Liver? For instance, a large portion of MCTs pass directly into the portal vein (which services the gastrointestinal tract) and are transported directly to the liver (in the blood). That’s because caprylic acid (C8) seems to be the most metabolically active medium-chain fatty acid [. Topics include how to perform a home colon cleanse, chronic stress and adrenal fatigue, how to treat anal fissures, yeast infections, chronic constipation relief, fibromyalgia, coffee enema instructions, hypothyroidism, infant constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, Lyme disease, prostate health, seasonal allergies, and weight loss. It is slightly soluble in water and has an unpleasant odor [*]. Buy home enema products and obtain expert advice for your health at Optimal Health Network. Capric Acid (C10) has many of the same properties of caprylic acid (C8) (e.g., boosts ketones, is antimicrobial, and can help reduce body fat [*], but generally takes a bit longer for the body to process into ketones [*]. Feel free to give us a call at (608) 242-0200 for assistance. Targeted essential oils or blends based on your health challenges. Amoxicillin (Amoxil, Moxatag, and Larotid) is a penicillin antibiotic prescribed to treat a variety of bacterial infections such as sinusitis, laryngitis, strep throat, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. It's like higher octane fuel, a turbocharged car, or a supersonic jet. The goat milk enema soap worked better than any colonic I'd had, and the enema bags are the best. Ideally, the ingredients list should be short. That’s because while coconut oil contains approximately 65% MCTs, 50% of that is lauric acid (C12) and only around 14% (combined) is C8 and C10 [*]. Home Colon Cleanse Remedies | Enema Products for Sale. Have you tried it yet? Hold the oil dropper 1 ⁄ 2 inch (1.3 cm) over your nostrils and squeeze the bulb on the end. With your fingers, gently insert the suppository into the rectum, rounded edge forward. Learn More About Our Anal Fissure Healing Protocol. Just an FYI. Next, make sure there's no additives, fillers, or flavorings. That’s why I remain a customer." This essential oil blend is safe for long-term use and will gently assist the body to heal from fungal infections and eliminate toxic byproducts, while supporting the healthy flora. Some people find the size of the suppository to be daunting, but the rectum is just like a tightly closed mouth and has a tremendous capacity to open. Sometimes this can cause a negative reaction in some people, such as hair loss. . For example, research shows that lauric acid (the fatty acid that makes up about 50% of coconut oil) is still considered an MCT and is effective at killing viruses, yeast, and bacteria [*]. ▶︎ We highly recommend this useful health screening tool! August 11, 2020, Sheryl Cammarata We also feature enema supplies such as non-toxic silicone colon tubes, flex tip and Delrin enema nozzles, made-for-enema coffee and enema soap, and Easy Enema Kits with free educational materials. The essential oils in this blend -- rosemary, myrtle, thyme, frankincense, myrrh, sage, and tsuga -- provide support to the body to help overcome prostatitis. Kristina is an I-ACT-certified colon hydrotherapist and a certified nutritional consultant. To assist you in your hemorrhoid healing program, we have put together a suppository kit for overcoming hemorrhoids. Questions about ordering? Having any technical difficulties? But we’ll come back to this. Furthermore, suppositories can deliver treatments and drugs to produce both local and systemic impact. A single MCT molecule is made up of three fatty acids and one glycerol. MCTs are broken down more quickly than longer-chained triglycerides. Kristina shares her extensive clinical knowledge so that you can successfully put into practice a therapeutic nutrition regimen incorporating (but not limited to) a raw food detoxification diet, fasting, and the dietary principles of Weston A. Coconut water is often touted as the perfect hangover remedy as it is naturally refreshing and full of electrolytes (salts and minerals) that can settle nausea and/or vomiting. That was when I started researching in earnest the correct direction toward therapeutic enemas, rather than the usual one-shot approach to basically just clean out the lower colon due to constipation, etc. It possesses cancer-fighting and antimicrobial properties [*][*][*]. Naomi Bennett Put the tray back into the freezer, and in a couple of hours you will be ready to use your first therapeutic suppository! Having any technical difficulties? NOTE: You don't need to make only one type of essential oil rectal suppository per tray. Here are some of the top benefits: For a more detailed look, check out the full list of benefits of MCT oil. Treatments for underlying conditions Although it is rare, underlying health conditions can sometimes cause peeling nails. Their overall medium size makes them unique. 6. Homeopaths call this rabies miasm. 39 Likes, 2 Comments - Stanford Family Medicine (@stanfordfmrp) on Instagram: “Congratulations to our residents Grace and Jenny on completing their first rotation as intern and…” With that said, coconut oil is still a great source of MCTs. In addition, it offers protection against cancer and cardiovascular disease [*][*]. In addition to our online store, this website offers a library of clinical articles on diverse health issues and healing tools. My first phone consultation with Kristina, I was in tears, but she was so caring. They can be any one of the medium-chain fatty acids (see below). Their overall medium size makes them unique, ] and boosts the production of blood ketones. We offer at least one subscriber sale per month. Once diagnosed, I thought I would get relief from conventional medicine, but I was highly mistaken! frequent urination; morning sickness; ... (STIs) may cause unusual discharge, including pink bleeding. Vaginal atrophy is inflammation, dryness, and thinning of the vaginal walls. See our. First, a little more about MCTs and the fatty acids used to build them. Boosts metabolism, helping to increase energy (via up-regulation of the key genes expression pathways) [. Technical difficulties? MCTs are broken down more quickly than longer-chained triglycerides. OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 10 am to 5 pm (Central Time), Flowmaster Complete Colon Cleanse Enema Kits, Coffee Enema Kits and Organic Enema Coffee, View Candida (Yeast Balance) Suppository Kit, drug delivery research by the National Institutes of Health, View additional essential oil support suggestions, Rounded 21-Cube Suppository Tray (Large Diameter), Rounded 20-Cube Suppository Tray (Small Diameter), Ellyndale Organic Liquid Coconut Oil - 16 fl oz, OHN Anal Fissure Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml, OHN Colon Cleanse Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml, OHN Hemorrhoid Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml, OHN Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend - 10 ml, OHN Prostatitis Essential Oil Blend - 15 ml. Treatment of kidney pain depends on the cause of the pain. But we’ll come back to this. So double check the ingredients list and grab the product with the lowest C6 (if you can't find any without it). . Plantain Tea. I am very pleased I spent the time to speak with her." Symptoms associated with kidney pain may include fever, vomiting, nausea, flank pain, and painful urination. The oil not only retains moisture and prevents your mouth from becoming dry but it also improves the process of new tissue growth. Flavorless so you can add it to all of your favorite beverages without worry. Kidney pain has a variety of causes and symptoms. Don’t pay premium for a less than premium oil. In extreme cases, a malfunctioning bladder sling can cause internal bleeding or damaging to surrounding organs. Nasya oil is a type of moisturizer used to keep nasal passages moist and clean. The suppository is self-lubricating: as soon as it touches a warm part of your body, it begins to melt. It’s found in animal fats and several plants. Your pets these foods can purchase a broad array of high-quality colon-cleansing nutritional... Provides step-by-step Instructions on how to make coconut oil is still a great source of MCTs a that... 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