Do you think the time required for the ice to melt would be longer, shorter or the same? Learner-dependent answer: some plastics, rubber, some metals (especially in thin sheets) are all examples that learners could mention. When ice is heated, its temperature will remain constant until all the ice has melted. What do you think will happen when the mixture reaches a temperature of 78°C? We will look more at how different materials can be used as electrical insulators (meaning they do not conduct electricity well), later in the year. If the holes were punched at different distances from the edge, this might make some papers appear stronger or weaker than they actually are. We will look more at heating as a transfer of energy next term in Energy and Change. The liquid level will rise when the liquid expands. This means there may not be a big difference between the experiments carried out with ethanol and methylated spirits. In the top left are huge areas called slag piles. Avoid the misconception that cars are made entirely out of steel. in order of increasing tearing strength. Any given material will melt and freeze at the same temperature. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Allow learners to debate this for a short while. Write down your ideas from your discussion. Do you think plastic is a good choice of material for making a whole cooking pot? The point of this would be to show that the boiling point of water is constant (at constant pressure, of course, so it would make sense to do the extensions concurrently with the prescribed procedure below). It links to what learners will do in Gr 8 Matter and Materials. Density of a material or substance is defined as “the mass per unit volume”. In order for water to boil it needs to be heated. Can you think of materials that are both strong and flexible? Mechanical properties are how the metal performs when different forces are applied to them. What is your hypothesis for this investigation? Why does a plastic kettle not melt when we boil water in it? Those are things like density, melting point, conductivity, coefficient of expansion, etc. What do we call the temperature at which the ice melts? Germany. The scientist measures the temperature of the liquid at regular time intervals (every 3 minutes). One issue to be aware of is that the suggested beverages are all solutions of substancesin water. Flammability and corrosion/oxidation resistance are examples of chemical properties. Ice cream is an example.). For example, if you had 5 marbles in the first attempt, and 3 marbles in the second attempt, the average will be calculated as follows: Therefore, the paper type could hold an average of 4 marbles. Latent heat is given by, What state would nitrogen be in at room temperature? Here are some guidelines for drawing the graph: The title of your graph should be: Determining the melting point of ice. The boiling point of water depends on the atmospheric pressure. A material that conducts heat well is said to have a high ________. Why do you think this is so? In the next activity we are going to investigate the tearing strength of different types of paper. We discussed several properties of materials in this chapter. Ask learners why they think they should punch the holes the same distance from the edge in each type of paper. It would probably also scratch easily. Plot the data on a line graph using the graph paper - each data point must be marked with a small, neat cross. Which properties are important when choosing a material for a particular use? We used the same method to hang the marbles from the paper strip for all the different types of paper. Describe the shape of your graph. Repeat this using the other strips of paper, doing each twice and taking the averages. The water will boil in a shorter time. It is the reciprocal to viscosity of liquid material. Do you remember learning about the state changes in previous grades? Physical properties of materials This section introduces the meaning of each of the following physical properties and, where applicable, their units of measurement. The bigger flame gives more energy to the water per time unit. [2 marks], The unknown liquid boils at 65°C. This is because wood and plastic are not good conductors of heat, unlike metal, and so you can pick up the pot easily. Take a measurement of the water temperature before you start heating the water. Note: Learners' graphs should have the following general shape and features: Beware that temperatures below 0°C may be recorded, so learners' graphs may not be identical. Is this correct? Shape memory 1. What needs to happen to water to make it boil? This property, malleability, means that a metal can be formed into sheets which can be used for a variety of different purposes. The inside of the refrigerator is cold. Encourage learners to make their own notes as you are talking in class as this is a valuable skill. AIM: To observe boiling and to determine the boiling point of water. How can we measure the strength of a material? Is it a straight line? Look at the pictures and answer the questions that follow about the production of different materials in South Africa. This does not mean that your measurements were incorrect. We will learn more about changes of state in Gr. You could add that it could be insured against theft, but that insurance on a car this valuable would be very expensive. The horizontal part of the graph represents the stage when the temperature stayed constant. Spalling resistance 11. Make sure that the holes are in the middle, and also at the same distance from the end of each strip. How did the temperature of the ice (and water) change over time? 2.3 Physical Characteristics . These can include: Just select the materials that you want to compare by toggling the checkbox in the first row, and then choose “Compare Selected”. Plastic is not a good choice because it melts when it is heated above a certain temperature. New properties introduced are boiling point and melting point, and these are introduced using water as example. It is represented as the ratio of mass with volume of a material. Latent Heat of a material is defined as the amount of heat required/released by change in unit mass of material from one state to another state (Phase change). The two words, heat and temperature, are connected but they do not mean the same thing: Adding heat energy usually results in a temperature rise, so people often confuse heat and temperature. The next question refers to a bigger flame. South Africa has a big paper-making industry. Cars have crumple zones to increase safety. How can we explain the term 'melting point'? Look carefully at the surface of one of the paper strips. The size and shape of a raw food material can vary widely. Discuss some of the questions with your classmates before writing down your answers. Now look carefully at the torn edge. Its strength may mean that, when an animal becomes entangled in a piece of plastic that has been thrown away, the plastic would be too strong for the animal to escape from. FALSE: Two alternative TRUE statements are possible: A scientist wants to determine the boiling point of an unknown liquid. What do we call the temperature at which the water boils? Wait 3 minutes and measure the temperature again. Note: Learners may battle with this question so you can ask them if they think anything can grow or live on these dumps again? Sometimes it is also called as relative density. This will make the liquid inside the thermometer contract. (Some plastics have this property.). The boiling point of nitrogen is - 200°C. The Porosity of material represents the quantity of voids in solid materials. We have already seen how the use of materials, such as plastics and paper, has a negative impact on our environment, but what about their production? Have you ever had your temperature taken? In order to boil water, we need to add energy to it. If each marble has a mass of 5 grams, work out the mass in grams that was needed to tear each strip of paper and write the number in the final column of your table. Learner-dependent answer: metals, plastics, leather, concrete and wood are all examples of materials that learners could mention. Sometimes the cost is purely financial; at other times the cost may be damage to the individual (as in the case of the irresponsible use of medicines and drugs), or to the environment (some examples follow). They are mixed but they have not changed into something else. Make a handle for the yoghurt tub, using the string. Apr 22, 2019 - Explore Eva Miranda's board "Properties of materials" on Pinterest. Label the axis, and use minutes as units. A Hawaiian student looks at plastic objects found in the stomachs of albatrosses. Physical Properties of Food Materials Dr.Ir. by this license. Its unit in SI system is watts per meter per K. It is the property of materials which represents that how easily the electricity can be conducted by the material. When water is boiled over a bigger flame, it will boil at the same temperature, namely 100°C (at lower altitude/at sea level). Investigation: Which type of paper is the strongest? What impact do you think this has on the environment? Possible hypotheses that learners could give include stating the boiling point of water that they might know from previous knowledge. If you want to create a circuit for a bulb, the material that you use in the circuit to connect the battery to the bulb must have a high ________. The properties of a material determine the purposes for which it can be used. Before you start, discuss the following questions in your group: Discuss what you know about gases, liquids and solids; the three states of matter. Learner-dependent answer. When water is boiled over a bigger flame, it will boil at a higher temperature. Water freezes at 0°C. Materials that can be bent are called _______. These electrical wires need to be strong, flexible and able to conduct electricity. Unit of specific heat in SI system is Joule/Kg oC. Can you imagine a car made of solid gold? (1) Bulk Density:. Each of the environmental issues is accompanied by a short video. Form the paper clip into an S-shape and hang it from the hole in the paper. This will be your measurement at time 0. The water boils at a temperature that is lower than the temperature needed to melt the plastic of the kettle. Write a short story to explain what you think happened to the kettle in the picture. Coincidence, or not? Where, ‘l’ is the initial length of object, ‘ΔV’ is the change in length, ‘Δt’ is the change in the temperature. Encourage them to take notes: What would happen if you tried to put the kettle into the microwave or on the stove? It is denoted by ‘S’. Note: Learners should notice that, even though the ice is starting to melt, the temperature remains constant. Learners should observe that the water is starting to boil. You can introduce the idea of a fair test here. This is because they might have been calibrated differently. An article on fracking in South Africa. planning investigation, doing investigation, recording information, comparing, communicating. We will be focusing on boiling and melting in this section. Durability 4. Remember that boiling water can cause painful burns. [1 mark]. Perhaps the person did not know that the plastic would melt. Sometimes, just the handles of the cooking pot are made from plastic or wood. The unknown liquid is methanol. The elastic modulus of the material affects how much it deflects under a load, and the strength of the material determines the stresses that it can withstand before it fails. This property of materials is called plasticity. It is defined as the ratio of density of material with respect to density of a reference material or substance. Get them to mark where it is on the diagram. If you think a statement is FALSE, you have to write a TRUE statement in its place. When we throw a shopping bag away, its durability may mean that it takes years and years to break down, so it pollutes the environment for a long period of time. Learner-dependent answer based on the evidence from the investigation. The learners should note that someone placed the plastic kettle on the stove. 5 and 6 Matter and Materials. It therefore acts as a heat insulator, keeping the body warm. Refractoriness Draw a red line at this temperature on the diagram and label it 'Boiling point of ethanol'. Gases are compressible as a result. What are the disadvantages of a car made of gold? It looks as if something has gone wrong here! As can be seen, these slag piles do not have anything growing on them as they are not green, and they have been there for decades, so they are reducing the possibilities for habitats and natural vegetation to grow back. What do you notice about the temperature when all the ice has melted? Nitrogen would be a gas at room temperature, because room temperature is higher than the boiling point of nitrogen. How did the temperature of the water change over time? We will learn more about heat transfer later in the year. Learners could be encouraged to imagine carrying a shopping bag filled with heavy items, that would simply fall through a shopping bag that is too weak or thin. Once they have located where this is on the diagram, ask them what state water will be at 25°C? Repeat steps 1 - 5 using the other end of the strip and count the marbles again. Note: The purpose of this question is to make learners realise that melting and freezing are the reverse of each other. Tip: To calculate the average of a set of numbers, you add all the numbers together and then divide by how many numbers there were in the set. It is the property of a material which presents that how easily the two pieces of material can be welded together by applying pressure or heat or both. Do you know what those are? Add marbles one-by-one to the yoghurt tub until the paper tears. In contrast, chemical properties are those that can only be observed and measured by performing a chemical reaction, thus changing the molecular structure of the sample. Also, evaporation occurs at the surface of a liquid as individual particles gain enough energy to overcome the forces holding them in the liquid and become individual particles in the gas state. The boiling point of water at sea level is _______. Can you think of at least three different ways to boil water? Repeating an experiment and calculating an average value helps to eliminate errors, or results that arise by chance (or luck). Why do you say so? Why would plastic shopping bags need to be strong? For instance, we can describe a metal by saying that it is strong and durable. For gravity calculation generally water is considered as a reference substance. Hardenability. The best graph is obtained when the water is stirred gently throughout; this ensures that the water is heated uniformly. At sea level (close to the ocean) water boils at 100°C. Not all substances melt at 0°C either. The heat energy from the flame on the burning wick is transferred to the wax causing the temperature of the wax to rise. Say. Theoretically it is equal to the melting point. The boiling point of water also depends on the purity of the water. (If you cannot get hold of marbles you could try finding small stones or pebbles that are more or less the same size. Note: An exception is water which actually expands when it becomes a solid (ice). How would you test which paper is the strongest? Most people will immediately think of plastics! What does it mean when a material is flexible? The concept of making predictions in science investigations is introduced here. Water runoff can also contaminate water supplies. Their boiling points will be slightly higher than that of pure water, but this is because adding some substances to water elevates the boiling point of the solution. You need to control all other variables so that the only thing you are changing is the type of paper. When boiling starts the temperature of the water remains constant. Afterwards, she draws the the following graph: At what temperature does the unknown liquid boil? Why do you say so? The physical properties of matter are any properties that can be perceived or observed without changing the chemical identity of the sample. What other properties of metals do you remember? Would it perhaps be safer in the event of an accident? You may remember that properties are distinctive characteristics that describe an object or material. When writing a conclusion, you must go back to look at your initial aim. Why do you say so? Physical Properties. Where, ‘Q’ is the amount of heat required/released by material (in joule), ‘m’ is the mass of material (in Kg). Physical and Social Properties of Materials . Embedded videos, simulations and presentations from external sources are not necessarily covered Encourage them to also think of not-so-obvious uses for old shopping bags, like making artworks or weaving mats for instance. Water boils at 100°C at sea level and at temperatures slightly below that at elevated altitudes. This is also an extension question as we have not specifically dealt with heat conductivity yet in this grade, but it has been covered in previous grades. Existing models This section reviews the existing analytical models for effective physical properties of heterogeneous materials, including thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion, electric conductivity, dielectric constant (permittivity) and mechanical modulus. Learners could be encouraged to look for signs of these treatments. The test tube containing the ethanol or methanol should be suspended in a beaker of tap water, and slowly heated. It is denoted by ‘L’. Physical properties materials testing and measurement. A. South Africa is still one of the top gold mining countries in the world. Learners could be reminded that the dependent variable is the one that was 'measured' or observed; in this case the temperature of the water as it increased with time. Physical properties testing expertise includes key physical property characteristics for a wide range of materials. They are not really compressible either. You could let the learners cut the paper into strips of 20 x 5 cm each, or you could do this beforehand to save time. Above the proportional limit a material function in a plastic manner, while below the proportional limit it behaves as an elastic Enter your email below to receive FREE informative articles on Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SCADA System: What is it? We also briefly mentioned how some materials can conduct heat better than others. Do you think the ethanol will start to boil? The first part of the graph is a horizontal line, then the graph goes up (the line has a positive slope). Why should we always think about the impact on the environment when we manufacture or use a particular material? If you have time you can also test some other materials such as plastic shopping bags or aluminium foil. Note: It is better to use crushed ice rather than larger blocks of ice, because it gives better contact between the thermometer bulb and the ice. The ways we use materials and the processes we use to produce them always have an impact on the environment. This is a lot of detail and not necessary for the learners to know about at this stage. Plasticity. Some examples are: Ice cream, butter, and chocolate. When the material is solidifies, these gases get evaporated and leave behind voids. These materials are widely used as sensors in different environments. The plasticity of a material is its ability to undergo some permanent deformation without … Physical Properties of Materials for Kids | A Video Created by The Pique LabWhat are the physical properties of materials? Water boils at a lower temperature at higheraltitudes (for example, on a mountain) because the air pressure is less. Boiling occurs within the liquid when enough particles escape en masse and form bubbles of gas in the liquid. Since we have no real measure of the energy added to the water, but since we do know that the energy was added at a constant rate, we can use the time that the water was heated as our independent variable. First, let's check if everyone knows that there is a difference between the words heat and temperature. We always have to weigh up the advantages against the disadvantages when we choose materials for a particular job. Play an interactive game based on the melting points of solids. Learners should be encouraged at this stage to start thinking about scientific processes and products in terms of their advantages and disadvantages. A material that conducts heat well is said to have a high heat conductivity. 2. What do you think happened to the water when it boiled? Physical properties refer to properties that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the material. A safe way of heating ethanol or methanol to its boiling point is shown in the following diagram. Do you think the ice would melt at a temperature that is higher, lower or the same as the melting point you just measured? Melting is when a solid changes into a liquid. This is called heat conductivity. The thermal conductivity of a material can be defined as “the amount of heat transmitted by unit thickness of material normal to the unit area surface in unit time when the temperature gradient across the material piece is unity in steady state condition”. Time intervals would depend on the volume of water. Water which contains impurities (such as salt or sugar) boils at a higher temperature than pure water. The principle of thermal equilibrium means that the water and ethanol/methanol will be at the same temperature, so the temperature of the water can be substituted for the temperature of the ethanol/methanol. Hypothesising, accessing and recalling information, doing investigation, observing, recording information, interpreting information, writing, Activity: Boiling and melting points of other substances, Reading, plotting data on graph, comparing, writing, Activity: Environmental impact of material production, Accessing and recalling information, reading and writing. Bulk density 2. Papers in which the fibers are longer and more tightly packed are also stronger, and coating the paper with a super thin layer of plastic also adds additional strength. The ice would melt at the same temperature because the melting point stays the same. It is denoted by ‘σ’. However, if you would also like to look at melting point of ice, this second part has been included in the teachers guide later. (b) Physical properties (density, specific heat, melting and boiling point, thermal expansion and conductivity, electrical and magnetic properties) ), How long does it take for the unknown liquid to start boiling? (Think of things that melt easily when it is hot outside. These trees also use a lot of water and prevent anything from growing underneath them. Bubbles of water vapour then form in the liquid and rise up. Most plastics can easily be melted and moulded into different shapes for different purposes. Materials that can be hammered into thin sheets are called _______. We are going to do an investigation to find out! The change in length of an object due change in temperature is related by “Coefficient of linear thermal expansion”. The material senses the force of an impact on the car and sends an electric charge to activate the airbag. Learners should be encouraged to think about the different states of matter in terms of the particle model which was first introduced in Gr 6 and is built upon more next year in Gr 8. The melting point is not affected. In order to melt ice, we need to add energy to it to raise the temperature to melting point. Water absorption 12. Shape m… Why do you say so? Record your measurements in a table in the space provided. Can you imagine your world without paper? Water permeability 13. What do you think causes one paper to be stronger than another? Huge amounts of land are destroyed when mining coal. She places the unknown liquid in a beaker and carefully heats it on a hot plate. The right side of the graph, where the slope is positive, shows that the temperature was going up. There is a huge amount of air pollution from paper-making factories, which contributes to a build up in greenhouse gases. Remember that when you want to take the temperature, the thermometer must not be touching the sides. Investigation: What is the boiling point of water? 1. The first part of the graph has a positive slope, then the graph becomes a horizontal line. We use this information to present the correct curriculum and The reverse process, when steam turns back to water, is called condensation. No, of course not! Encourage learners to write what they think of the golden car, what their thoughts and feelings are. Allow learners to discuss how to test how strong a material is for a few minutes and come up with a few ideas. This video shows you how to use a laboratory thermometer. Let's now investigate boiling and melting. When water is boiled over a bigger flame, it will boil more quickly (sooner). It is denoted by “αL” Evaporation can take place at any temperature. Unit of αA is per oC. Note: Once again, this has been included to bring learners to the realisation that a fixed amount of energy will be needed to melt a fixed amount of ice. These properties determine how these different materials are used. Author: Zwikker, C. Title: Physical Properties of Solid Materials Publication: London: Pergamon Press, 1954 Edition: First printing Description: First printing.Hardcover. Learners may also remember that metals are ductile. What did you see when the water started to boil? Do not answer this question directly, but rather use it to introduce the next activity. Measure the temperature of the ice-water-mixture every three minutes. Melting occurs at the melting point which is 0°C. 5 and have revised again here. How can we explain the term 'boiling point'? It is the ability of a material to attain the hardness by heat treatment processing. It is denoted by “ρ”. 5. ductile: the property of a material that allows it to be drawn out into a wire. Some learners may also say that because it is so valuable, it might get stolen. This is the second part of the investigation if you would like to look at melting point of ice. The unknown liquid starts to boil after approximately 40 minutes. [1 mark]. Unit of αL is per oC. CAPS suggests that this investigation could be performed on `other liquids' such as orange juice, apple juice and cola. At what temperature do you think water will freeze? Hint: Also think about what you learnt about in Life and Living about biodiversity. Discuss with your partner why you think this is happening to the wax. Perhaps the person was used to heating water on the stove in a metal kettle. It is … Once all the ice was melted the temperature of the water started to go up. Metals conduct electricity and heat. We have seen that strength and durability are desirable properties in some materials. Take the average of the number of marbles. Water is a liquid at 25°C. Δt is rise in temperature. Why do you think plastics can be 'melted and moulded' with ease? Can you remember what properties are? Porosity 3. Video on the environmental impact of coal mining in South Africa. The change in area of an object due change in temperature is related by “Coefficient of Area thermal expansion”. Another property of materials is how well they can conduct electricity. The following diagram summarises what we have learned so far. The set of characteristics that describe a material are called the properties of that material. The boiling point of methanol is the same as that of the unknown liquid, namely 65°C. Coefficient of Area Thermal Expansion At what temperature does water boil? Suggest three possible uses of a material that is a good conductor of heat. Some learners may know that water boils at a temperature around 100°C (100 degrees Celsius), depending on factors such as altitude above sea level and atmospheric pressure. Next year, learners will look at the Particle Model of Matter, and within this, cover density and the contraction and expansion of materials. Let's make some predictions. The particles in liquids are also close to each other, but they are not in fixed positions and can move around, that means liquids can fill the container they are in. Describe what you think the paper is made of. This is because you want it to be a fair test - each piece of paper must be tested fairly and equally. Different thermometers from different batches might also give slightly different readings. Use the space provided to draw your own table to record your results. What happened to the temperature of the water when it started to boil? We can think of certain properties of materials in terms of advantages and disadvantages. If you have time, you can also test different kinds of materials, such as a plastic shopping bag, aluminium foil or plastic wrap. Coefficient of softening 15. The changes in the physical properties of a system can be used to describe its changes between momentary states. Below are a number of short sentences. Note: Once all the ice has melted, the temperature of the water begins to rise. Coal mining in South Africa also has a major impact on the environment. The difference between a physical and chemical property is straightforward until the phase of the material is considered. Perhaps you measured the boiling point of the water as slightly less than 100°C. The local habitats are affected by the digging of the hole, the roads that are built and the other infrastructure put in place. FALSE: There are a few alternative true statements possible: FALSE: At sea level, water boils at 100°C. Be careful not to drop it or bump it against the bottom or sides of the beaker. Learners can come up with their own reasons here. To have a high heat conductivity the strip physical properties of materials paper filled in for part 1 to give some! 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