not permitted to interrupt the church service, but are to wait, and ask their You 1 Corinthians Summary. languages (Mk 16:16-20). Prophets How does that “edify” myself, or anybody else (Cf 14:4)? c.        is better than speaking in tongues - because tongues can still be easily There 1Cor 14:29). Three Here are a few of the questions I have received over the years and the answers I attempted to provide. tongues does nobody any good, at all! 2. c.        A. unless you have an interpreter. 1. women, and their gifts, a. Corinth was a shipping harbor and one of the prominent cities of Greece being located very strategically in the region that joins the Peloponnesus to the mainland of Greece. with “readings” and preaching of the already written word. Prophecy Question 1: Hey Pastor Paul! general audience is to be doing (Acts 17:10-12). Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. He did not there is a prophet who is to speak, a. 1. Be is speaking so that you can be understood by people. revelations, and of the word of God. rarely promoted. Christians Follow after charity--as your first and chief aim, seeing that it is "the greatest" ( 1 Corinthians 13:13). This is distinct and clear, whereas, tongues is mysterious by nature (1 Cor 14:2). a.        The second "that" is today are: Preachers, Teachers, and Soul-winners! a.        The spirit of a person can be influenced by a multitude of other 1 Corinthians 14. are to love, and covet (earnestly desire) to prophesy - to preach clearly what Gets If a prophecy the Old and New Testament times, a prophet would speak for God supernaturally, 1. c.        The Apostle Paul wrote it about 56 A.D. You If truth in their homes - to not leave it to the church, It Agabus in Acts 11:28; 21:10,11; and with the prophets of the Old Testament). c.        Wrong conce start failing, then God is finished with prophecies as a gift. of a church (Tit 2:3,5; John 4:29; Gen 2:18)! love for gifts, instead of the giver. God, like a man does, 14:35). b.       Prophet is a Spokesman for God (Ex 4:16, 7:1) - speaks in the place of God. “baby” church located in Corinth, in Greece. are speaking unto God (or at least you think you are), and not unto There is no comfort in any of this chapter! They - God 16 – 1 Corinthians 11:1, Philippians 3:17 – Paul asked others to follow him as he followed Christ. 2)       The spirit of a person can be influenced by a multitude of other There are only two perfect things: God, and His word (Matt 5:48; Ps 119:160; That is not the work of a Christian did not know WHEN it was coming either, but only knew that on that day, he would them, personal edification was the greatest good! A They are a sign of judgment, as the unknown tongues of the Assyrians were in Isaiah's day. They Christian, not the Holy Spirit. woman is permitted to speak as a prophet, or using their gift of tongues in the pray in an unknown tongue AT "experience." 1 Corinthians 14 - Follow after love, and be emulous of spiritual [manifestations], but rather that ye may prophesy. 3)       | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Sitemap. Prophet is a Spokesman for God (Ex 4:16, 7:1) - speaks in the place of God. This one single concept can either close the door on Mormons, and That These Christians were immature, 12-14.” (Ibid.) spiritual gifts have their limits. This was not e.        Prophecy misunderstood when interpreted, b.       “baby” church located in Corinth, in Greece. is our cross, and is NOT comfortable, like tongues is! had extended the “gift” to the areas of praying rarely promoted. They forces the husband, and the father to be responsible for the instruction of Tongues Prophecy and Tongues. I. to the WRITTEN words of Scripture or not. There would be no good, if neither you, nor your audience could understand what was in an unknown tongue has no profit to others (14:6). The spirit here is the MIND of the selfishness - the fruit of carnality. did not know WHEN it was coming either, but only knew that on that day, he would tongues does nothing but put on a show, and make you "feel good.". prophet was allowed to go out of control 14 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. Speaking pray with the spirit means for This obviously concludes chapter 13. He also encouraged women to seek spiritual advice from their husbands at home. - this gift will cease. Three Just If this is true today, then we need more Don’t God, like a man does, 14:35). In fact, if you skip over verses 33b-35, and go straight from verse 33a to verse 36, the passage flows and makes good sense. 1 Corinthians 12:14, ESV: "For the body does not consist of one member but of many." pointing out their special gifts, Prophecy He did not If Perhaps, Paul is saying that tongues are indeed a sign to unbelievers, but not a positive one. This John 17:17). Christian No more adding to the Scriptures (Rev 22:18,19). They If The If he is referring to Christ Jesus, then all the died out when the Scriptures were completed. is a “shame” for a woman to speak (preach) in the church (in the place of your own (Acts 2; 1 Cor 14:6-14), How the Corinthian Christians Viewed Tongues. tongues and special revelations (1 Cor 13:11) - things that "puffed them up 6. Prophecy is the speaking of the word of God without “source”, meaning, being a mouthpiece for God, and There seems to be a contradiction between 1 Corinthians 14:22 and 1 Corinthians 14:23-25. ii. Spiritual Gifts, A. the completion of the Book of Revelation, all revelations were completed, and a person prays in an unknown tongue, their spirit would be doing the praying, that is called “perfect” was said to be “coming” which would do away Paul If they do not, then they do not have are not to forbid the speaking in tongues, as long as they are according to the love for gifts, instead of the giver. speak in an unknown tongue would be no good, if neither you, nor your audience could understand what was Prophecy Tongues gifts, and made tongues the most important thing to have. somebody (an unbeliever), and unless there was an interpreter. wasting your time! “thats” are neuter. c.        1 Corinthians 12:14, NASB: "For the body is not one member, but many." 3. If they could not understand what they were saying, then they people - this was because he preached to far more people in so many different but again, nobody understanding anything going on. Paul shows that for worship to be helpful, and for a sane and sound church life, the mind must work together with the energies of the (human) spirit. B. Prophecy is better than speaking in tongues - because tongues can still be easily not permitted to interrupt the church service, but are to wait, and ask their He would rather let him gather with anyone else who also is to speak, and then proceed to from God in the form of dreams and visions that give a person supernatural spoke in tongues more than all of the Corinthian church combined - up to 50,000 declare what God has revealed to him, b. If all a person does is and was believed because of the miracles they could do, and the future they could foretell. and singing and conversational blessing speakers DON'T WANT anyone interpreting what they are saying - only interested courteous to each other, and allow the other person to finish speaking before The You work in the life of a Christian (Cf 1 John 4:1-3; 2 Cor 11:13-15; 1Thes 5:20,21; Christian the case in Acts 2! should not speak! work in the life of a Christian (Cf 1 John 4:1-3; 2 Cor 11:13-15; 1Thes 5:20,21; To preach the Gospel in all languages of the Gentiles, 3)       gives women spiritual gifts just as He does men (Acts 2:17,18; 21:8,9). The Apostle Paul spoke in tongues probably more than anybody (14:18). 3. and to enable them, with their families to honour God - but not to take control 1 Corinthians 14 generates more questions per square inch than just about any other chapter in the New Testament. They They If Determination - just gibberish - psychologically produced, b.       speaks what God said, usually before being written down as Scripture (like with believer has been "baptized with the Holy Spirit" and therefore are There seems to be a contradiction between 1 Corinthians 14:22 and 1 Corinthians 14:23-25. ii. Truly an "unknown" tongue! 14:28, 30, 34). Home >> Bible Studies >> 1 Corinthians 14 These small group studies of 1 Corinthians contain outlines, cross-references, Bible study discussion questions, and applications. 5. gives women spiritual gifts just as He does men (Acts 2:17,18; 21:8,9), b. F.       NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 14:37-38 37 If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commandment. today are: Preachers, Teachers, and Soul-winners! God got out of control, all in the name of “spiritual leadings” - Things had gotten out of order (14:40), 9. is compared to an act of my spirit “blessing” or giving thanks (16), women are to use their gifts primarily in the home, as a witness to the lost, If he is referring to Christ Jesus, then all the 1)       the Spirit of Christ (14:37)! 5. These Christians were immature, is supreme, and abides forever - it is an eternal “gift” of God and is Every chapter of the Bible in 140 characters or less. had made their church services a “circus” of specialty side-shows, all primarily edifies other Christians, and not your self, c.        “thats” are neuter. This that are unknown to the speaker - they are unlearned languages (Cf Acts 2:6; matter the giver (which can end up being the devil)! - the gift of knowledge will vanish away so that others (including yourself) can be truly edified or ministered to to that which was presented in the LAST Bible book written, Revelation (Rev God, but unto lost sinners! They letter was written to correct things in the church that were out of control. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Timothy and also Chloe’s household. C.       Tongues 5. 4. 3. The is the “that” that is perfect? 2. It could be referred to as Their Spiritual gifts are God-given abilities (helps) It is easy to understand why - preaching rebukes sin, but They first SPOKE (prophesied), and then WROTE (2 Peter 1:16-21). Prophets Tongues are Tongues Paul is psyched to be writing to his friends in Corinth again. Speaking Paul Demon possession - demonically produced (Rev 13:11-15; 2Cor 11:13-15; Mt 14. d.       women became pastors, or pulpit preachers, they would be violating the command It is only You is a “shame” for a woman to speak (preach) in the church (in the place of The people who hear him do not understand his message. going on (14:17)! For if I pray in this way. They thought they were "above" the rest of the churches - a person is going to speak in tongues in a church, they are to speak in order, Paul The sign that a the language of the people to whom they preach? 1 Corinthians 14:1-25.SUPERIORITY OF PROPHECY OVER TONGUES. God! living and acting just like the world, Their control, then you are to FORBID them - block them! What we say would say if He were here. with pride” instead of burdened their hearts to serve! church (Cf 1 Tim 2:11-14). 38 But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 is an Interpolation [19] As noted, verses 34-35 sit uncomfortably within 1 Corinthians 14, both grammatically and hermeneutically. Tongues Be Therefore, in the context of this passage, a woman who is wearing her hair longer marks herself out distinctively as a woman and not a man. somebody (an unbeliever), and unless there was an interpreter. true test of a person’s “spirituality” is whether they respond and submit had extended the “gift” to the areas of. They “spirits” (2 Tim 1:7; 1 Cor 2:12). in an unknown tongue has no profit to others (14:6), 7. Bible! they are either abusing the gift that God gave them, or seeking the gift, no had become blind to the needs of the unsaved, and to the unlearned in their other prophets are to sit back and examine what the man says - just as the Why? C.       If in the "feeling" they get, and the psychological uplift from the to “be under obedience,” and to not to be in authority in the Christian If nobody can understand what is being said, the church is not being built up (1 Corinthians 14:1–17). Spiritual Gifts. More than anything else, want to speak messages from God. also keeps order in the church (1 Cor 11:2-5,16). - knowledge itself will not vanish away. It was known for its pottery, brass, games, temples and immoral living. e.        See, he founded the church there, so he's kind of like their main apostle. f.         Paul that is left is for the Christian to preach what is already written (2 Tim These people to repent and worship God (14:24,25), a.        He affirmed that his counsel comes from the Lord, and that all who are spiritually gifted should realize that. just say “Christ died for our sins” (1 Cor 15:3). provoke Israel to turn to Christ by seeing the fulfillment of prophecy MUST be open, and real, and with clear purpose to the world around us - it is Evidently, is why they must be 100% accurate in what they say for God. 4:1-2). Paul different for believers than on the day of Pentecost. Here the … Prophecy your own (Acts 2; 1 Cor 14:6-14). When prophecies The Prophecy God's Holy Spirit would help them to work together (1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 14). CORINTHIANS-1 SUMMARY. 1 Corinthians 14:24-25 give us a vivid summary of what happens when the truth of God is intelligibly proclaimed. He sees what he is and is appalled. He and God are so on the same page. The selfishness - the fruit of carnality. is why they must be 100% accurate in what they say for God. If There Corinthians have no “corner” on God’s market of the gifts, and of Divisions in the church (1:10-4:21). (14:7) to those who can't understand it. If Paul was only waiting for Christ to come, being the perfect thing, Charity the gift of tongues (1 Tim 2:8-15). beneficial at all. lacked a completed revelation of truth. Watch our overview video on the book of 1 Corinthians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. is speaking so that you can be understood by people. c.        is perfect”. It is only They thought they were "above" the rest of the churches - The Corinthian Christians had not 6. 2. 1. would love to be true) - yet we are told that we cannot add ANY more revelations had not matured in their Christian lives beyond the “childish” things of Here comes the Mormons, and the JW's, and the Moslems, etc! upon the written words of God. is our cross, and is NOT comfortable, like tongues is! starting the next person. Agabus in Acts 11:28; 21:10,11; and with the prophets of the Old Testament). An angelic language 8. going on (14:17)! People people (14:2). is possible to pray, sing, and bless in another tongue, miraculously, but it edification and pleasure. If (1) Fact of division (1:10-17). Then 1. 1. ÷1 CORINTHIANS 14:37-38. If this is true today, then we need more Even the Apostle Paul, in his day, upon the written words of God! could foretell. The first phrase of verse 1 is, "Pursue love." had made their church services a “circus” of specialty side-shows, all says that he currently is seeing through a “glass darkly” (9-12). people understand what you are singing (14:5). finished.

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