Commonly referred to as "the Federation", it was introduced in … 2018: Major understandings in Quantum Physics create entire new fields of exploration; applying this knowledge to space travel is of keen interest. Supreme Commander is a real-time strategy video game designed by Chris Taylor and developed by his company, Gas Powered Games. This idea was eventually accepted, and the Conference ended up proposing the Constitution of the Earth International Federation. "Fatboy" Mobile Factory: A tracked mobile base that can crawl across land and the ocean floor. Over 110 colonies begin their own colonization efforts. As the social strata stabilized, Sol's corporations began to take advantage of the burgeoning economy. The United Earth Federation is the "core human" faction, representing the natural technological evolution of modern human technology. United Earth continued to exist as political subdivision of the United Federation of Planets, of which which it helped found in 2161. Their main focus is their military might and their prime virtue is order. The United Earth Federation takes its name from the first government formed by humans after the Warp War, an homage to humanity's collective will to cooperate in the era before the Neo-Earth Directorate assumed despotic control over what was left of mankind. (ST performance: Star Trek Live) Starfleet was chartered in the early 22nd century, presumably as a branch of the United Earth Space Pro… Secret 'loyalty' programming installed in all Symbionts is activated. The United Earth Federation is one of the four main factions. The government grew more and more corrupt and plutocratic, following in the footsteps of hyper-capitalist nations from centuries past. You may also be looking for the Federation Starfleet. As a result of the better armor, UEF units often last longer in combat but are not as capable of dealing damage as effectively as Aeon units. or Earth, is a federal planetary republic composed of 50 countries, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. However since the latest patch it has become much cheaper but at the cost of losing its perfect accuracy, although it will still hit within its blast radius of the target. Throughout the colonization period, the Earthcom is called on to quell all manners of disturbances ranging from colony disputes to full rebellions, with minimal loss of EarthCom life. 1.1. It has a variety of weapons, including 4 battleship turrets, as seen on the Summit, multiple torpedo tubes and anti-aircraft capability. Requires a very long time to build, and has very high energy costs. Their ACU pilots are also heavily genetically engineered, with complex skills embedded in their genes from birth and a strong focus on unthinking loyalty. After several MTFs are sent to kill D-Class personnel and the multiple requests sent from Captain Calliope to O5 were denied by the latter, Pi-2 left the Foundation, where it begins its traditions from a terrorist network, then a federal defense army, and to the UEF. Acting in a severe and often draconian manner, EarthCom made the difficult decisions that politicians, mired in corruption and their own self-interest, could not. This is considered to be the best naval unit in the game, due to the fact it has extreme power as an anti-air or anti-submersible unit. The suppression was brutally successful, the utter opposite of the Directorate's failed attempts to maintain control just before its fall. In addition to fighting both the Cybrans and the. In Gundam, no individual nations are mentioned or continue to exist. The space fortress Calliope Station, which served as the planetary administration's base of operations, was attacked and occupied by the Rebel forces. 5.3. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Earth is the homeworld of the Humans and the Voth, among others, and is the capital planet of the United Federation of Planets. It is highly similar to the governmental system of 21st Century America, differing in the major sense that federal territories do not have the power to self-govern; all are ultimately beholden to the central government. Earth leaders were quick to realise that a radical change in economic and political governance was needed in order for the system to survive without the resources of the colonies. "For the Federation I will give my life!" As a planetary state, United Earth was represented in the Coalition of Planets and, later, the United Federation of Planets. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. The UEF developed from the ashes of the Earth Empire, and now seeks to reunite humanity and restore Earth's control over the galaxy. The Fatboy can construct Tech 1 and 2 land units at high speed and can repair and re-arm aircraft, but can only do any of this when on land, where underwater the only three abilities it retains is shielding, torpedoes, and storage of aircraft. Insects are sent first, followed by mice. For this reason, UEF communities very rarely contain vagabonds and homeless individuals. 1 History 1.1 Origins 2 Government and politics 2.1 overview here 2.2 Foreign relations 3 Economy 4 Military 5 Sphere of influence 5.1 Colonies "Mavor" Strategic Artillery: An extremely expensive artillery structure, the Mavor can fire extraordinarily accurate artillery shells across the largest of scenarios (the accuracy has been reduced with recent patches, more specifically the 3251 patch), thanks to it being stationary. (E… Positively contributing to society and personal improvement is a way of life for UEF citizens. The United Planet of Earth (UPE), commonly known as the United Earth (U.E.) The shells are of the same basic design as the UEF's nuclear weapons, and they arm in mid-air to prevent accidental detonation. The United Earth Alliance was a government in an Alternate universe dubbed Universe 116-A. Places are mentioned by what landmass or region they are in, such as New York City (or New Yark, … Unlike the other two factions however, the UEF employs wide-scale genetic modification programs among their own populace designed to help 'facilitate' order and control, a holdover from the old Earth Empire's policy. (TNG: \"The Outcast\"; ENT: \"Zero Hour\", \"These Are the Voyages...\") The seeds of the Federation were planted during the Babel Crisis of 2154, during which a temporary alliance was formed to search for a Romulan drone ship preying on local vessels. the human race). Legislature Welcome to The United Federation of Earth. Its weapon choice usually makes UEF units to be of limited efficiency against moving targets, as projectiles aren't too good at tracking targets, but their sheer power can do serious damage to structures and slow-moving units. They also have some of the biggest trade-offs for certain abilities that are included in their experimentals. Starfleet was chartered in the early 22nd century, presumably as a branch of the United Earth Space Probe Agency. Elections for congressmembers and senators occur once every couple of years. Government officials included ministers. Earth2308 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Despite the best efforts of the military, civil war erupted. The UEF or The United Earth Federation are the Human Faction in the Supreme Commander Franchise. 2316: The First Great Expansion begins. Founded in 2161 in the aftermath of the Earth-Romulan War, the Federation was an outgrowth of an alliance between several worlds, including Earth, Vulcan, Andor, Tellar and Alpha Centauri, among others. 217 likes. " For the next decade, brutal fighting ensued throughout Sol, mostly concentrated on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn and in space around them. The Earth Federation (EF) is the central civilian government that administers Earth and it's colonies throughout the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies. Type Plutocratic Representative Democracy Population The UEF military also has an expeditionary force, the Saviour Fle… The military has an army, air force, marine corps, and navy. 2025: A single cesium atom is successfully transported 10 feet through a 'Quantum Tunnel' in a laboratory. 2924: The Earth Empire has lost control of most of its territory. UEF military is more conventional-styled than the others, relying on "classic" weaponry like battle tanks and projectile weapons such as bullets and explosives. Since the 1970s, earth was almost always attacked by Alien force that attempted to colonized the planet or get resources. It derives its name as the "King of the Sea" due to its heavy armor. This is fundamentally different from the “teleportation” experiments done during the turn of the century which merely “copied” matter- using quantum tunnels, scientists actually transport the same matter to a different location. 2678: Some Symbionts flee and form the foundations of the. Also, sometimes tacked-on, but effective abilities are observed, such as Radar jamming on the Thunderhead or personal shielding on the Titan. 2108: The first extra-solar human colony is established on a planet in the nearby Alpha Centauri system. The Rebellion categorically denied having anything to do with the attack, while the UEF government pinned the blame entirely on them. Instead, it has The Chamber of Judges, an organized voting panel similar to Congress which includes all District Judges across the Federation. Unlike the government it was modeled after, the Federation has no supreme court. 이런 뼈를 깎는 노력 끝에 100년간의 내전을 종식시키고 사회 안정을 되찾은 군부는 마침내 통합지구연방(United Earth Federations) 건국을 선언한다. Those rich enough to live on the Earth's surface, or on Mars experience lavish comforts only possible with modern technology and have access to highly advanced medical care. 3764: The UEF, Aeon and Cybrans continue to fight over the remains of the old Earth Empire. The United Earth Federation is the New World Order headed in secret by Bellmania. To keep pace with the rapidly-expanding empire, limited-capability military suits are derived from the exosuits used in colonization. The. Rules: 1. The United Earth Federation (or UEF) is the faction representing the interests of a united, Earth-based government. The United Earth Federation is a federal socialist military organization that was formed from the Mobile Task Force Pi-2 by Grant Gerard DuGalle Calliope and Vassily Aleksander Petrenko. United Earth Starfleet is a Star Trek Collaborative Writing Group that takes place in an Alternate Universe where the Federation was not formed. Immediately following the dismantling of the old Directorate, riots and mayhem broke out all throughout Sol. Each has their own opinion on how the government should achieve its goals and whether or not the UEF even has the right to try and restore something that failed so long ago. It is not known whether this Starfleet grew into the United Earth Starfleet, or merely provided the inspiration for it. United Earth, also known as the United Earth Republic, is the world government that formed on Earth during the 22nd century, some fifty years after the Vulcan First Contact in 2063. UEF(The United Earth Federation) 地球を本拠地とする軍事国家で、人類が3派閥に分裂する以前の統一国家Earth Empireの後裔。他の派閥を征服し、銀河を再統一することを目指している。 登場兵器のデザインテイストは現代兵器に 2050: First living mass tests with Quantum Tunnel technology. The U.E. Limited colonization takes place over the next forty years. [12] The planet Earth under a president joined as a founding member the federation. Because of this, they tend to rely more on conventional weapons like bullets and explosives than the other factions. They are in combat with the Cybran Nation (Supreme Commander universe) and the Aeon Illuminate (Supreme Commander universe). It has worked toward that goal by maintaining an iron grip on the new empire, creating a seemingly democratic but practically totalitarian government out of what might be considered the most successful military coup in human history. Anarchy reigns across the galaxy. Note that the Fatboy can protect a limited amount of air units underwater by loading them on the air staging platform and driving underwater. United Earth Federation The United Nations of Earth preset empire is unique in that it can also spawn if Humans spawn in the Sol system as an Early Space Age Pre-FTL society and achieve FTL. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Terran Empire. The United Earth Federation are the "core human" faction, representing the natural technological evolution of modern human technology. In the fictional Star Trek universe, the United Federation of Planets (UFP) is the interstellar government that sent Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and the crew of the starship Enterprise on its mission of peaceful exploration. They are in combat with the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate. Finally, in 2264, the war came to a decisive end when Saturn's regional government was toppled. Which git getz duff'd? It is currently a leading member of the Presidium Alliance. In 1921, with the last nation-states joining, the planet was unified under the United Earth government. The mounting unrest was worsened exponentially in 2240 following the release of an independent investigative journal that exposed the ties between Sol's Big 5 and the UEF government, as well as the activities of those corporations during the Directorate's rule. One day our species will be able to unite as one planet and explore space together forever. The United Earth Federation, known as the Constabulary Federatsiya, is a directorate government. "Atlantis" Submersible Aircraft Carrier: Can hold, refuel, and repair up to 150 aircraft, depending on size. Entire worlds were abandoned and much of the Quantum Gate Network was intentionally destroyed in an effort to isolate the retreating Prime Worlds from the rest of the galaxy. Londonwas the capital of the United Earth Government. The UEF forces are generally more functional than aesthetic, making them the near polar opposite of the Aeon. Sol, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter With the advent of Forged Alliance, the Fatboy's capabilities have been reduced by the large increase in firing randomness in its main guns, as well as its increase in cost. is the government that controls the Earthand it is opposed to the Vers Empire. They see nothing wrong with utilizing technology, including genetic engineering, to help achieve that lau… Founded Tens of thousands of people were killed, and hundreds of thousands more arrested for political crimes. The Federation is a global government that was formed by a 'rich mans' club' of wealthy nations. The Fatboy does have two side-armed riot guns as defense against any land unit that gets in its shield, but these riot guns are not very effective at all, if only for the fact that they only can swivel slightly if they must cope with moving targets. A standalone expansion, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, was released on November 6 … The human/AI pair is called a. In the follow… The United Earth Federation is the "core human" faction, representing the natural technological evolution of modern human technology. However, it makes sense in Star Trek, as morbid a thought that is. However, politics in the UEF are heavily influenced by moneyed interests, especially lobbying from the Big 5 megacorporations. It is currently a leading member of the Presidium Alliance. 1.39 Quintillion Credits 2032: A milligram of iron is successfully transported to the surface of the moon using the combined total output of 25 fission reactors. Meanwhile, those living on Earth's lowest levels or in the sparse parts of the Asteroid Belt exist in states of near-anarchy and absolute squalor. Surviving goliath pilots of the Spartan Company survived within the sector as mercenaries. The United Federation of Planets, commonly the Federation or UFP, is an interstellar political entity founded in the 22nd century. They believe that this is necessary to ensure galactic order and the common good. The UEF was established in 3155 with the passage of the Federal Constitution , succeeding the Earth Empire . 2817: The Aeon attack in force and the Empire loses more territory along the Quarantine Zone. The UEF rulers are expansive, aggressive and authoritarian. 연방과 무한한 전쟁 [편집] The Earth Federation flag features Earth surrounded by eight triangles, representing the seven Sides and the lunar cities,located in a diamond shape on a blue background. They are artisans, athletes, craftsmen, warriors and philosophers. The United Earth Federation (UEF) are the "core human" faction, representing the natural technological evolution of modern human technology. The constitutional document of the Federation is the Federation Charter, which was signed in the 22nd century by founding members Andoria , Earth , Tellar Prime and Vulcan . 2663: The Third Expansion begins. Due to unrest on the frontier, the EarthCom does not send investigation probes to a HAZARD world for over five years. Over this period, they prove their ability to establish and maintain quick and reliable communication and commerce across interstellar distances, effectively govern across those distances, and enforce its laws, trade, population and social programs. They desire stability and order, but their ideas on how this should be achieved vary widely. Instead of nano-fabricating colonization equipment, these suits create limited autonomous military units controlled by a human Commander. After the initial structural changes were in place, the assembly voted on and elected the first executive cabinet and prime minister, who proceeded to not only broker a peace treaty with the Thrakk'l Dominion, but also establish a long-standing trade agreement with it that has lasted for over a century. The UED appears as an. Subject: United Earth Federation (Supreme Commander/SupCom2) <-> Imperium of Man. It has several anti-aircraft surface-to-air missile launchers, but primarily relies on powerful torpedoes (from four torpedo tubes) to inflict damage. is a faction featured in the ALDNOAH.ZERO television series. Unwilling to abandon the wealth of rare materials, the prospect of colonization and all the time and money spent building the jump gate and establishing a presence there, the UEF and ROT joined forces to combat the Krut, and have now been at war against the aliens for nearly 40 years. 1 History 1.1 Origins 2 Government and politics 2.1 overview here 2.2 Foreign relations 3 Economy 4 Military 5 Sphere of influence 5.1 Colonies 2525: The Second Expansion begins. Civilians are not discrimin… Finally, larger animals are sent. Sean Christopher was an early trainer there. The United Earth Federation rises in its place. 3256: The old Earth Empire is officially dissolved. It is not known whether this Starfleet grew into the United Earth Starfleet, or merely provided the inspiration for it. At this juncture Starfleet did not actually control any space vehicles. Earth (or Sol III, or Terra or Tellus) is the inhabited third planet of the Sol system. The UEF rulers are expansive, aggressive, and authoritarian. GDP Before the Dominion War - Before the borg were ever a threat - you had empires just trying to make it. The UEF, as stated above, was formed from Mobile Task Force Pi-2, a military force dedicated to the SCP Foundation. The Symbiont program operates on a volunteer-only basis, with all UEF citizenry eligible for the process. The UEF seek to unify the once great Empire that is now splintered. The 7th Battalion and 5th Military Brigade and SOCOM Forces was in fact the largest forces; it was stationed in the DSS Aleksander for debriefs, objectives, and operations. Their main focus is their military might, and their prime virtue is order. Before the Dominion War - Before the borg were ever a threat - you had empires just trying to make it. The Earth government further refines their use of social, economic, genetic and political programs to maintain order and control. This page is dedicated to the unification of the peoples of earth. 1. The United Earth Federation (UEF) are the "core human" faction, representing the natural technological evolution of modern human technology. The average UEF citizen is not too different from a 20th-21st century Earth citizen. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. These included the African Confederation, Canada, the European Alliance, Russia, and the United States of America. The UEF represents the "core" of humanity, the natural evolution of our modern society, untouched by alien influence or cybernetic enhancements. Since the 2270s, the UEF has stabilized at home, the constant war bringing great wealth to its industries, and the Federation's megacorporations are more successful than ever. The United Earth is a founding member of the United Federation of Planets, Galactic Bank, Interstellar Monetary Fund, Organization of Terran Worlds (OTC), and other intergalactic organizations. This is the primary reason for the continued conflict between the Cybran Nation and the UEF. Spiderbots and the Galactic Colossus lose out to its huge range, but is vulnerable to faster, lighter units, such as air units. 2612: The Symbiont program successfully completes its R&D phase. The Mavor does not possess as much HP as the other experimentals, so it is important to protect during and after construction, preferably with multiple Heavy Shield Generators and T3 SAM Turrets as Strategic Bombers are usually considered the biggest threat. They are in combat with the Cybran Nation and the Aeon Illuminate. The successor to the United Nations , it was formed by merging three superpowers of Earth (the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations , the Advanced European Union and the Human Reform League ). The United Planets in Legion of Super-Heroes is (much like the United Federation of Planets in Star Trek) alternately this trope or the United Nations in space, depending on the needs of the story, During the following century, the Earth government adjusts to remotely governing an empire of colonies connected by Quantum Gates. So far, no intelligent alien life has ever been found; many now assume that there is no other intelligent life in the galaxy. 1 History 2 Government 3 Military 3.1 Earth System Peacekeeping Force 3.2 Praetorians 4 Infrastructure 4.1 Space Travel 4.2 Surface-to-Orbit Transport 5 Map The federation government consists of a central assembly where each country and colony is a member of with equal standing. They favor heavy armor over movement speed and weaponry power. Additionally they hold emergency power and executive privilege. Millions of people died in the initial explosion, which wiped out over twenty cubic kilometers of the planetary ecumenopolis, and tens of millions more injured or sickened. As chaos engulfed the interstellar empire, the military, under the aegis of the Earth Command, stepped forward to restore order. It was the closest territory to Earth that the rebels had managed to seize, and the situation frightened Federation lawmakers. The Federation's territories each constitute a Judicial District, and each district is headed by a District Judge. 2192 AD. UEF colonists really band together when times are tough. While the latest patches have made it slightly less godlike, it is still worth the investment as it is a rather cheap experimental that excels at its task. Faction featured in the sector and sends commanders be reminiscent of older and! 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