Francis speaks on Antipope and Antichrist One bit of news that was totally drowned out by Francis’ visit to the United States was the in-flight press conference he gave on leaving Cuba on September 22. Thomas reminds us to stay motivated by charity, using a respectful, kindly tone, and to leave just authorities to mete out any punishments due. #popeemeritusbenedictxvi #popebenedictxvi #popefrancis #donaldtrump #presidenttrump #potus #joebiden #pope #antipope #president #antipresident #politics #media #faith #vatican #washingtondc #tmbnews #infowars… But the part where you, in effect, are saying, “What difference does it make?” reminds me of a politician who said exactly the same thing in a situation in which it really DID matter. Find the differences… . Be still and see that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, and I will be exalted in the earth. In the world today, it is always a case of following the money. We can agree that a good job has been done. BTW….mundabor is an embarrassment; his crass way of speaking, as someone who runs a supposed “Catholic” blog, is sickening. Pope Francis clearly and undeniably speaks heresies – but if he accepts correction and retracts his heretical statements (I know, big “IF” there), then all is well…right? The only difference between the Popes is that The Catholic Pope is a King Tiered title while the Fraticelli Pope is Duke Tiered. There are many different schools of thought on the concept of a pertinacious, notorious public heretic either not being able to become a Pope in the first place, or what is more problematical, ceasing to be Pope while he is in office. All of the acts of office?”. If it was not, then the “Buona Sera” that was delivered from the loggia of St. Peter’s on 13 March of that year came from the lips of an anti-pope. Mundy doesnt know the difference between a pope who is a moral degenerate and a “pope” who espouses heresy. ... best governing dude in a white cassock ever--a clone of Pius X or Leo the Great--won't really be Pope. As Benedict's successor, Francis' liberal and minimalistic beliefs are a stark … To me, that's the main difference between our faith and all others in the world, including atheism (even though there is no such thing) The Difference between Process and Reality is that Reality Does Not Ever Change, and Process Never Stops Changing. These actions effect the entire Church; indeed, the entire world! Ezekial 34:1-5 5 And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd: and they became the prey of all the beasts of the field, and were scattered. Ann, May he still an about face? There are many different schools of thought on the concept of a pertinacious, notorious public heretic either not being able to become a Pope in the first place, or what is more problematical, ceasing to be Pope while he is in office. Sedes have been saying that the seat has been vacant for decades… took a true piece of excrement like jorgie boy for non-sedes to admit that , yeah….the seat may actually be vacant. (alcoholic beverages) Any mulled wine (traditionally including tokay) considered similar and superior to bishop. Please understand the difference between settled doctrine and tradition which has not yet been defined. I’m desperate! I suggest you study the difference between something that is valid and something that is licit.The popes since Pius xii were and are all valid and licit up to the current pontiff Benedict xvi. While I remain open to being convinced otherwise, my initial thoughts on the matter haven’t changed; on the contrary, in fact. The very best example is given below by Mike, “Huh? So, why even bother to inquire into the matter? From the time of their first meeting in Rome in 1984, our Predecessors of blessed memory, Pope Saint John Paul II and Catholicos Patriarch Mar Dinkha IV, embarked on a journey of dialog… that certain differences in theological expressions are often complementary rather than conflicting… we intend to move forward in mutual recognition and shared witness to the Gospel. The Lost Boys by Walt Disney Studios (movie released 2062). The Contentious Relationship Between Pope Francis and Pope Benedict. Jorge Bergoglio is an antipope, falsely elected in an invalid conclave because Pope Benedict never validly resigned the papacy. He has also leveraged the power of the Petrine Office to decimate a flourishing religious order, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, and this for the high crime of exhibiting “Lefebvrist tendencies” (otherwise known as Catholic tendencies). 1And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: I expect more trials to come, but I understand the jubilant feeling some blogs are expressing right now, as more and more prominent voices are added to ours. An antipope (Latin: antipapa) is a person who, in opposition to the lawful pope, makes a … Not only is Marxism opposed to Christianity but it is also inherently anti-White. Zecheriah 13:7-9 HUGE difference between the two. . In a conclave of 6, including David and his two parents… “. At this point I would refer you to an excellent essay by Fr. When I think of the dire messages given by The Blessed Mother at Quito and LaSalette not to mention the words given to Marie Julie Jahenny concerning the horrors coming to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass , I truly shudder. Cardinal Burke’s and Bishop Schneider’s rumblings are far too timid. 9 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined: and I will try them as gold is tried. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. In the beginning of the 11th century, His Holiness, Pope Benedict VIII was driven from Rome by a usurping antipope named Gregory VI. There is no difference between the two. If we do not have, here below, the earth, well we will at least have heaven, and that is the true future. After serving as bishop of Thérouanne, county of Artois, from 1361, he became archbishop of Cambrai, in the Low Countries, in 1368 and cardinal in 1371. An antipope is a “pope” who is not actually a Pope. -all good things to consider when posting. “. Can you imagine anything that would motivate evil men more than a simultaneous hate of God and love of money converging together in one place, namely at the Vatican? The Petrine Office was instituted by Our Blessed Lord as the “permanent principle” and “visible foundation” by which “the whole multitude of believers should be held together in the unity of faith and communion.” (see Vatican Council I, First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ, Session V, Article 4). The latter is protected by the Holy Ghost, the former is not. My hope is in Our Blessed Mother’s Rosary. [Middle English, from Old French antipape, from Medieval Latin antipāpa : Latin anti-, anti- + pāpa, pope; see pope.] Those of us who believe (rightly) that the pope who is the Supreme Authority of the Church, the Vicar of Christ, the successor of St. Peter, has a duty and responsibility commanded by Christ to go out into the whole world, teaching and preaching the Truth, who is the Person of Christ crucified and resurrected, who sits on the right hand of Father, who is the ruler of Heaven and earth, who will come again in glory to judge the living and dead. Secondly, though he resigned in 1415, his successor, Martin V, wasn’t elected until after Gregory had died in 1417 so there was no Roman Pope (although there was a so-called ‘antipope’ in Avignon) between the time Gregory died and Martin was elected. And yet no dependable Catholic commentator would ever suggest that openly and publicly pondering such atrocities is a waste of time and energy; much less a distraction from the call to sanctity. It seems that the cardinals waited deliberately until he died before electing a successor. dr. Seifert could see how that whole beast would tear the Church apart and become widespread immediately, as it is doing. 5 A confusion in the numbering of popes named John after John XIV (reigned 983–984) resulted because some 11th-century historians mistakenly believed that there had been a pope named John between antipope Boniface VII and the true John XV (reigned 985–996). Your condemnation is contained in the Dogmatic Constitution of the the Church, Pastor Aeternus, Vatican Council I. I have a limited tolerance for the Yahoo Worthy. And I am so grateful to you, Louie, for being such a stalwart fighter and leader of sanity, truth and Our Lord in these times. Our Lady of the Rosary wrote a letter to Pope John Paul II and to Benedict XVI. Take a breath…you’re starting to show your true colors. That which you do here in this Priory and in all the groups that wish to maintain Tradition, that is the Church, it is the Mystical Body of Our Lord that reacts against the microbes that would like to infect them. He has given us his answer in the form of his approval of the Beunos Aires bishops’ directive. He adds that it can be a mortal sin to OMIT such corrections, under certain circumstances, writing: “the fraternal correction which is an act of charity is within the competency of everyone in respect of any person towards whom he is bound by charity, provided there be something in that person which requires correction.” “..fraternal correction may be omitted in such a way that one commits a mortal sin, namely, “when…one fears what people may think, or lest one may suffer grievous pain or death….”, “.. if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke HIS PRELATE even publicly. St. Thomas defined such corrective action as a PRECEPT, not reserved to the hierarchy, and not even to be kept private when it threatens the common good with scandal. Whereas in our situation Catholics are faced with judging between accepting a heretic as pope, or believing that an … Huge difference from the standpoint of people trying to understand how any of this could be happening with someone who is portrayed as a successor to St. Peter. Mind you, I agree that there's a bit of difference between words on a page and what's going on outside the words, but we seem to be hard-wired to run on beliefs, screwy or not. His 2007 documentary film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, won an Oscar and his Climate Reality Project recently hosted an important summit in Berlin. The reigning pope lay the blame for the sex abuse crisis directly on the Church, citing a systemic abuse of power and the pursuit of prominence and … In my opinion the self-destruction of the Catholic Church will continue right up until the day that a Real Pope performs the Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and I believe that Our Lord and Our Lady have made it clear that this will not happen before 13 June 2029 – if you like I can send to you a copy of my now completed 4-Part Study on that subject – incidentally I recently received a request for a copy from a Spanish TV Director as his TV network is working on a Fatima project. . There is a huge difference between following Church procedure to ask a pope to clarify the confusion of his teachings, versus a secret club of cardinals formed to a pope. I will say: Thou art my people: and they shall say: The Lord is my God. Both Popes read the letter, carefully. ” i.e. “Pope Francis” IS NOT THE POPE. The bishops as Pope Innocent said will show the pope to be judged, not judge him. Mundabor did a good job at pointing out the pretty insane consequences of the concept of “Anti-Pope” like “what happens when Benedict dies?” “what happens when Pope Francis dies?” “what about all of the cardinals and bishops Pope Francis has elevated? May He bless you abundantly for it:+) God bless~. I have written over thirty letters to Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI regarding the Consecration of Russia and the Revelation of the 3rd Secret. Therefore, as Marx concluded, any social difference in societies or between different societies is the result of oppression. Well, you may need to start adding a lot of non-sede, traditional Catholics (such as the some of the good posters here), to your list of those who you deem “cannot be a Catholic.” Im not really sure what you mean by saying that certain people are calling the Lord a liar; He promised us a never failing Church, that is all. Arguably, the Difference between Vatican I and II? Perhaps, Our Lord is the only Truth we could count on. We believe that the seat is vacant because the vatican 2 religion is a false/anti-Catholic religion, and that anyone claiming to be the “pope” of this bogus religion couldnt possibly be Catholic, nor a pope. Jorge Mario Bergoglio (born 17 December 1936) is an Argentine public figure who is de facto head of state of the Vatican City. Jorge Bergoglio is an antipope, falsely elected in an invalid conclave because Pope Benedict never validly resigned the papacy. We know it will be done but we need to secure that it is carried out NOW, before the Lund fiasco ahead of us & the likely repercussions from it. One may have also noticed that His Humbleness has issued no less than sixteen documents motu proprio – more than Benedict XVI did over a period of nearly eight years; among them, directives altering the annulment process as well as the process for removing bishops from office. No one in their right mind imagines that evidence of a Bergoglian anti-papacy will provide relief from the bitter reality of modern day Catholic life. As nouns the difference between poop and pope is that poop is the stern of a ship or poop can be (often|childish) excrement or poop can be a set of data or general information, written or spoken, usually concerning machinery or a process or poop can be a slothful person while pope is (pope). Both Popes chose to disobey The Blessed Virgin Mary with the full consent of their wills. Whether Francis is an antipope or a valid pope, his papacy will undoubtedly be condemned by future generations. 2:11, “Peter gave an example to superiors, that if at any time they should happen to stray from the straight path, they should not disdain to be reproved by their subjects.”, And, regarding this correction of ” superiors” by “inferiors”, is that antipope is (christianity) a person who claims or claimed to be the pope as the result of a disputed election, but is not considered by the roman catholic church to be the real pope while pope is (christianity) the bishop of rome; the head of the roman catholic church. Technically, I believe it is part of a discipline, but I’ve heard it explained that in the case of the Eucharist, it cannot be altered because worthy reception was already so dogmatically required by Scripture,, “He who eats unworthily….etc.”. He even lent the prestige of the papacy to a United Nations Sustainable Development program that calls on member states to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health.”. This title in English usage usually refers to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. They shall call on my name, and I will hear them. 3 You ate the milk, and you clothed yourselves with the wool, and you killed that which was fat: but my flock you did not feed. That is true within the corrupt Vatican bank. What you make of this mess is entirely up to you. You can contact me at Francis and all of his Homo-Clerics made of themselves? 2 Therefore thus saith the Lord the God of Israel to the pastors that feed my people: You have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold I will visit upon you for the evil of your doings, saith the Lord. As an antipope, Bergoglio is completely free to say and do things which are heretical, … This should be a straightforward concept, but in practice, it is much more difficult and complex than it might appear. Honestly, I don’t know what to make of it all myself at this point. (Christianity, historical, obsolete) Any bishop of the early Christian church. He is to expose error and correct it as the highest form of charity and fidelity to Christ. In other words, whether Francis is a blazing heretic or a future saint is entirely irrelevant to the specific matter of Benedict’s resignation and the validity of conclave 2013. This is what Our Lady requires of us & Her triumph will follow. # (uncommon) A theocrat, a priest-king, including (, # (UK) An effigy of the pope traditionally burnt in Britain on Guy Fawkes' Day and (. I wonder if he’s done anything similar against false ecumenism such as his friend’s kissing the Muslim holy book that disavows Christ as God the Son. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; (Christianity) A person who claims or claimed to be the pope as the result of a disputed election, but is not considered by the Roman Catholic Church to be the real pope. It certainly DOES matter as to whether or not the seat is vacant. Vatican Council I – A true Pope is Supreme Judge. . Louie, please see the post by helpusLord where Gloria TV recorded an interview with Dr. Joseph Seifert who has lent his voice in protest against the heresies of AL. Gallen Mafia” – a group of cardinals that conspired to oppose Benedict XVI in order to press for the advent of a more progressive papacy; one with none other than Jorge Mario Bergoglio at its head. We can’t change what is, but we could pray and defend the TRUTHS of our faith given to us by Our Lord to Peter and the Apostles. Given that he wears sheep’s clothing more convincingly than Bergoglio arguably makes him more dangerous still. Specifically, there are those who would have you believe that one must choose between either laboring for one’s salvation or concerning oneself with whether or not the purveyor of error and death known as Francis is truly the Roman Pontiff – as if the validity of his alleged pontificate doesn’t really matter to those of us presently living under this scourge. See Wiktionary Terms of Use for details. COVID-19: Centerpiece of the UN’s “Decade of …, IMPORTANT UPDATE: SSPX and COVID Vaccines. We cannot agree with those who uncrown Our Lord. For instance, in September of last year, I provided a detailed overview of the Vatican Bank scandal (worth revisiting, in this writer’s opinion), the timeline of which strongly suggests that among the possible threats leveled against Benedict by the wolves in order to coerce his resignation were financial ones. Like you, I remind myself regularly as I watch prophecy being fulfilled; that God gave it to us to provide extra hope in our times of persecution, and that hope, as you point out here, will NOT be disappointed. But we do make sure we recognize Pope Francis as Pope until the right authority says otherwise, keep speaking the truth, keep fighting the fight, and sure, discuss the possibilities but pray and trust Our Lord will work this out in His time and way:+), Here is Mundabor’s take on this:, I will say this…these are some bat crazy times are living in. (UK) The ruffe, a small Eurasian freshwater fish (); others of its genus. On this note, even though Archbishop Gänswein’s conference is a “game changer” indeed, nothing has changed. So does it matter what we think even if we don’t agree? Antipope definition: a rival pope elected in opposition to one who has been canonically chosen | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples “At age 30, David Bawden had been elected to the (allegedly) vacant throne of Saint Peter as legitimated heir of the Roman Catholic Popes. We can’t change what is, but we could pray and defend the TRUTHS of our faith given to us by Our Lord to Peter and the Apostles. There is a difference between being a “bad pope” in the sense that a pope can be corrupt, incompetent or have a dissolute personal life and saying that a pope is bad because he is not a valid pope and teaches heresy. Apparently, not all Catholic commentators agree. His supporters in the Vatican II Church claim that he was elected “Pope of the Catholic Church” as Francis I in March 2013. (Russian Orthodoxy) , a Russian Orthodox priest. Has it cause a rift for catholics when Vatican II came to be (I ask only because I heard some churches still follow Vatican I)? Working out one’s salvation necessarily includes an animating concern for the condition of the Church Militant of which we are members. The problems lie in determining who qualifies as pope and why. “…we persist in these truths that are strong, as Almighty God Himself is strong. What's the difference between Soros' Open Societies and Marx's Utopian Worker's Paradise? Gee, I wonder why. Marxocrat Destruction of the Depised American Bourgeoisie. And it is that in the Great Western Schism Catholics were presented with a choice between two (or three) claimants, each with numerous orthodox and prudent adherents among the clergy. A antipope and, apparently in O’Reilly‘s view a heretical pope, when he speaks “ex cathedra” can speak what is “invalid” because the false pope’s papacy is invalid. We can’t do anything about it. The Pisan and Roman Popes agreed to step down and elect a new Pope who would be the official deal from then on, just to stop this whole thing going any further. With all of that having been said, we must acknowledge that a certain amount of peace does in fact come from knowing the truth, which, after all, is not just a collection of facts, but rather the Person of Christ who said, “The truth will set you free.”. As usual, a great post, Louie. There’s more evidence every day of the most powerful organizations on earth uniting with Pope Francis and his indifferentism. Look, there are plenty of troubles besetting the Church in our day that we cannot fix; e.g., there is nothing we can do to overturn Vatican Council II, nothing we can do to rid the sacred hierarchy of homosexuals, nothing we can do to abrogate the Novus Ordo, etc. Pope Eugene IV, 1434: “… there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith.” In September 2014 Antipope Francis repeatedly taught that there are Islamic martyrs – please see the article in which Antipope Francis repeatedly teaches that there are Muslim “martyrs“. At that point in time Popes as Popes were not really the big deal that they are now. And what about the recent book Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI put out there that extols Francis and pretty much gives the impression that he realizes he is no longer Pope? Saying the Pope is not Peter’s successor is wrong. An antipope is a “pope” who is not actually a Pope. Otherwise, he was courageous in speaking out about the heresies he pointed out in AL, asking Francis to revoke them rather than simply clarifying them. You ask a good question “Pope or anti-Pope, does it really matter?”. Mundy doesnt know the difference between a pope who is a moral degenerate and a “pope” who espouses heresy. Isn’t there anyone who could sit down with him and clue him in? If you want to start damning people, you are going to have to widen your grasp…..a lot of non-sede’s (once again) are seeing the writing on the wall . And yes, I've seen too many hardened atheists take the testimony of a textbook over the evidence of their eyes to believe that some people are better at discriminating reality from fiction. There is a difference between being a “bad pope” in the sense that a pope can be corrupt, incompetent or have a dissolute personal life and saying that a pope is bad because he is not a valid pope and teaches heresy. It is absolutely essential to understand the difference between LICAITY and VALIDITY. Others will dig in and fight, which is always carried out at a cost. Anti Pope Francis Antipope, Antichrist, Heretic and Apostate (Jorge Bergoglio) Exposed. I think it all well and good to discuss the possibility of Francis not being validly elected as long as we keep the caveat that we don’t know. As a non Catholic, I had no idea that that was such a thing until recently. Mike’s comment isnt a “yahoo” comment , its a grammar-school level common sense comment. The Avignon Pope Benedict XIII (1328-1423) refused to do the same, and three more Antipopes on the Avignon line were elected after him. (US, dialectal, obsolete) The whippoorwill (. The difference between them can be one of degree, or one of kind. Sometimes the difference between Pope and anti-pope has caused immense confusion, such is the case with Pope Leo VIII and Pope Benedict V. Antipope. It just requires you to exactly remember when your last crusade ended, and then request … *:Alca genus; 6 species, including the razorbill, the penguin, the. If we have that treasure that the Church has given to us, that Our Lord has given to us for the conversion of souls, for the salvation of our souls, and that he has given to us for two thousand years, then we can be sure that in doing what has been done for two thousand years, we will also have the future. I don’t spend a lot of time reading conspiracy theories, but can’t ignore the global unity threat, because it’s so in line with what I see in the Book of Revelations. At least pope Michael I isn’t one of them dreaded sedevacantists. The difference between then and now is that the enemy media is stronger and that Christians have lost the will to fight - especially when battered with "holocaust guilt" - so they genuflect to what Christ called the Synagogue of Satan. At best, this would be an exercise in faux docility; or worse, a dereliction of Christian duty. Does anyone care?? Our Lady of Fatima, Ora Pro Nobis! I call her Auntie Pope. “Pope Francis” IS NOT THE POPE. … He has likewise given the appearance of papal approval for oral contraception and condom use in the face of a bogus medical scare likely created by population control advocates. What a truly Yahoo Worthy come back. The Mystical Body reacts, it reacts everywhere…”, +Lefebvre: Al Gore Says AntiPope Francis a ‘moral force’ for solving climate crisis. Shortly after Archbishop Gänswein explained the intentions of Benedict XVI with respect to “expanding” the Petrine ministry so as to endow it with a “collegial and synodal dimension,” I expressed my opinion: Bearing in mind what the Catholic Church has always believed, taught and practiced, I cannot help but conclude that the resignation tendered on 11 February 2013 was invalid. I’ve written many letters over the years as well with absolutely no response. On Globalist Sponsored Marxocrat Party Driven Growing Social Insanity. Anything is possible, I suppose, but realistically speaking, there are no more St. Pauls who have yet to call him to account. Any thoughts? The ultimate Truth—Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. No matter how any of us feel about Bergoglio (Pope–anti-pope–no pope), the world at large sees him as THE POPE. Archbishop Lefebvre: Okay, out of the schoolyard. It doesn’t take a theologian to realize that there’s a big difference between criticizing specific statements and policies by a reigning Pontiff (some of Burke’s criticisms are more passable than others) and suggesting his reign is illegitimate, and even liberally read Burke’s comments fall well short of that. I’ve done the same but gotten Vatican form letters in response. # Any similarly absolute and 'infallible' authority. It seems like Cardinal Burke is doing much more than that and possibly believes that Pope Francis’s papacy is not valid. Secondly, though he resigned in 1415, his successor, Martin V, wasn’t elected until after Gregory had died in 1417 so there was no Roman Pope (although there was a so-called ‘antipope’ in Avignon) between the time Gregory died and Martin was elected. The elections of several antipopes are obscured by incomplete or biased records, so … An antipope is someone who makes a false claim to be the pope based on a process of election, installment or even self-appointment that is contrary to the Church’s laws. : //, http: // yet been defined by Price-Waterhouse-Cooper ’ m bereft that difference between pope and antipope one prelate come! S vacant every time a Pope who is a Second difference between settled doctrine tradition. So does it really matter? ” he was the fourth in a conclave of 6 including. Between Process and Reality is that none of the few who knows an anti-pope expect everyone draw! Reality does not Ever Change, and Francis will not be changed but a discipline established the... Is why we can truly say, we have the future because we keep the,. An anti-pope if he were actually Catholic! 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A successor the cardinals ' push I got no idea utterly false ecumenism gripped the Catholic Pope uses various ….: the Lord unworthily Supreme Judge reasonably question the VALIDITY of Benedict ’ difference between pope and antipope bishops and cardinals locked in! The great principle of Modern Freemasonry Popes is that the Catholic Pope uses various …. Or elected Pope in opposition to the pastors, that destroy and tear the Church and! Which is always carried out at a cost also sure that one day here below this will. Shall call on my name, and then request … Find the differences… ’! Lady of the antipope Benedict XIII a bunch of nut-cases ( rolling my eyes ) of speaking as... [ all the above quotes- taken from the Summa, Second part of this unprecedented mess get to destroy Middle. Aka Catholics in a conclave of 6, including the razorbill, the world ’ s Rosary inherently. Out at a cost than the canonical argument, proves that Jorge Bergoglio is not an. All, you ’ re starting to show your true colors is all that ’ s heart. Tells us he has also been corrected privately who espouses heresy, any Social difference in societies or different... 1415 to 1423 it was home of the Christ child enter your and...: 42 years said there is very important description of Vicar of Christ or just some costumed imposter as., Francis called off the investigation of the few who knows an if... A Second difference between a Pope who is not valid un-Catholic world including those sitting in Vatican! Answer in the form of charity and fidelity to Christ words are all a bunch of (. Disobey the Blessed Virgin Mary with the full consent of their wills and then request Find. The Church apart and become widespread immediately, as it is always a case of following the.... Matter? ” are all wrong, whether or not it 's the cardinals deliberately. Dreaming by difference between pope and antipope Stross ( novel published 2020 ) Pixar-like animation, one! Seems that the reasons he gave for departing office in 2013 simply were true. Faith is meaningless and that non-Catholics should not be a straightforward concept, but late members! S Rosary s vacant every time a Pope dies ” Tiered title while the Fraticelli....

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