Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD. It will be a lasting Ebeneze r bearing this witness, ³Hitherto ha th the LORD helped us. So the Psalmist says it was with his enemies. He worshipped he praised, he prayed: for all this is included in calling upon God, even when he was in a straitened condition. To what is it bound? We weigh the word, aeificantes:not by men unskilful, but by workmen, professed builders;it is so much the worse. Next, he tells of his refuge: I betook me to God, I told him my sorrows, and he heard me. Philip Bennet Power. By the expression, is become the head of the corner, we are to understand the real foundation of the church, which sustains the whole weight of the edifice; it being requisite that the corners should form the main strength of buildings. These should be the noblest of men, chivalrous in character, and true to the core. 28. Psalm 118 rings out as a beautiful psalm of thanksgiving and praise, from beginning to end. 4. On each of the seven days during which the feast lasted the people thronged the court of the temple, and went in procession about the altar, setting their boughs bending towards it; the trumpets sounding as they shouted Hosannah. 10. With the Hebrews salvation is a wide word, comprising all the favours of God that may lead to preservation; and therefore the Psalmist elsewhere extends this act both to man and beast, and, as if he would comment upon himself, expounds swson save, by euodwson? "Thou hast heard me." The endurance of the divine mercy is a special subject for song: notwithstanding our sins, our trials, our fears, his mercy endureth for ever. The character of the workmen employed in this spiritual structure; they are called builders. The sacrifice we are to offer to God, in gratitude for redeeming love, is ourselves, not to be slain upon the altar, but "living sacrifices" (Romans 12:1) to be bound to the altar; spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise, in which our hearts must be fixed and engaged, as the sacrifice was bound "with cords to the horns of the altar." No bullet will find its billet in our hearts till we have finished our allotted period of activity. “For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.” Who so well off as he who is able to say, The LORD is on my side? 22. Ver. 2. Higher yet and ever higher, passeth he those ranks above, Where the seraphs are enkindled with the flame of endless, Passeth them, for not even seraphs ever loved so well as he, Who hath borne for his beloved, stripes, and thorns, and. This psalm may be considered as the statement of a believer's experience... View the entire commentary. 6. This is the last of those Psalms which form the great Hallel, which the Jews sang at the end of the passover. Psalm 100 exemplifies the slightly unusual dynamic we find in the Yahweh malak ('the Lord reigns') collection of psalms (Pss 93–100). William Nicholson, 1662. Psalm 118 1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Whether their sins or sufferings come into their hearts, they must not sorrow as they that have no hope. Only the power of God could have brought us such light and joy as spring from the work of our Champion and King. God save our king! That I might fall. Lord, save me, I beseech thee; let this Saviour be my Saviour; and in order to that my Ruler: let me be taken under his protection, and owned as one of his willing subjects. They sympathised in the delight of their leader and they abode in their tents in peace, rejoicing that one had been raised up who, in the name of the Lord, would protect them from their adversaries. Ver. Ver. It is better to trust in the LORD. 21. The mightiest man is a puny thing when he stands in opposition to God, yea, he shrinks into utter nothingness. He begins by recounting the circumstances of his distress. 18. I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place. But in the name of the LORD will I destroy them. I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me. Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endureth for ever. When inferior natures are backed with a superior, they are full of courage: when the master is by, the dog will venture upon creatures greater than himself and fear not; at another time he will not do it when his master is absent. They are quenched as the fire of thorns. Commentaries for Psalm Chapter 119 Psalms 119:1-8. we will rejoice and be glad in it. I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD. How heartily he ascribes the whole of his victory over his enemies to God; nay, he sees God himself to be the whole of it: "Thou art become my salvation." 27. Ver. In swarms the guiltless traveller engage. Notice the place that Christ should and shall have in this building, let the builders do their worst: he is made the head stone of the corner. David Dickson. Not heeding the warning of my people, I creep through the reedy grass to the swampy bank. Ver. Even from our griefs we may distil consolation, and gather sweet flowers from the garden in which the Lord has planted salutary rue and wormwood. The cry of "Bees! Ver. But this arises from the shallowness of the reader's own mind. 1-4. But the Lord helped me; a blessed "but." 3. • The Bible has 594 chapters before Psalm 118 and 594 chapters after Psalm 118. Augustine. We know who it is that cometh in the name of the Lord beyond all others. Psalms 118:19-20. This Psalm, the shortest portion of the Book of God, is quoted and given much value to, in Ro 15:11. The apostle speaks of "receiving of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from the brethren at Philippi; an odour of a sweet smell; a sacrifice acceptable and well pleasing to God." 5. Him in truth who, taking unto himself from one side the Jewish, and from the other the Gentile people, unites, as it were, two walls in the one fabric of the Church; them of whom it is written, "He hath made both one"; who exhibited himself as the Cornerstone, not only in things below, but in things above, because he united on earth the nations of the Gentiles to the people of Israel, and both together to angels. Ver. The stone which the builders refused. 10. This passage (Psalms 118:22-27) will appear to be a mixture of the expressions of the people and of the hero himself. The fact is, we do not recognize God in these small things as much as we should; if we do praise, it is for the receipt of the blessing, with which we are pleased, leaving out of account the One from whom the blessing has come. Enjoy it.” All of this is true, in a sense. They were so numerous, so inveterate; so contemptible, yet so audacious; so insignificant and yet so capable of inflicting agony, that to the eye of reason there appeared no possibility of doing anything with them. There is betwixt that smile we would aspire to. 8. Psalms 118:21. If Israel does not sing, who will? God loves a quick return for his blessings; one sentence of heartfelt thanksgiving is worth all the formalism of a more laboured service. We need all Israel, the whole house of Aaron, and all them that fear the Lord, to assist us in the expression of our gratitude; and when they have aided us to the utmost, and we ourselves have done our best, all will fall short of the praises that are due to our gracious Lord. He loved it because it was the gate of the Lord, he loved it because it was the gate of righteousness, because so many godly people had already entered it, and because in all future ages such persons will continue to pass through its portals. Our help is in the name of the Lord, but our fears are in the name of man. Have we been of a forgetful or murmuring spirit? Thou art my God, and I will praise thee, my mighty God who hath done this mighty and marvellous thing. We propose to divide this Psalm thus, from Psalms 118:1-4 the faithful are called upon to magnify the everlasting mercy of the Lord; from Psalms 118:5-18 the Psalmist gives forth a narrative of his experience, and an expression of his faith; in Psalms 118:19-21 he asks admittance into the house of the Lord, and begins the acknowledgment of the divine salvation. "Open to me the gates of righteousness. But he ascribes the whole of that light which he possessed unto God the Lord, as the sole author and the only giver of it. No; but a great deal of stir and ado must be made with it. His enemies are my enemies; Lord, I beseech thee, save me from them. This is the Hebrew form of comparison, and is equivalent to what is stated in our version. Ver. The cry of the multitudes as they thronged in our Lord's triumphal procession into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:9; Matthew 21:18 Mr 11:9,15, John 12:13) was taken from this Psalm, from which they were accustomed to recite Psalms 118:25-26 at the Feast of Tabernacles. Angels may say that he is good, but they need not his mercy and cannot therefore take an equal delight in it; inanimate creation declares that he is good, but it cannot feel his mercy, for it has never transgressed; but man, deeply guilty and graciously forgiven, beholds mercy as the very focus and centre of the goodness of the Lord. A multitude of enemies everywhere cannot hinder the presence of God with us. 6. Joseph Hall. When the King makes the house of prayer to be a banqueting house, and we have grace to enjoy fellowship with him, both in his sufferings and in his triumphs, we feel an intense delight, and we are glad to express it with the rest of his people. There may be wit and learning, and much knowledge of the Scriptures, amongst those that are haters of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the power of godliness, and corrupters of the worship of God. God is good. God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light, or "God is Jehovah, "the only living and true God. 2. Our whole selves, every talent, all our time, property, position, mind, heart, temper, life to the last. We observe the Lord's day as henceforth our true Sabbath, a day made and ordained of God, for the perpetual remembrance of the achievements of our Redeemer. This is a delightful subject for contemplation. Johann David Friesch, 1731. Joseph Caryl. No doubt the Israelitish nation celebrated the victory of its champion with a day of feasting, music and song; and surely it is but meet that we should reverently keep the feast of the triumph of the Son of David. In raising him from the dead the Lord God exalted him to be the head of his church, the very pinnacle of her glory and beauty. Alias oves oportet me adducere (John 10:16). This is the LORD'S doing. bees!" How seldom is this the case: the Lord's mercy is forgotten and only the trial is remembered. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiatly. Than to put confidence in princes. 27. 15; Matthew 21:15). 18. They have some red letters, some holy days in the calendar of their lives, wherein this joy, as wine at a wedding, is most seasonable; but among all those days it never relishes so well, it never tasteth so pleasantly, as on a Lord's day. 3. Psalms 118:10. And see how valiantly he now enters it. They could see no excellence in him that they should build upon him; he could not be made to fit in with their ideal of a national church, he was a stone of another quarry from themselves, and not after their mind nor according to their taste; therefore they cast him away and poured contempt upon him, even as Peter said, "This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders"; they reckoned him to be as nothing, though he is Lord of all. 9. However others may blaspheme thee, I will exalt thee; however dull and cold I may sometimes feel myself, yet will I rouse up my nature, and determine that as long as I have any being that being shall be spent to thy praise. Let the church be built up: through the salvation of sinners may the number of the saints be increased; through the preservation of saints may the church be strengthened, continued, beautified, perfected. 24. Hosannah, save thy people, O LORD, and send them now prosperity. Psalms 118:1-3 are sung by single voices. Spurgeons's The Treasury of David". The man of God had called upon the Lord when he was not in distress, and therefore he found it natural and easy to call upon him when he was in distress. The LORD taketh my part with them that help me. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. And what is this but to say, If you wish to call me good, recognize me as God? Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. The Jewish builders, scribe, priest, Pharisee, and Herodian, rejected him with disdain. Ver. 1. 13. The stone. The families of believers are happy, and they should take pains to give their happiness a voice by their family devotion. 1. Albeit all the elect have interest in God's praise for mercies purchased by Christ unto them, yet the elect of Israel have the first room in the song; for Christ is first promised to them, and came of them according to the flesh, and will be most marvellous about them. 9. 2. AUTHOR AND SUBJECT. The best of earthly joys pass away, and even the world itself grows old and hastens to decay, but there is no change in the mercy of God; he was faithful to our forefathers, he is merciful to us, and will be gracious to our children and our children's children. The Psalmist's song was personal praise too: —"I will praise thee"; resolute praise, for he firmly resolved to offer it; spontaneous praise, for he voluntarily and cheerfully rendered it, and continuous praise, for he did not intend soon to have done with it. Psalm 118 was Martin Luther’s favorite psalm. Ver. Thrice he celebrates God's right hand, to set forth his earnest desire to say the utmost; or, in reference to the Sacred Trinity, as some will have it. Language. On what foundation does he rest? Two things befall it; two things as contrary as may be, —1. Nothing could be more appropriate or better fitted to comfort and encourage, at that awful period, than a prophecy which, overleaping the suffering to be endured, showed forth the glory that was afterwards to follow, and a song of triumph, then only recited, but in due time to be literally acted, when the cross was to be succeeded by a crown. Ver. She would fain take the tide at the flood, and make the most of the day of which the Lord has already made so much. They compassed me about; yea, they compassed me about. The LORD hath chastened me sore. Ver. When others behave badly to us, it should only stir us up the more heartily to give thanks unto the Lord because he is good; and when we ourselves are conscious that we are far from being good, we should only the more reverently bless him that "he is good." 26. It was partially used at the time when Messiah, in the days of his humiliation, was received with triumph and acclamation into Jerusalem; and we may conclude it will be fully enacted, when our glorified and triumphant Lord, coming with ten thousand of his saints, will again stand upon the earth and receive the promised salutation, "Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of Jehovah." The cock within shall not crow to awaken us, the sun shall not shine, and then we are in danger to give over quite; and if we come once to a total omission of one duty, why not of another, and of another, and so of all? Ver. How fondly he dwells upon the personal interposition of God! The past always gives us assurance for the future, for we are dealing with the same unchangeable God, and, therefore, we may expect to have the same dealings from him. The LORD my strength and song, my strength while I was in the conflict, my song now that it is ended; my strength against the strong, and my song over their defeat. He was calm and confident, though surrounded with enemies, and so let all believers be, for thus they honour God. Rivetus. A wise king and valiant leader is a stone by which the national fabric is built up. They thought to destroy him, but he was sure of destroying them;they meant to blot out his name, but he expected to render not only his own name but the name of the Lord his God more illustrious in the hearts of men. But he hath not given me over unto death. Therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. When the high priest went in unto the holy place and came forth accepted, he might, above all men, sing of the eternal mercy. Let us rather contemn and trample under our feet all their decrees, and let us reverence this precious stone upon which our salvation rests. 11. Thou hast thrust sore at me that I might fall. Whole Psalm. For salvation: rejoicing and salvation go together. Like the swarm of flies Egypt, there was no standing against them; they threatened to sting a man to death with their incessant malice, their base insinuations, their dastardly falsehoods. As he enters, the Conqueror alone repeats Psalms 118:21. Whet all their stings, and call forth all their rage. Franz Delitzsch. Ver. Men pray; they receive an answer to their prayers; and then forget to praise. I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me. They who constantly attend upon God, and depend upon him, have a much sweeter life, than those that wait upon princes with great observance and expectation. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth, Ver. In the last Psalm there are but six verses, yet twelve Hallelujahs. With the exposition of this his noblest jewel, his defence and his treasure, he occupied himself in the solitude of his Patmos (Coburg). Psalm 118:24 This Psalm has been applied by our Church to the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 22. Words in brackets, ( ), are not in the *Hebrew Bible. Gregory, quoted by Henry Newland, 1860. Ver. Ver. I shall not die, but live. Now all this is the Lord's doing, done by his election and design, without any intervention on the part of man, and therefore, it is wonderful in our eyes. Ver. A more blessed day than that day was wherein he made man, when he had done making the world; "Rejoice we, and be glad in it.". This will rebut all the attacks of our fiercest foes — “But the Lord helped me.”. When God is with us, who is the supreme, it should make us fearless. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. That is, I, whom the great men and rulers of the people rejected (1 Samuel 26:19), as the builders of a house reject a stone unfit to be employed in it, am now become king over Israel and Judah; and a type of that glorious King who shall hereafter be in like manner refused (Lu 19:14 Lu 20:17), and then be by God exalted to be Lord of all the world, and the foundation of all men's happiness. He brings his sacrifice with thanksgiving, as every child of God should, and there it is ready bound to the altar horns. Ver. The Paperback Bible presents the Bible by the Book and is designed to be portable, readable, and truly personal with ample margins for notations. 2. For this reason and a thousand others it is infinitely better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes. However, he also wrote a three-volume study of the Psalms called The Treasury of David.Although not a technical commentary per se, it is larger than most commentaries on the Psalms and contains much helpful expository material, especially for preachers, and many hundreds of quotations that Spurgeon assembled from other writers. If our adversaries can do this they will have succeeded to their heart's content: if we fall into grievous sin they will be better pleased than even if they had sent the bullet of the assassin into our heart, for a moral death is worse than a physical one. The answer beyond the request—"And set me, "etc. Franz Delitzsch. God is with those he calls and employs in public service. How much was suspended upon that cord! There is always a merciful limit to the scourging of the sons of God. It is good then to be doing while it is called today, while it is called now. The subject of songs "O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good. Thanks to God for His creation, deliverance and enduring loving mercy (Psalms 136) March 6-7 Psalm 136, a song of thanksgiving, is known in some traditions as the Great Hallel (or "Praise") on its own, while others reckon the psalm as the last of the Great Hallel collection. The stone. Ver. Thy voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous. He wrote (cited by C. H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David [Baker], 5:337), This is my psalm, my chosen psalm. We weigh the word, —reprobaverunt; usque ad reprobari, even to a reprobation. It was not a common difficulty, or a single enemy, whole nations compassed him about. Good men are often in special danger: Joseph in the pit; Moses in the ark of bulrushes; Job on the dunghill; David's narrow escapes from the hand of Saul; Paul let down in a basket; what a fruit basket was that! Of course, at such a time they would kindle quickly, and burn rapidly, and would soon be consumed. "Chastening, Jah hath chastened me, "says our poet: as much as to say that the Lord had smitten him very severely, and made him sorrowfully to know the full weight of his rod. Ver. Literally, "Good is it to trust in Jehovah more than to confide in man." Our knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ came not by the light of nature, nor by reason, nor did it arise from the sparks which we ourselves had kindled, nor did we receive it of men; but the mighty God alone hath showed it to us. We are accustomed to lay some one stone of a public building with solemn ceremony, and to deposit in it any precious things which may have been selected as a memorial of the occasion: henceforth that cornerstone is looked upon as peculiarly honourable, and joyful memories are associated with it. But, on the contrary, I shall live, not simply as he had hitherto lived, in the greatest distress, which would be a wretched life, a living death: but lively, joyous, happy. John Mason Neale. 3. Psalm 118 is the 118th psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse, in the King James Version, "O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. Depositaries and expounders of the prophecies as they had long been, they now, for the first time, quote and apply one, Isaiah 28:16, which held a conspicuous place, but never before was intelligible to Jewish ears. None can so truly cry, "Save, I beseech thee, "as those who have already participated in salvation; and the most prosperous church is that which most imploringly seeks prosperity. 22. I laid down my life, and I now take it up again: and then, with a loud voice, as when he roused Lazarus out of the grave, he cries to those within the walls, Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the LORD. Alas, there are multitudes who do not care whether the gates of God's house are opened or not; and although they know that they are opened wide they never care to enter, neither does the thought of praising God so much as cross their minds. He was hemmed in by his adversaries, and scarce could find a loophole of escape from the bands which made a ring around him. If we knew this name better, and trusted it more, our life would be more fruitful and sublime. But it may be objected, that this Psalm is common to all; no one has a right to call it his own. Ver. The gladdest fact in all the world: "Thou art my God. 9. Ver. By Bede it is rendered as a reason why the Jewish builders refused our Saviour Christ for the head place, Quia in uno pariete, stare amabant. Without notice of the context, this quote from Psalm 118 has come to mean something like, “God is our Creator. This is the day which the LORD hath made. Ver. "The Lord is a man of war, the Lord is his name." for in the name of the Lord will I destroy them. Save. Ver. Prayer may be bitter in the offering, but it will be sweet in the answering. 25. —What is church prosperity? We bring ourselves to his altar, and desire to offer him all that we have and are. Matthew Henry. 2. The right hand of the LORD is exalted, lifted up to smite the enemy, or extolled and magnified in the eyes of his people. How sweetly can many of us repeat in the retrospect of our past tribulations this delightful sentence, "But the Lord helped me." It may perhaps be considered beneath the dignity and solemnity of our subject to remark, that this 8th verse of this Psalm is the middle verse of the Bible. Now, now, now, saith David; there be three nows, and all to teach us that for aught we know, it is now or never, today or not at all; we must praise God while the heart is hot, else our iron will cool. Some read the original "a narrow gorge"; and therefore it was the more joy to him when he could say "The Lord answered me, and set me in a large place." All those whose high privilege it is to dwell in the house of the Lord for ever, because they are made priests unto God in Christ Jesus, can truly say that they bless the Christ who has made them what they are, and placed them where they are. For he is good. Is become the head stone of the corner. This is the day, etc. 107-119 (Book 5a) This work is a compilation drawn, with permission, from the best on the web for viewing Spurgeon’s sermons ( ). That sweet aspect of princes, and their ruin. 2). There remains a tendency in our nature to start aside from this; it is not fond of the sacrificial knife. Glory be unto his name.". Sabbath days must be rejoicing days, and then they are to us as the days of heaven. Let my soul prosper and be in health, in that peace and righteousness which his government brings. What infinite wealth is here! 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