'Coastal waters' has the same meaning as in the Marine Regulations 2009. 23C. Read more about recreational boating restrictions on the Better Boating Victoria website . (ii) MV Geelong Flyer and MV Bellarine Express do not exceed 6 knots on the waters between beacons 39 and 40 and the Port Operations Control Centre on inbound passages. (a) in the case of a vessel of 10 metres or more in length, the height of such dive flag or replica must not be less than 1 metre; and. Boating regulations are enforced by the Saanich Police. An area of water specified in a Schedule as an access lane for the purposes of this clause is an access lane. Course participants should contact their preferred training provider to seek further information on course availability. The Committee of Management of Allans Flat Recreation Reserve Inc. Anglesea River, from Bass Strait to Coal Mine Road, Anglesea, Balcombe Creek within the Shire of Mornington Peninsula, Barwon River between the Lower Breakwater and Orana Road, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Barwon River upstream of the Local Port of Barwon Heads to the Lower Breakwater, Bass Strait – Anglesea – Point Roadknight, Bass Strait – South Gippsland – Cape Liptrap, Gippsland and Southern Rural Water Corporation, Bridgewater Lakes (Discovery Bay Coastal Park), Broken River within the boundaries of Benalla Rural City including Lake Benalla, Curdies River and Curdies Inlet between French's Bridge and the Great Ocean Road Bridge at Peterborough, Curdies Inlet and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Corporation, Gellibrand River (downstream of the bridge at Princetown), Glenelg River within Victoria between the mouth and the junction with the Crawford River at Dartmoor, Goulburn River from Hughes Creek to Goulburn Weir including Lake Nagambie, Goulburn River upstream of the Goulburn Weir  to the Eildon Pondage, Green Lake (within Green Lake Regional Park), Hattah-Kulkyne National Park (all waters), Hopkins River between the seaward outlet and Tooram Stones, Kiewa and Rubicon Hydro Electric Scheme waters, Kings Billabong Wildlife Reserve (all waters), Lake Albacutya National Park (all waters). Wear a Type 1 PFD as detailed in Part 2 – PFD Type 1 of Schedule 1 of the Marine Safety Regulations 2012; or. (c) the master of a vessel engaged in works and authorised by a waterway manager, local port manager or port management body. RevocationsThis notice revokes and replaces the Notice under regulation 603(4) of the Marine Vessels Regulations 1988 as published in the Government Gazette on 19 September 1990. Visit the VicRoads website for details on marine licence fees and vessel registration fees. (2) The master of a vessel must not cause or allow the vessel to be operated in an access lane except for the purposes of-, dropping off or picking up a water-skier; or. This notice of exemption applies to the Masters of the MV Geelong Flyer and MV Bellarine Express when operating on the waters of the Yarra River between the Southern dripline of the West Gate Bridge and the Western drip line of the Bolte Bridge. To use Personal Watercrafts (PWC) like jet-skis, your marine licence needs a PWC endorsement. Page last updated 10 December 2020 Participants and those involved in activities organised by Out Doors Inc. are exempt from the requirements of: Participants and those involved in activities organised by Out Doors Inc. must at all times: Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic)Marine Safety Regulations 2012 (Vic). It is reasonable to conclude event managers are required to consider how the safety of participants, support staff, volunteers, spectators and bystanders will be addressed in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak. Other states and territories say recreational fishing is allowed as long as people follow social distancing regulations. (1) The master of a vessel must not cause or allow the vessel to be operated in an area of water specified in a Schedule as being prohibited to vessels. (2) Despite sub-clause (1), a prohibition on vessels specified in a Schedule may be expressed so as not to apply on particular days, or at particular times, or to particular vessels, or to particular vessels travelling at designated speeds. Additionally, waterway managers can submit to Transport Safety Victoria an application for an Urgent Safety Rule or submit a Work Permit application on their waterway. Hiking, fishing, boating allowed National parks are now open, which means hiking, fishing, hunting, prospecting, diving and boating are allowed, but the 10-person limit applies. Boat ramp cameras, launch locations, localised weather, facility and waterway information, safety alerts and notifications except when the vessel is operating in a speed restriction zone or an access lane or is being operated at a speed of less than five (5) knots. Readers should be aware that the rules are subject to change. 'Recreational vessel' has the same meaning as in the Marine Act 1988. Where a channel or waterway has been obstructed by a vessel or its equipment, occupants or persons, the owner or master of that vessel and equipment must remove the obstruction from the channel or waterway without undue delay. (ii) all operators and occupants of a rowing boat or canoe or kayak engaged in Formal Training or Competition on the Yarra River between the Bolte Bridge and the mouth of the Yarra River are exempt from PFD wearing requirements specified in Regulation 232 providing : (1) communications have been established with Harbour Control prior to entering the area defined above and. The VOZR is available to download as a PDF or accessible Word document: From time to time, these rules may need to be amended due to local conditions and boating activity or works. We suggest you delay applying for a licence until shortly before you intend going out on your boat. The master of a vessel with an engine used for propulsion must not cause or allow the vessel to be operated unless the vessel has a silencing device: 22. 2.7.1 Six (6) knot speed restriction for the purposes of Clause 7. Establishing a new native fish hatchery FAQs; Native fishing in urban lakes; Better on-water access in lakes To see Better Boating Victoria (State government's) position, click here. This notice of exemption applies to participants and those involved in activities organised by Out Doors Inc. Any queries regarding the rules should be directed to MSV or the relevant waterway manager. Yes. The Water Police Squad members are performing their operational duties; The Water Police Squad members are undertaking training for the purposes of performing their operational duties; is granted for three years from commencement. 6. All recreational boating is permitted. (a)   the requirement to adhere to all relevant State waterway rules made under section 184 of the Act; and. (a) at all times, travel at a speed of no more than 5 knots; (b) at all times, equip the vessel with one or more paddle/s, or a pedal mechanism; (c) when operating on inland waters, equip the vessel with –, (i) a mobile phone in a waterproof pouch; or, (d) when operating on enclosed waters or coastal waters that are less than 2 nautical miles from the coast, equip the vessel with at least one of the following means of raising the alarm —, (ii) an emergency positioning indicating radio beacon (, (iv) two hand-held orange smoke signals; or, (e) when operating on coastal waters that are more than 2 nautical miles from the coast, equip the vessel with all of the following additional equipment –, (i) two hand-held orange smoke signals; and. The extent of our compliance activities will be dependent on the advice of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government or the Federal Government. 'Sporting organisation' includes an organisation that: (a) has control in Australia, a foreign country or internationally of one or more sports or sporting events; or, (b) organises or administers one or more sports or sporting events; or, (c) accredits people to take part in sporting competition; or, (d) provides teams to compete in sporting competition; or. (vi)       MV Geelong Flyer and MV Bellarine Express will slow to 6 knots or less when visibility is 200 metres or less. (i) a yacht or off the beach sailing yacht engaged in Formal Training or Competition during daylight hours is exempt from the carriage of safety equipment requirements specified in Regulation 230 providing that the safety equipment specified by the Yachting Australia Inc. You can. Victoria is currently Australia's only state or territory that has banned recreational fishing, imposing on-the-spot fines of up to $1,652. Communication requirements with the Master of the Yarra Punt and other identified operators on the Yarra River. Recreational activities such as fishing and boating are allowed as of 11.59pm on Sunday, 22 November. All persons involved in recreational boating in Victoria, and the vessels they operate are required to comply with the relevant marine safety laws in the State. To modify an approved event, please contact the relevant waterway manager and email us at: If an approved event with an associated exclusion zone is cancelled, please contact the relevant waterway manager. Should COVID-19 be addressed in BAE applications? 'Inland waters' has the same meaning as in the Marine Regulations 2009. Barwon Coast Committee of Management Inc. Local Port of Corner Inlet and Port Albert, Loddon River (at Bridgewater between Flour Mill Weir and Sweeneys Lane), Maribyrnong River upstream of Shepherd Bridge on Footscray Road, Merri River between the seaward outlet and the Bromfield Street Weir, Mitta Mitta River between the top water line of Lake Hume and the junction of the river with Callaghans Creek, Nhill Lake Reserve Committee of Management, Northern Grampians Shire – All rivers and streams within the Shire, Painkalac Creek, from Bass Strait to Boundary Road, Aireys Inlet, Port of Melbourne Corporation (as the appointed Port Management Body), Skeleton Creek upstream of the outlet to Port Phillip to Point Cook Road, Altona and Werribee, Surrey River (between the seaward outlet and the Princes Highway Bridge), The Committee of Management of Narrawong Camping and Recreation Reserve Corporation, Surrey River (upstream of the Princes Highway Bridge), Tamboon Inlet and all navigable waters with an opening to that inlet, Teddington Reservoir No. S317 Tuesday 30 June 2020. This would include consideration of any requirements established by Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government or the Federal Government. To see Marine Safety Victoria’s position, click here. MEMBER PRODUCTS & SERVICES CATALOGUE. I need to talk to someone from TSV but don’t know how to make contact. Also, in response to social distancing requirements, the way we undertake examinations may change. Can I still register my boat at VicRoads? Waterway managers are required to revoke the exclusion zone by a Government Gazette notice. Will I still be issued my LKC/PEM/Pilot Card? 'Lifesaving Appliance' means a lifebuoy or life raft or buoyant appliance in accordance with Section 10 of the Uniform Shipping Laws Code or a rescue tube in accordance with the standards specified by Surf Life Saving Australia. Waterway rules are designed to provide a safe operating environment, to cater for the wide range of boating and water activities, to separate different activities where needed on the basis of safety, and to reflect local conditions. All events must comply with any restrictions imposed by Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government or the Federal Government. Paddle Victoria has been advised by COVID Directions (COVID-19 Public Health Division, Department of Health and Human Services) that paddling has been approved within the scope of exercise for Stage 4 Restrictions (advised on 7 September 2020, Transcript ID# 158 123) Paddlers will still need to comply with the … Please contact, If the event application is still being processed, please advise the relevant waterway manger or us as soon as possible on, To reschedule an approved event, please contact the relevant waterway manager or contact. 'Local port manager' has the same meaning as in the Marine Act 1988. This Notice was made by the Director of Marine Safety on 2 December 2005 under Regulation 231 of the Marine Regulations 1999. Yes, however we ask for your patience as there may be delays due to resourcing and system limitations. (3) The master of a vessel must not cause or allow the vessel to be operated in an access lane unless the purpose for which he or she entered the access lane necessitates unrestricted speed departure from and approach to the shore. These rules are approved by Maritime Safety Victoria under Part 5.1 of the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) and preceding legislation. 'No wash zone' means an area of water specified in a Schedule through which a vessel must only pass at a speed which creates minimal wash or no wash. 'Operate' means to facilitate or control the movement or navigation of a vessel (or a thing connected to a vessel) that is not: 'Personal watercraft' means any recreational vessel that is of a kind that is required to be registered and that: (a) has an engine that is used for propulsion; and, (c) does not retain water on it if it capsizes; and. 'Formal Training or Competition' means training or competition conducted under the direction of an incorporated club, organisation or association that is affiliated with the respective peak body where supervision of participants and appropriate rescue services are provided, or under a Safety Management Plan approved by Marine Safety Victoria. (4)      In accordance with regulation 9 of the Regulations, and subject to the conditions set out at clause 2 of this notice, masters of a vessel to which this exemption applies are exempt from the following requirements of regulation 96 – safety equipment required for recreational vessels, as set out in Schedule 3 of the Regulations: (5)      In accordance with regulation 9 of the Regulations, and subject to the conditions set out at clause 2 of this notice, masters of a vessel to which this exemption applies are exempt from regulation 97 of the Regulations – firefighting equipment required for recreational vessels. 1. It is unlikely our office will be open to the public during the COVID-19 outbreak. (v) MV Geelong Flyer and MV Bellarine Express may only exceed 6 knots when the visibility in the area of operation is equal to or greater than 200 metres. (2) Despite sub-clause (1), a prohibition on vessels with engines used for propulsion specified in a Schedule may be expressed to apply to vessels with engines of a particular type or capacity. Do I have to register a boat as soon as I own it? Boat ramps and jetties are open. 24. (2)      In accordance with section 260(1)(c) of the Act, masters of a vessel to which this exemption applies are exempt from the requirements of section 46 of the Act – offence to be a master of registered recreational vessel without a marine licence or in breach of conditions of marine licence (subject to the conditions set out at clause 2). I, Cameron Toy, Director Maritime Safety(as delegate of the Director, Transport Safety) in exercise of the powers vested in me under section 260 of the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic) (the Act) and regulation 9 of the Marine Safety Regulations (the Regulations) hereby give notice of the following exemption. The Maritime Safety Branch of Transport Safety Victoria remains open for business. A promulgated passage plan including operational times is to be made available to appropriate regulatory authorities and published on the Port Phillip Ferries website. Its priority is to scrap parking and launching fees at all Victorian public boat ramps, oversee the upgrade of boating facilities at key locations and undertake a review of management arrangements of boating … I have determined the need to change a waterway rule or close a waterway until further notice. (a) the territorial sea adjacent to the State; and, (b) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea adjacent to the State that is not within the limits of the State. (viii)     The Masters of the MV Geelong Flyer and MV Bellarine Express will contact the Master of the Westgate Punt to verify the time they will be passing the area where the Westgate Punt operates when the visibility in the area of operation is equal to or less than 200 metres. I have a certificate of attainment from a marine licence training provider. For the avoidance of doubt, this exemption applies only with respect to: Owners and masters of vessels that are the subject of this exemption must at all times comply with all other requirements set out in the Act and the Regulations, including: This exemption commences on 1 July 2020 and continues until suspended, cancelled or altered by the Director, Transport Safety. Download the guide: Get to know your interstate boating rules - New South Wales and Victoria PDF, 328.2 KB. Exemptions for Australian Power Boat Association vessels. Yes, however we ask for your patience as there may be delays due to resourcing and system limitations. 'Personal Watercraft' includes a power ski, aqua-scooter, jet bike, jet ski, wave runner, wave jammer, ski-free, motorised surfboard and any similar vessel that has an engine used for propulsion. 'Port management body' has the same meaning as in the Marine Act 1988. b. PFD Type 1, 2 or 3 sufficient to support all persons that may be required to be rescued. Staff are working remotely and will post your respective cards out when they are able to access them. Facebook competition: Emergency beacons up for grabs! 'Access lane' means an area of water specified in a Schedule which is set aside to permit access to or from the shore at speed: (a) for a vessel which is towing a water-skier. 327 and Ch. The provisions of this Notice do not apply to: Table showing details of notice(s) published in Government Gazette in relation to State Rules. The exemption is subject to periodic review. As the manager of an event, how does COVID-19 affect my ‘Safety Duty’? Regulation 100(1), Regulation 100(2) and Regulation 100(3) of Division 4 – PFD Requirements, Part 6 – Operations of vessels (general) of the Marine Safety Regulations 2012, subject to the following conditions. (a) within 50 metres of the waters' edge; or. Our systems and processes allow for us to work remotely. You can now go boating and fishing throughout Victoria. Stage 3 coronavirus restrictions are being lifted in Victoria. Always call triple zero (000) if you are involved in or witness an emergency. COVID-19 Update – 7th Sept 2020: GREAT NEWS!!! Copyright © 2020, Transport Safety Victoria, State Government of Victoria, Australia, Australian Builders Plate Standard – Edition 5 now available, MSV to pilot lifejacket self-inspection clinics in 2021, Get on board TSV’s boating safety campaign this summer, Lessons Learnt: Clinging to life in frigid river, Response to boating queries about coronavirus (COVID-19), Boating Vic data shows boaters better prepared, Get Involved in steering future investment in recreational boating, Download Boating Vic to get your boat back in action, Exemption for low-powered kayaks and canoes now permanent, Shipping containers posing a hazard to safe navigation, Safety Warning: Restricted visibility due to haze, Fires impact marine radio service - now restored, Do the five vital weather safety checks on Boating Vic, Meet the Director: Cameron takes the helm, New rule for personal watercraft on Port Phillip Bay, Consultation: Australian Builders Plate Standard, Lessons Learnt: Boater reflects on lake plunge, Consultation: Code of Practice for boating event managers, Consultation: New rule for jet ski riders on the bay, Vessel grounding – Maritime Safety Victoria salvage operation, Coming soon: New ramp camera and waterway information website, MSV inspects boating industry safety plate compliance, Lessons Learnt: When weather turns deadly, Lessons Learnt: Lake placid, then perilous, Get set for summer boating and stay alert, New emergency radio service improving boater safety, Safety Alert: Potential explosions due to fuel tank installations, Lessons Learnt: Hidden hazards on a calm day, New rules for commercial vessels in Australian waters, Take our boating safety survey for a chance to win. (ii) all vessels fitted with a reinforced cockpit approved by the Australian Power Boat Association and engaged in competing in a power boat race on inland or enclosed waters when under the supervision of the Association and the race is conducted in accordance with the Racing and Safety Rules of that Association are exempt from the carriage of equipment requirements specified in Regulation 230 providing the operator of the vessel and any occupant being carried wears a PFD Type 1. (c) when passing through a recognised anchorage for small craft. 'Schedule' means a Schedule to this Notice. Travel between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria is allowed and you can go fishing throughout Victoria. If you are seeking a new PEM certificate or the renewal of PEM certificate, please complete the relevant form (CC13 and CC14 respectively) from the link below and send with all supporting documentation to: Please do not post any documentation as TSV staff are working remotely and will not be able to access these documents. For example, we may use video conferencing. Alternatively, email us at. When and how do I report a recreational boating incident? 4. Masters of the MV Geelong Flyer and MV Bellarine Express are exempt from the requirements of: Clause 2.7.1 of Schedule 2 of the Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules for Victorian waters made under section 184 of the Marine Safety Act 2010 (Vic). From 11:59pm on Sunday 8 November 2020 you can travel between regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne, and the 25km limit no longer applies. All vessels less than 35 metres in length, on the waters of the Yarra River within the port waters of the Port of Melbourne, between the southern drip line of the Westgate Bridge and the Western drip line of the Bolte Bridge are subject to a speed limit of 6 knots. NRS Big Water Life Jacket, US Coast Guard Type V; NRS Zen Rescue Life Jacket, US Coast Guard Type V; Astral Buoyancy Green Rescue Life Jacket, US Coast Guard Type V; or. Procedures for reporting Reportable Marine Incidents as per. Please note that these are intended as general information only, and should not be relied on for navigation, nor considered a substitute for the VOZR. Of 16 who is operating a powered recreational vessel in Victoria waters, ’... 'Enclosed waters ' edge ; or certificate of attainment from a proponent for a New Exempt... A period of this exemption report Form # 18 immediately and then submit an application from Marine... 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