Iran's Baha'i problem is obviously a problem for Baha'is, but equally a problem for Iran, insofar as an identity built on hatred is an affliction for both the victim and the perpetrator. It is important to note that Ms. Haghighat, Mrs. Hakimi, Mrs. Pourmoradian, and Ms. Samizadeh were arrested by the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Shiraz for working in preschools and daycares as teachers, educators, and child counsellors. On 18 June 2020 Mr. Shahriar Atrian was sentenced in absentia and without the presence of a lawyer by the Court of Appeal of Fars Province for propaganda activities against the regime and in groups against the regime to six years’ imprisonment under tazir law. They were each sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment and, in 2015, their sentences were belatedly reduced to 10 years, in compliance with amendments to the Iranian Penal Code. The three women were released on bail on 16 June 2020. Five Bahai women in Mashhad, northeastern Iran, were sentenced to a total of five years of prison by the Revolutionary Court. Since 2014, Iranian authorities have intensified their discriminatory policies and practices towards members of the Bahá’í Faith through different measures of economic disruption. It was learnt in May 2020 that Mr. Farzan Masoumi and Mr. Farham Sabet, two Baha’is living in Shiraz, were sentenced—by the First Branch of the Shiraz Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Seyyed Mahmoud Sadati—to 6 years in prison each on charges of “propaganda activity against the regime” and “membership in anti-regime groups.”. 6 months imprisonment by Branch 104 of the Criminal Court in Ghaemshahr. Now, “crypto-Jews” – also called “Anusim” – are said to have been responsible for the spread of the Babi and Bahai religions in Iran. In violation of UPR recommendation Rec #138.111: Adopt provisions to prevent all forms of discrimination against women and girls and, in particular, promote access to higher education for members of the Bahá’í community and other religious minorities. In violation of UPR recommendation Rec #138.221: Ensure the freedom of religion and belief for all citizens of Iran. Iran has, to date, been reviewed three times under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), in February 2010, in October 2014, and more recently in November 2019. Bahá’í Reference Library » The Bahá’í Reference Library is the authoritative online source of Bahá’í writings. The Bahá'í faith is one of the youngest of the world's major religions. It was learnt in June 2020 that Mr. Tooraj Amini, whose home in Karaj had been searched on 4 August 2019, was sentenced by the Islamic Revolutionary Court of Karaj to one year of imprisonment under tazir law and two years’ exile. The court subsequently ordered the confiscation of the rest of his belongings and assets kept at his workplace. In all cases, the dissemination was sponsored and/or approved by the State. In hundreds of cases, the authorities have taken measures to make it nearly impossible for Bahá’ís to earn a living. In August 1980, for example, all nine members of the National Spiritual Assembly—an elected national council that forms part of the Bahá’í administrative structure in all countries—together with two individuals serving on other Bahá’í institutions, were abducted by a group of armed men from their meeting in a private home and taken to an unknown location. On 29 August 1983, the Iranian Attorney General announced a legal ban on all Bahá’í administrative and community activities in Iran, making membership of Bahá’í administrative institutions a criminal offence. National and provincial budgets have included allocations for “educational” programmes to “confront” the Bahá’í Faith, and official organs have been established and dedicated to that purpose. In 2008, all seven members of the Yárán, or “the Friends”—an ad hoc group tending to the social and spiritual needs of the Bahá’í community in Iran, created because of the ban on Bahá’í administration and with the knowledge and approval of the government—were arrested. This letter was the final act of the National Spiritual Assembly before it voluntarily dissolved itself and the rest of the administrative structures within the country as a demonstration of goodwill towards the government. Was initially arrested on 25 September 2017. In the years that immediately followed, members subsequently elected to this council, as well as scores of other Bahá’ís, were executed by the government without due process of law. On 22 April 2020, Mr. Farough Izadinia was sentenced by Branch 36 of the Court of Appeal, presided over by Justice Ahmad Zargar, to ten years’ imprisonment under tazir law for acting against national security through management of Bahá’í administration. The Bahāʾī religion originally grew out of the Bābī faith, or sect, which was founded in 1844 by Mīrzā ʿAlī Moḥammad of Shīrāz in Iran. He was notified of the court decision on 19 June 2020. However, the court considered her diploma received from the BIHE as illegitimate. Mahnaz Raoufi: There isn’t any freedom in Baha’ism, The indecent happiness of Baha’ism due to a Muslim woman who had been beaten, Baha'i population in Nepal falls from 0.01% (in 2001) to 0.0% (in 2011). They were each issued with heavy sentences by the court: Mr. Navid Bazmandegan and his wife, Mrs. Bahareh Ghaderi, who were arrested in connection with their environmental activities, were each sentenced to five years of imprisonment for the charge of formation of a group in opposition to the regime and to one year of imprisonment under tazir law for the charge of propaganda against the regime; Mr. Ehsan Mahboube-Rahe-Fada was sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment under tazir law for the charge of propaganda against the regime; Ms. Soudabeh Haghighat was sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment, charged with formation of a group in opposition to the regime and to 1 year of imprisonment under tazir law for propaganda against the regime totalling a prison sentence of 6 years. The Bahá’í community’s holy places, cemeteries, and properties have been confiscated, vandalized, or destroyed, and many Bahá’ís have had their homes and other property seized or damaged. Eighty-nine percent of Iranians adhere to the Twelver branch of Shiʻa Islam, which holds as a core doctrine the expected advent of a messianic figure known as the Qa'im or as the Imam Mahdi. Moreover, because Iranian Bahá’ís have long been denied access to all means of communication with the public, they cannot counter the lies and misinformation propagated about them and their religion, which, in many cases, come from those who give the Iranian people guidance in spiritual matters. Som… (Lebanon). It was learnt in January 2020 that Mrs. Hengameh Ahmadzadeh was sentenced to Mulla Saeed Barforoushi is one of the renowned, For each color, the params below will give default values, Baha’ism and the American prescription called the century deal for the Palestine land. This persecution has impacted the lives of generations, from young infants to the frail elderly. As Christianity was born out of Judaism and Buddhism grew out of Hinduism, the Bahá'í Faith has its roots in Shi'ite Islam. A major doctrine of "Twelver" Shi'ite Islam is the expected return of the 12th imam (successor of Muhammad), who will renew religion and guide the faithful. The charges against these citizens are “membership in the illegal and anti-security deviant Baha’i sect, and propaganda in favor of the Baha’i group as an organization opposed to the sacred Islamic Republic.”. This comes at a time of grave concern owing to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) through the prison system and in the country. The sections that follow provide an overview of the current situation of the Bahá’ís in Iran in relation to the second cycle UPR and contain a sample of the latest reported and confirmed cases of persecution. The persecution continued intermittently thereafter with varying degrees of severity and the Bahá’ís were often being used as scapegoats. The Baha'i faith was founded in the mid-19th century C.E. No data displayed on the module. Official documents prove that these abuses are not isolated cases but are, in fact, a matter of established government policy. On 1 June 2020, the home of Mrs. Mahboubeh Missaghian in Yazd was searched by the security forces and, after confiscation of the usual items, she was arrested. The warrant had been issued by the judicial authority of Kerman for Rafsanjan, and most likely the arrestees were transferred to Kerman. Looser government authority in that decade allowed an increase in major mob attacks on Bahais, such as those at Ābāda in May of 1944, and at Šāhrūd in July-August of 1944. Iraqi official denies Bahaism as religion. Established by Baháʼu'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Persia and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception. On 10 June 2020 Mr. Mehrdad Mousavi Kholenjani, resident of Shahinshar, was sentenced by the Court of Appeal in Isfahan Province, presided over by Justice Seyed Javad Mansouri, and court advisor Mohammad Mohammadi Kamalabadi, for propaganda activities against the regime to six months’ imprisonment under tazir law. The upsurge in human rights violations against the Bahá’ís in Iran since 2005 has been preceded and accompanied by efforts to incite hatred, distrust, intolerance, and even violence against them. Since 1979 the Islamic Republic of Iran has waged a widespread, systematic persecution aimed at eradicating the Baha’i religious minority as a viable entity. Why are the Baha’is claiming while there are many contradiction in their creed?! However, the Bahá’í International Community, in a recent analysis of the implementation of these recommendations, accepted by Iran in 2010 and 2014, confirmed that not a single one has yet been implemented. This is institutionalised incitement to hatred. Moreover, since 2006, various trade associations, unions, and business organisations have been instructed to compile lists of Bahá’ís in every type of employment under their purview. It was reported in June 2020 that Mr. Farid Ziraki Moghaddam was sentenced by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Birjand for membership in illegal Bahá’í organization and propaganda against the regime to a total of six years’ imprisonment under tazir law.   On the morning of Monday, 7 June 2020, three Bahá’í women—Ms. In the last year, there have been 66 arrests. The officers confiscated all Bahá’í materials, such as books, portraits, prayer books, etc., as well as a mobile phone and laptop. In 1946-50 the national Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of Iran adopted a six-point plan for spreading Bahaism and for improving the status of women. It has its reasons for the arrest of these Bahais and we should respect that. In violation of UPR recommendations Rec. Just as America, Israel… Even during the academic year, university authorities have summoned students and demanded that they identify their religion. Most alarming are their rationales that Bahá’ís should not be buried in Muslim cemeteries because they are considered najis (unclean) and they are not “people of the Book [Qur’an].” When Bahá’ís are provided property to use as a cemetery, oftentimes officials fail to respect the rights of the deceased Bahá’ís to be buried according to Bahá’í laws. On 22 May 2020, Mrs. Samizadeh was sentenced by Branch 105 of Shiraz Criminal Court, presided over by Judge Fakharzadeh to a further 1 year of imprisonment under tazir law and two years’ ban from public service, i.e. These individuals were all initially arrested on 13 February 2018 after their homes were raided and computers, mobile phones, and photographs, and personal items associated with the Bahá’í Faith, were confiscated. The most recent UPR cycle is not being used because its report is still to be adopted in March 2020. In particular, a letter from Tehran’s Amaken (Public Places Supervision Office) dated 9 April 2007 confirms orders to the commanders of police and heads of intelligence and security throughout its province that members of the “perverse Bahaist sect” must be prevented from engaging in certain occupations. Their homes were searched and usual items were taken. On 26 March 2018, the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei issued, via his website, a new religious decree (fatwa) concerning “association and dealing with Bahá’ís”. The decision has been appealed to the Court of Appeal. This refusal is in total contradiction with Article 5 of Iran’s Press Law. These individuals were initially arrested on 30 April 2019. The Baháʼí Faith was established in 1863 by Baháʼu'lláh in Iran. Chief among these is a communication sent in 2006 by the Central Security Office of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, and addressed to 81 Iranian universities, the names of which were listed. In response to this announcement, in an open letter dated 3 September 1983, addressed to Iranian authorities, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Iran detailed the abuses faced by the Bahá’ís in the Islamic Republic, and appealed to the Iranian people and the Islamic government to restore their rights as Iranian citizens and as human beings. March 23, 2009, editor, 7 Comments. In Iran, state-sponsored hate propaganda and conspiracy theories against the Bahai are never-ending. India’s Bahá'í population represents about 40% of the total Bahá'í population distributed in about 200 countries and territories. The bail demands are exorbitantly high, requiring families to hand over deeds to their properties or business licenses. Eventually, human being is in one ... She was really enthusiastic about going to mosque and listening to the call of Islam, first. It was learnt in June 2020 that Ms. Fariba Ashtari was sentenced by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Yazd for membership in groups against the regime, and propaganda against the regime and in the interest of groups against the regime, to five and one years’ respectively, to a total of six years’ imprisonment under tazir law. For example, many deceased Bahá’ís from Tabriz and Sanandaj are required to be buried in the Miandoab and Ghorveh Cemeteries respectively, which are at least 160 and 90 kilometres away, and take well over an hour to get to. The writings of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh are considered as divine revelation, the writings and talks of `Abdu’l-Bahá and the writings of Shoghi Effendi as authoritative interpretation, and those of the Universal House of Justice as authoritative legislation and elucidation. How was the proselytizing organization of the Baha’ism establishment created? In several cases, where the authorities have taken over the burial process altogether, the families concerned were only informed of the location of their loved ones after the burials had already taken place. Below is a recent example: It was learnt in July 2020 that the cemetery of Taft—a region in the province of Yazd—which had been confiscated from the Bahá’is shortly after the revolution in 1979, is now being divided and sold. These young Bahá’ís participate in the national examination and receive high scores making them eligible for entry into university, and yet, they are denied the right to education only because they are Bahá’ís. Furthermore, with the adoption of this governmental policy, applicants applying for business licenses are required to fill out and sign a form asking them to declare their religion. !. Moreover, there have been at least 83 attacks against Bahá’í cemeteries in different localities throughout Iran since August 2005. by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh. It outlines a series of measures to restrict the educational, economic, and cultural life of Iranian Bahá’ís. On 20 April 2020, Branch 2 of the Birjand Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Hojjat Nabavi, sentenced Ms. Farzaneh Daymi, Ms. Nasrin Ghadiri (Navazi), Mr. Ataollah Melaki, Mr. Saied Melaki, Ms. Roya Milaki, Ms. Arezou Mohammadi (Rouzi), Ms. Banafsheh Mokhtari (Zamani), and Atieh Salehi (Hajipour) to 6 years in prison each. It was further reported that she was recently arrested again in Yazd and sentenced to six years’ imprisonment under the charges of deception of the complainant in luring [her] towards Baha’ism, propaganda against the Islamic Republic and participation in groups in opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Is has a long history in Iran, Baha'is have been 66 arrests the beginning of the homes by... 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