Michael Ortiz has been one of the world's leading figures in the field of applied and computer-oriented mechanics for decades. 5. In 2020, Michael Ortiz, the Frank and Ora Lee Marble Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, is awarded with the Argyris Visiting Professorship from the Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science at the University of Stuttgart. WS 2020/21. We invite applications from experienced scholars of academic distinction, who will conduct research of high quality while in residence at TILEC. The University invites scholars to apply for its visiting professorship program. Here, he developed a formalism that integrates the response behavior of materials into a continuum mechanical model exclusively by means of data points, thus making the formulation, calibration and evaluation of a material model superfluous. In recent years, he has increasingly turned to data-driven methods of computer-oriented mechanics. The Swedish Research Council has decided that professor Beth Parker at Guelph University, Canada, will be the holder of the 2021 Tage Erlanders visiting professorship. Howard ABRAMS has been appointed William K. Jacobs Visiting Professor of Law for the 2019-2020 academic year. The Visiting Professorship Chairs (VPC) Program is a funding program that aims to accelerate the research output of the emirate by attracting pre-eminent international researchers into Abu Dhabi’s research ecosystem. With his current research focus on data-driven computational mechanics, he acts at the core of SimTech's research paradigm of data-integrated simulation science. In December 2019 we announced Professor Jenifer Neils as our 2020 Visiting Professor. Departmental Guide for the Visiting Miller Professorship Online Nominations: Deadline for Nominations: September 15, 2020, 11:59pm PDT (-7GMT) (See detailed instructions on Nomination Form online) Nominations for the Visiting Miller Professorship must be made online by Berkeley faculty members. Visitors who have previously held a Leverhulme Visiting Professorship can only apply if at least 7 years have elapsed since the last one. The deadline to apply is February 15, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. The Global Partnership Network (GPN) is an ambitious and promising assemblage of higher Education institutions and civil society groups for research, teaching and training around SDG 17: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development". On behalf of ESO we would like to inform you that due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis we have made the difficult decision to postpone the Visiting Professorship Meeting on Radiotherapy programmed for 20 November 2020 in Tirana, Albania. Departments International. Welcome to the installation of Zhi-Xun Shen as the 2020 holder of the Tage Erlander Visiting Professorship. The methodology developed by Michael Ortiz has since been known under the term "data-driven computational mechanics” and has caused quite a stir in the scientific community. This scheme is scheduled to open Friday 15 February 2021 and close on Thursday 1 April 2021. Visiting Professorship | Applications due 18 Jan 2021 at 11:59pm. 2020-12-18 University of Konstanz Konstanz Professorship (W3) in International Politics - Global Inequalit. In dieser Folge geht es darüber, warum für die ägyptische Gesellschaft immer die Frauen Schuld haben und warum Parfumtragen als Sünde gilt. 2020-21 Undergraduate Student Handbook. Rachel B. Noel Distinguished Visiting Professorship 40 Years of honoring the legacy of Rachel B. Noel Details for the 2020-2021 will be coming shortly. In other cases, the remuneration for visiting professors is based on the pay scale for professors (more information: Professorship … This programme aims to demonstrate and further enhance the UK’s commitment to international research partnerships and collaboration as well as strengthen the UK’s research capacity and capability in the humanities and the social sciences. Following the professorship will be an end-of-year celebration of the graduating chief residents and fellows in urology, also held via Zoom. We are extremely glad to welcome Michael Ortiz as SimTech's Argyris Visiting Professor 2020 in Stuttgart and look forward to vivid discussions and fruitful collaborations. DAAD Visiting Professorship: Prof Mariana Sargsyan, Head of the Centre for British Literature, Yerevan State University, Armenia. The terms of the professorship are: 1st … It is intended for outstanding scientists from institutions of higher learning and research institutions who have achieved appropriate recognition in their fields and who have obtained positions as senior researchers. Programme status Ongoing. Completed GPN's application form From 1984-1995 he held a faculty position in the Division of Engineering of Brown University, where he carried out research activities in the fields of mechanics of materials and computational solid mechanics. Professor Ortiz has served in the University of California Office of the President Science and Technology Panel, the Los Alamos National Laboratory T-Division Review Committee, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Predictive Science Panel, the Sandia National Laboratories Engineering Sciences External Review Panel, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Chemistry, Materials, Earth and Life Sciences Directorate Review Committee, in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Engineering Directorate Review Committee and in the National Research Council Panel for the Evaluation of QMU. Submit by email to: buckel.gpn@uni-kassel.de. Zhi-Xun Shen is Professor of Physical Sciences at Stanford University, USA. Professor Ortiz is the recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for Senior US Scientists, the IACM International Computational Mechanics Awards for Research, the USACM Computational Structural Mechanics Award, the ISI Highly Cited Researcher Award, the inaugural 2008 Rodney Hill Prize conferred every four years by the IUTAM and 2015 Timoshenko Medal of the ASME. Professor Ortiz has been a Fulbright Scholar, a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar at Caltech, Midwest and Southwest Mechanics Seminar Series Distinguished Speaker, an elected member-at-large of the US Association for Computational Mechanics and a Hans Fischer Senior Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Technical University of Munich. The Richard Musgrave Visiting Professorship 2020 has been awarded to Professor Claus Thustrup Kreiner by CESifo and the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF). Denn 2020 hatte Ägypten seinen absoluten #metoo Moment, als zwei Vergewaltigungsfälle öffentlich diskutiert wurden. Please submit the completed application by email to: buckel.gpn[at]uni-kassel[dot]de, Wangari Maathai Visiting Professorship Program, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation (exceed), MA programme Global Political Economy and Development, 1st of October to 30th of March each year, 1st of April to 30th of September each year, Teaching 2 courses with 15 seminar sessions of 90 minutes each in the, Contribute to the development of the E-learning tools / Online Educational Resources for the GPN network, The application for the winter term 2021/2022 and summer term 2022 must be received, The decisions of the International Academic Committee (IAC) will be announced by 1st March 2021. In ihrer Arbeit untersucht sie die Wechselwirkung zwischen digitaler Technologie, Aktivismus und Governance. Erasmus+ Visiting Professorship: Prof Dr Katie Gramich, Cardiff University, UK, for lectures and workshops at the British Studies department. He is currently the Frank and Ora Lee Marble Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, where he has been in the faculty since 1995 and where he has served as the director of Caltech’s DoE/PSAAP Center on High-Energy Density Dynamics of Materials from 2008-2013. Back to Top. TORCH Global South Visiting Professorship 2020/2021 at University of Oxford, UK Application is Opened; The TORCH ‘Global South’ Visiting Professorships is a flagship scheme to support Visiting Professors from the Global South for a minimum of one term in the academic year in Oxford. Information about the professorship and an archive of fellowship recipients is listed at the link above. The University invites scholars to apply for its visiting professorship program. The Department of German Studies at Stanford University is pleased to announce the Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship for 2020-2021 and to request applications, due by December 1, 2019. Since 2014, the Argyris Visiting Professorship honors internationally renowned scientists from Germany and abroad, who are outstanding representatives of their discipline in the field of simulation science. Call for Visiting Professorship Program - Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. Professor Ortiz received a BS degree in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, and MS and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. Organisation of Professor Neils schedule was well underway when … Global Professorships 2020. Recently, he formulated a new paradigm of data-driven computational mechanics, which makes him an even greater inspiration for SimTech.”, Marc-André Keip, Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE) and PR in the Cluster of Excellence SimTech, explains his reasons for nominating Michael Ortiz. Diese Nutzungsanalyse wird anonymisiert und lässt keine Rückschlüsse auf individuelle Besucher zu. The goal of the ACG Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorship Program, which honors former ACG Institute Director, Edgar Achkar, MD, MACG, is to enable GI fellowship programs to have high-quality visiting professors to bolster the training program by providing lectures, small group discussions, and one-on-one visits with trainees and faculty. You chose the speakers. Junior Professorship (W1) for English Linguistics and Teaching English as a Foreign Language with tenure-trackto W2. 2020-12-09 University of Koblenz-Landau Koblenz Junior Professorship (W1) in Comparative Social Policy. The application for the winter term 2020/2021 must be received by July 15 th, 2020. Here are the, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech), Collaborations within and beyond the University of Stuttgart, FC 1: Advancing and Fusing Multi-X-Models, FC 2: Merging Physics- & Data-Based Modeling, FC 3: Bridging Data-Poor & Data-Rich Regimes, FC 4: Mastering Stochastic Models & Total Uncertainty, FC 5: Heterogeneous & Dynamically Changing Environments, FC 6: Making Simulation & Visualization Pervasive, PN 1: Data-Integrated Models and Methods for Multiphase Fluid Dynamics, PN 2: In Silico Models of Coupled Biological Systems, PN 3: Data-Integrated Model Reduction for Particles and Continua, PN 4: Data-Integtrated Control System Design with Guarantee, PN 5: On-the-fly Model Modification, Error Control, and Simulation Adaptivity, PN 7: Adaptive Simulation and Interaction, https://www.ortiz.caltech.edu/biography/index.html. Applications will be processed by the GPN office and should be submitted on the GPN's application form. Visiting professors are often employed on a freelance basis, which does not have to comply with any collective pay agreement. For more information on Michael Ortiz, please check https://www.ortiz.caltech.edu/biography/index.html, For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Being a SimTech Senior Fellow since 2011, Michael has a long-standing and firm connection to SimTech and its members. This scheme is only open to UK universities. This program honors former ACG Institute Director Edgar Achkar, MD, MACG, and provides an exciting opportunity for a national expert to visit your institution, spend time with your fellows, educate colleagues and visit with young faculty as mentors. Decision published 14:00 16 June 2020 Download the list of previous holders of the professorship (excel, 11.6 kB) In 2020, Michael Ortiz, the Frank and Ora Lee Marble Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology, is awarded with the Argyris Visiting Professorship from the … TORCH Global South Visiting Professorship 2020-2021 Deadline: Monday 14 October 2019, 12:00pm The TORCH ‘Global South’ Visiting Professorships is a flagship scheme that supports Visiting Professors from the Global South for a minimum of one term in the academic year in Oxford. He is a Fellow of the US Association for Computational Mechanics, elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences and an elected Member of the US National Academy of Engineering. 10 dicembre 2018 Call for Visiting Professorship Program, Fall 2019 and Spring 2020. The professorship is tenable during the academic years 2020-2024 (1st October 2020 to 30th September 2024). The responsibilites of the GPN Visiting Professorship include the following: Recipients are required to use the title "Wangari Maathai Professor" in all articles and publications resulting from research activities performed under those auspices and while attending conferences during the Wangari Maathai Visting Professorship. The GPN Visiting Professorship is established at the University of Kassel for suitable candidates from all GPN partner universities and related universities in the field of research collaboration on global partnerships for sustainable development. Diese Website setzt Cookies für die Nutzungsanalyse mit der Software Matomo ein. Distinguished Visiting Professorship 2020 Dr. Stefania Milan, UVA Amsterdam Biografie: Stefania Milan ist Associate Professor für Neue Medien und Digitale Kultur an der Universität Amsterdam. He is Professor of Economics at University of Copenhagen since 2005, and Founder and Director of the Center for Economic Behavior and Inequality (CEBI) since 2017. Funding can cover salary for the visiting professor, travel expenses, relocation and accommodation expenses, networking activities, and administrative support of up to 5% of the total grant. "It is with great pleasure that we finally can announce Michael Ortiz as this year’s awardee for the Argyris Visiting Professorship. The following Visiting Professors of Law and Lecturers on Law will be offering courses at Harvard Law School during the 2019-2020 academic year. The GPN is one of the seven Centers of Excellence for Exchange and Development funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the the Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation (exceed) program of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He has been editor of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics of ASCE and of the Journal of Applied Mechanics of the ASME and is presently associate editor of the Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, the Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, the International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering and of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Journal. The 2020 John R. Caulk Visiting Professorship will be held remotely via Zoom on June 26. Subscribe. Submission: Upon termination of their stay at the GPN, recipients are requested to submit a short report on their activities as Visiting Professor at the GPN. a salary for the duration of the stay in Kassel and round-trip airfare (at the cheapest direct commercial fare). As soon as the date is fixed, we will inform you on our website and our social media channels. The Argyris Visiting Professorship for 2020 is announced! The Welcome Services … Start date 2020/2021. We are thus delighted to confer SimTech's 2020 Argyris Visiting Professorship to Michael Ortiz and look forward to various interactions and collaborations in the diverse and inspiring field of data-integrated simulation science“, announces SimTech spokesperson Thomas Ertl this year’s decision. Upon termination of their stay at the GPN, recipients are requested to submit a short report on their activities as Visiting Professor at the GPN. So far, there is neither a set date nor format for that lecture due to the given circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alessandro Pinzani studied Philosophy in his hometown Florence (Master) and Tübingen (PhD). Visiting Professors. Duration Four years. Since 2004 he is a Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the UFSC Florianopólis (Brasil). The professorship can have a duration of 3-12 months and be funded with maximum DKK 125.000 per month. Of data-integrated simulation science Florence ( Master ) and Tübingen ( PhD.... 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