2 Panentheism: "Meaning “all is in God,” this view equates the universe with God (like pantheism) but allows God to have a separate identity distinct from the universe (unlike pantheism). Rabbi Michael Lerner. Panentheism vs Panendeismwwwpanendeismorg, English words not following the I before E except after C rule. diss., Harvard University, 1923. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. See the article by Robert Morey, ‘Sheol, Hades and Gehenna’. “. It does not make sense to think of either the universe or God has having borders, as the ovals suggest (Borg 1997:51, n.2). So, I can explain no further. [2] Christian Forums, Theology, Soteriology, ‘What is your view of salvation?’, Episcoboi #44, available at: http://www.christianforums.com/t7685449-5/ (Accessed 14 September 2012). Pantheists reject the idea of a personal God. It is sometimes called bipolar theism as ‘it believes God hasis I heard Aletheia say that open theism fits within the umbrella of panENtheism. Borg, M 1997. I don’t believe in substitutionary atonement or many other theories of atonement. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License; (belief system) Belief in the existence of at least one deity. (Photo courtesy Southern Evangelical Seminary). When considered together they may be called The God we never knew. A study of Jewish theological development shows that the idea of an afterlife of reward and punishment only began to develop after the Babylonia Captivity and only came to be truly developed in the Hellenistic period and the early Rabinnic (sic) period. He admitted his syncretism: I guess my way is syncretic. PANENTHEISM VS. PANTHEISM The following is an excerpt from New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality, pp. This document last updated at Date: 18 June 2016. I don’t know the details. In Pantheism the universe itself is divine. But, that also stems from my belief that all religions have truth and the divine in them. For panentheism, God is “right here,” even as God is also more than “right here”[1] (Borg 1997:32). This view also sees the world and God as mutually dependent for their fulfillment. In the NT there is much talk about redemption and salvation, but not much detail about the afterlife. …of philosophy, which he called “panentheism” (essentially an attempt to reconcile pantheism and theism), asserts that God is an essence that contains the entire universe within itself but is not exhausted by it. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. On the popular level, there are comments like these to support panentheism: I believe that all are in God and God is in all. Panentheists agree that God has two poles: (1) an actual pole, which is the world; and (2) a potential pole – beyond the world. In Greek pan means "all," theos means "god," and en means "in." [2], I believe that all are in God and God is in all and to God we all return. Panentheism would represent God as a larger oval that includes the oval of the universe; God encompasses the universe, and the universe is in God. Geisler’s article can be found at: Panentheism – Part One; Panentheism – Part Two. But when faced with an advanced definition of God, things get interesting. (philosophy, religion) A doctrine that the universe subsists within God, but that God nevertheless transcends or has some existence separate from the universe. [7] Syncretism is used here to mean ‘attempts to merge alien or opposing practices or beliefs from diverse religious systems’ (Carson 1996:249, n.109). Theism is a related term of panentheism. It is sometimes called bipolar theism as ‘it believes God has two poles’ (Geisler 1999:576). In the 2nd half of the 20th century it gained more popularity through the process thought of Alfred North Whitehead and his follower Charles Hartshorne. This distinction attimes develops into an ontological separation between God and theworld that makes any i… Panentheism, not to be confused with pantheism, has the literal meaning, ‘all in God’. On the scholarly level, there are books such as that by Episcopalian Marcus Borg (1997) that support this redefinition of God. Or, where do many modern and historic Rabbi’s get it from. is that panentheism is (rare) a belief in all gods while pantheism is (rare) the belief in all gods; omnitheism. The Hebrew Bible is not very clear and really doesn’t deal overmuch with the afterlife. God is both transcendent over the universe and imminent in it’ (Geisler 1999:722). I have never been to the afterlife. I am VERY interested in nonprocess panENtheism vs open. Posted on March 12, 2013 by Rev. You can learn more about the God I’m talking about by talking with Rabbi’s, especially of the Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist Movements in Judaism. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: 1844 –1900 Atheism is the rejection of God. It is a form of monotheism, yet not of the Unitarian, but of the Trinitarian type. Instead, the universe exists ‘in’ or ‘within’ God. Dawn Hutchings Whenever we try to articulate what God IS, language fails us. I’m not very concerned about the afterlife. 89-92.Pantheism and Panentheism This universal arrangement is not pantheism (all is God), but panentheism, a term devised by Karl C. F. Krause (1781-1832) to describe his thought. Theology I learned in a hospital cardiac ward, http://www.christianforums.com/t7685449-5/. I suggest representing the universe as an oval. Thus, I cannot say what it is, where it is, what it is like, or furnish any other detail. For panentheism, God is not a being “out there.” The Greek roots of the word point to its meaning: pan means “everything,” en means “in,” and theos means “God.” Panentheism thus means “everything is in God.” God is more than everything (and thus transcendent), yet everything is in God (hence God is immanent). Death and the Afterlife. See also Death and the Afterlife, Terence Nichols. If he is not interested in what happens when he dies, he again affirms that he is not a supporter of biblical Christianity. The crucial difference between traditional, classical panentheism and Christian theism, broadly interpreted (i.e., not necessarily as defined by Augustine or Anselm or … He’s another god. UUs are progressive and liberal and would wholeheartedly welcome the deism/theism or pantheism/panentheism debate, but if your focus is to keep Christ at the heart of all things, then I feel like you might be better served in a Supernatural theism versus panentheism Marcus Borg, in his book The God We Never Knew , compares two different conceptions of God within the Christian tradition: The first conceptualizes God as a supernatural being "out there", separate from the world, who created the world a long time ago and who may from time to time intervene within it.