I’m so sorry that you’ve had such terrible problems as a result of this drug. Because she doesn’t want me to be able to cover up my breakouts and she wants to embarrass me and put me down and not allow me to cover that up and wants to show the world, my flaws, and embarrass me. I just kept telling myself I would never do it. I have heard so many stories of side effects , people taking their own life linked to depression after roaccutane ( isotretinoin), Hi Mitch, Im so sorry to hear that, just know your son cant help it, its beyond what you or anybody else could comprehend..the physical effects are way easier than the mental and of course the drug causes us to suffer from them both. He was such a dear and wonderful son, so talented and so kind, to the very last. I would never advise intensive workouts while on Accutane, just because when you do workout, your muscles degrade, and they rebuild stronger. Also, here is a link to the documentary that aired in the UK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgpYS33kMVc. However, thanks to the efforts of many bereaved parents and many MPs, there is a new Government scientific investigation going on now to try to get to the bottom of this. Its hard believe me i know but what you have to do is move past it! HELL. I was put on this drug about 18 years ago at the age of 12. She has her ups and downs. Don’t get me wrong – I am very happy for those people!! I had been bullied and harrassed for years, my self-esteem was in the toilet. There is no scientific evidence that concludes that Accutane causes; depression, IBS, chrones or hypothyroidism. Upon researching, I think I know now the answer. I agree, while there are severe side effects of this medication, nothing is long term. What course of action should I take my physical ? Hi y’all and thanks for sharing your stories! I managed to go 6 months without it. I experienced so many negative experiences from acne in my teens that frustrates me, but I am trying to get over it and become a better person, which doesn’t involve acne. Soooooooooooo. They also focused on telling me about the risk of getting pregnant. My skin was perfectly clear until I was 24 and then a new job and breakup gave my cystic acne that I tried to clear up naturally for 4 years! Thanks for sharing your experience with Accutane – you’re right there are definitely two sides to it – obviously it can save or ruin lives, and I am sincerely happy that it has made such a positive difference for you (and anyone who else who has taken it successfully). And so, he’s taking pictures, saying, “ha. Inform yourself or STFU! <3 Jill, I also took accutane and am suffering with permanent side effects almost 2 years on from my last pill. And this is difficult for me to say because I believe in holistic natural medicine. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention. During the treatment some of the worst symptoms were reoccurring eye infections that made me look like I had severe pink eye. No. He said he knew his brain was not working right and kept saying ‘you will have to let me go, I am really ill Mum and Dad and no one seems to realise.’ We tried everything to get the medics and social workers to listen, knowing that he really would end his life if we didn’t get help. It’s not like it’s going to hurt you.” So, see, it’s like, people don’t understand, and they don’t get it, and they try and hurt you, and manipulate you, and it’s just like, well, I didn’t say anything about her, being gross, and nasty, neither of them, I mean, they do have their old age, and one of them, was FAT, and so, I’m not saying anything out of disrespect, but I’m just saying, no one is perfect, and I don’t go around saying stuff about other people, and the cousins, both female cousins, the one that tells all my boyfriends that “I don’t look like that” and the other female cousin, both sisters, that wanted me to be prevented from wearing makeup, to the waterpark, well, they’re both FAT, both of the sisters, and I’m not talking about anyone, to bring them down, of course, because I’m not saying this to anyone, in real life, but who are they to talk about me, or my mom, for instance, who is older than me, with her wrinkles, or the boyfriends, both of them, who put me down, and flirted with my mom, and rejected me, well, guess what, they were both irresponsible, and wanting me to take care of them, financially, because they are immature, and irresponsible with money, and one of them, had an addiction, I won’t say what to, because I hate to talk about that, but honestly, it was a very addictive substance, which is devastating to lives, and anyone who talks about me, is very immature, in general. Did that give you a loving family? "But as powerful as Accutane can be in improving patients' lives, the adverse effects can be just as powerful," states FDA Consumer magazine. I can not wash my face with anything at all without burning my face (yes i have tried every possible thing). At least we have got the British Government taking us seriously now. I don’t know! There are thousands of reports or liver failure, death, brain damage from taking commen painkillers, so shall we ban them? My theory is that these people who develop these problems later in life after stopping their course on Accutane were actually experiencing acne due to poor diet and lifestyle, making them already predisposed to bowel diseases. Sexual dysfunction in guys is also very common I’ve read and I’m scared because I just found out my brother is considering taking it. He has lost the last 7 years not going to college, not going out with friends, not having a girl friend.. You know all the normal things that teens do. Accutane is a real gamble with real side effects, some which can last you an entire lifetime. Looking back, there are much, much worse things than being called pizza face by a bunch of cruel adolescents…, Hey Carol, I’m so sorry to hear this. I would turn a t-shirt unusable in 3 minutes. My friends nicknamed me ‘Skitz’ (as in schizophrenia) because I became very short tempered, angry and just weird. Such suffering. It comes and goes, and it’s mild now. Nothing I tried would help. Skin Infection 6. I just don’t want to come away from this with extra health issues than when I signed on to taking the drug. I toke accutane for mild acne after topyicals didnt work my doctor got me in to see a dermatologist that works with them after a appointment or two i got prescribed accutane signed all the stuff toke it the next day i didnt feel to well but i reminded my self it was temporary… but i was wrong toke it for 2 months had to get off it a month ago it did something to me… I cant tell what exactly as all my exams and tests have not proved anything… but it is definitely in my bodies joints and head Im in a lingering pain all over every day i keep a headache with no relief and the worse part is the changes in bowels I had always had intense stomach aches and have had depression and anxiety over the stomach aches that stoped before accutane for bout a year there was a routine plain how what to eat and when and still following it but now its gotten worse… I just really cant explain the way i feel but people say Im not the same person… I like that my acne is so small and almost gone completely but I dont like how i feel… it was not a even trade and the more i look into accutane the worse it gets i realize now im just a test subject for this medicine. The only reason you’re going around blabbing about your miracle holistic cure is because you no longer know how it feels to not be able to get rid of acne no matter how hard you try – this is the only “cure”. SCREW THIS SHIT. I just wanted to add my voice. He couldn’t concentrate & said he felt strange. Has anyone been on the drug and have had children years later? He had no history of any mental illness. To be frank, I do not think this drug should be prescribed unless the acne is so severe it may lead the patient to commit suicide. That’s the point that I’ve gotten to. I can tell you to get help but thats just a bunch of bullshit. She was always a bit shy and was very slow to trust strangers. Awful. If your blood work reads that you’re liver is suffering, you cannot continue! thanksc: Sorry, I read this far too late. Thanks for sharing your story Diana, and good luck with your son, you’re a good mom x, Diane, could I communicate directly with your extreme dry eye syndrome? PLEASE BOYS/GIRLS/MEN/WOMAN.. So, I suffered, and suffered, and I knew my mom was going to put me down, and use this against me, and she did… use it like a sword, and even the guy who was taking pictures, and putting me down, and saying you don’t look like that. Well, I understand him for I had just as bad side effects while being on Interferone Alpha. Luckily he did recover from this acute phase. My forehead was especially dry for a long time and I’ve since developed chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU). OMG! It’s as if accutane sucked my soul out of my body. (accutane was called “Roaccutane” in Australia). Two weeks ago we went back to the dermatologist and after discussion about the shortness of breath he took her off Oratane. So whatever you decide, keep in mind self-love. It got so bad his mother was hiding the kitchen knives in the boot of her car. His eye lashes kept falling out, joint pain, bone pain, stomach pain, insomnia. My exams were very hard to revise for because my brain was just not working very well. Mainly extremely dry skin, ibs, anxiety and hair loss. When i was on isotretinoin (accutane) i would peel a piece of skin on my lip and it would rip right off the lip and keep going. I have had acne since high school and i am now 22. His side effects started with pain in his arm, to the point that he could not hold a pen to write his name. it permanently changes the brains chemistry, messes with bodies hormones, cripples immune system etc why do u think people have severe depression taking it. Anyway.. I’m glad to hear you recovered from the side effects of Interferon, and that others here seem to have healed from their accutane related Chrohn’s, so maybe there is hope for Stefan and others like him . – whenever I stop, my skin becomes bad and worse. However if u are suffering a lot from acne and it’s killing u, trying the drug my b worth it…If your dermatologist approves. There is nothing that can rationalize this drug. I was too mature, for him. I really appreciate that she’s being sensitive to what’s going on and not telling me to just continue on like everything’s normal. I hope you get this message Stefan. I took accutane in high school. You can see R/AccutaneDamage to see others who have these effects as well. I felt insulted that she wanted me to go to a dermatologist (I’d been to one years earlier and got chemical peels and special face washes that didn’t help) and I did not have the severe cystic, nodular acne that Accutane is meant to treat and my acne was mostly just on my face (lower jaw area was the worst) and maybe a little on my upper back. Now fast forward 15 years later I have learned to live with IBD. There is just sooo many thing that can contribute to breakouts in todays world, and the endless stress just isn’t worth it. Hopefully this has made you more aware of some things. My sister also took it at the same time. I am still the same Isaac as i was a couple months ago but with BETTER face. I’m not saying that Accutane didn’t cause all three of your illnesses, but I think it’s a stretch to assume so. Or the next time the dentist pulls your tooth out your are in agony for weeks. This shit is so weird I wish I was making it up. "The drug is known to cause miscarriage and severe birth defects. The Accutane fixed the symptom, acne, which was telling them to “check themselves before they wreck themselves”. Nosebleed 4. Other things were going on. I completely stop the supplement as well for the two weeks and everything went back to normal. Please find a (good) naturopath who will deal with your body and mental health in a natural way!! But this is your face, and something, people look at you, and they think that you, are just gross, or nasty, and you should wash your face, but it was 3 hours, after taking a shower, that I would begin to look nasty again, so there wasn’t much, that I could do. I posted a while back about the beginning of my experience with accutane. I had a rash on my hands every other week while on medication. Even my curls were gone! Twenty-three members of an NCAA Division II American football team (ages = 19-24 years) with at least 2 years of strength training experience were divided i … I think it really might be an alternative to Accutane, especially when you are suffering from oily skin and white-/blackheads. Over 500 articles and videos spanning 9 years –  full of my best tips to help you get back in control of your skin. I am only 20; I should not feel like and elderly person! Or you are just pure bastards who have no sympathy for people who went through real sufferings. I’ve recently been highly pressured to use Accutane for my 16-year-old son who has been suffering a significant case of acne the last two years. I continued to take it and as I was about to finish out my course I started getting headaches that made me feel like my eyes were going to pop out and my entire field of vision was flipping upside down. In 2006, a research conducted in the University of … At that point, I had had acne since I was 8 years and like Stefan it was all over my face, back, chest, shoulders and upper arms. My phones. I definitly agree with you that most people don’t talk about it enough. Another thing I can say.. I know that some agencies won’t allow me to submit a complaint because they only deal with RoAcutanne or only deal in the UK. Then, he puts me down, over and over, again, saying, you don’t look like that, meaning that I don’t look the way, I do, with makeup on, and wants to put me down, and remind me, that I have problem, skin. About 90% of what you said in that video is what I deal with too. I can be reached at mgctomd@yahoo.com. I wish I could turn back time and never take accutane and just wait for my skin to clear up. I agree on the compassion part. Before the Accutane I was known for being outgoing, optimistic, and “bubbly”, regardless of my skin imperfections. Apologies Erin, as I’m taken! The dry lips were manageable with lip therapy Vaseline. Please get ahold of me my life is ruined, need a class action lawsuit. But I have an Accutane story that’s not too horrid. It all depends on how long and how much this medicine is used. But that’s not the worst part. You are so right about there needing to be masses more research into how this drug can affect you. Learn how your comment data is processed. Low Energy 1… It has gotten to the point where I cannot sleep through the night. I have been on ativan then a new doctor told me my anxiety was the worst case he has ever seen so he put me on Xanax. Accutane destroyed my bowels. Anyway I still got pimples every now and then but nothing to the extent that I had before. We tried prescriptions, and nothing, really worked. Due to the severe side effects I stopped taking it after only 17 days. They sent me in for an MRI and found that I had 7 lesions in the white matter of my brain that had formed in recent months. It went away for a long time, but its back. Different name, same stuff. This sanatorium even works hand in hand with the dermatological department for they see a link between this disease and acne. The funny thing is that while I was on accutane, I never broke down about my skin. I’ve suffered from ongoing anxiety and depression since roughly the same period, but I truly can’t remember how I felt prior and I do have anxiety in the family. I think that is one of the biggest ways your body can heal. Besides mild constipation. I am not kidding don’t take it. I hate Western medicine and won’t use any of their crap for myuself or any of my family anymore. When administered in pharmacologic dosage, it is said to inhibit the sebaceous gland function and keratinization, thus helping in reducing the intensity of severe nodular acne .. MomJunction tells you why Accutane should not be taken during pregnancy, and its side effects. Enjoy it while it lasts. Thank you, Tracy and Stefan! I’m really not being over dramatic about it. It took over all our lives & was a living hell . Hello to readers of Tracy’s awesome site! I was permanently changed by my experience, not only in my eyes, but by way of my critical thinking and my understanding that magic bullets are not all they’re packaged to be. Dr james del rosso a leading dermatologist in the world, has studied accutane for years and is totally behind its saftey. I had acne on my face, chest, back and even got it on my upper arms and shoulders. And it isn’t one percent, I really think thats the only reported number. Life goes on. This drug changes the way you think though so I’m not saying that’s the right answer at all. Similar things happened to my skin shapes 12 years ago.I still struggle with this shit!Can’t describe it precisely ,but everything went wrong(includin’ facial+body hair), My son took Accutane for about 4 months during his senior year in high school back in 1995. Took Accutane in 2002 for 6 mos, I was 20. Well, we all endure something, I guess… some people are prone to weight issues, etc. I do not want anything to happen to him but I feel like I am not listening to him. This was, of course, after trying different skin care products that claim to do things they can’t. I just want to cry all the time at how weak and frail and pained my body feels. Acne will clear after some time mental health issues are for ever. It was horrible and hellish, and the reason I have scarring. Nearly 85 percent of all people will have acne at some point in their lives. 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