It was submitted & confirmation showed that it went through. I’ve had a call in a waiting line for over 2 weeks with no return call or help! But im still waiting for Virginia unemployment so pay me my back pay and my regular unemployment p e u c OMG IF ANYONE IN OHIO HAS ANY INFO THAT CLD HELP ME I WLD SUPER APPRECIATE IT. I have look and look on Georgia Department of Labor website & I still don’t know what to do? I have tried to call 833-978-2511 Will just have to be patient. I will have been out of work for 2 months by the time I get my first SS check. We have to just wait for EDD. [I will keep posting updates on this site and encourage you to subscribe to get the latest news], Actively filing for PUA with previous PEUC claim: Action is needed from the claimant. I was wondering if I will get the 11 week extension. I disgust myself. So I’m thinking the 13 week extension should cover me for the week of the 12th, 19th and lastly the 26th and then cut off. I hope I didn’t mess it up more. no one told me this prior to that date in Jan that I made a mistake SO now I have a new claim date with no backpay and I’m moving so I have to quit my job. I have a claim balance, on extension, last payment issued 12/29. I’m an Independent contractor & self employed. For example, a PUA recipient would lose any existing balance as of Dec. 26th if my understanding is correct. ugh. the time frame of my claim extended automatically but no benefits. Per CA EDD. We don’t know if this new message applies to HIS PUA claim or regular unemployment as it is not clear. It’s easier to get help right now. Because of the additional PEUC benefits available, you are no longer eligible to receive PUA. My claim expires the 13th of March. I haven’t received any of these yet. I’m just a 50 year old father of two, who’s currently unemployed, and had to move back home to care for my father! Has to be above a certain threshold. I’m a fat, dumb, lying, conniving piece of dog poowho should probably just shut my fat mouth with some more food. My claim was marked ineligible Dec 26th but as of this morning it was redetermined and now has an end date of March 14th 2021. I still have a balnce in my PUA account for California – but my portal says my claim has expired as of 12/31/2020 – it says I need to file a new claim – but when I go to that page it says “do not file a new claim if you have an existing claim” – it’s confusing and I’m not sure what to do! Two , This date is important since it is the end of funding under the CARES act (prior stimulus bill which funded these enhanced UI programs). Any help would be greatly appreciated. My husbands last payable PUA week was for December 26, 2020 that was his 39 weeks. It was updated 1/15/21 IM LOSING EVERYTHING. option 1-2-1, I have not got through to anyone and have called over 20x’s. See more in this NJ DOL UI page – > See our. God bless. The week ending the first week in feb was the last week that was paid (that brought me to 46 total weeks. Thank you for your advice, the Jobs4tn site is pretty arcane. Getting conflicted messages. Very confusing when you dont know what to do and no guidance. edd needs help. It’s really unfair the non communication we are receiving from the department, especially with direct questions if we are to reopen our claims or not. Did you apply for the PEUC? It is a shame that professional adults can not come together and compromise in these desperate times of need. Starting with week ending January 2, 2021, if you are eligible for at least $1 of your underlying unemployment benefit amount for any week of unemployment, you will also receive a $300 supplemental payment under the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program. But even though the cut off date is Dec 26th, my 26 weeks ran out last Wednesday, the 9th. He won’t have to reopen his claim. that now ran out on dec 26th i was then told to reapply or to get on pua well every week since it has let me file weeks for peuc yet still my pua claim is active yet ive never been paid from it this is in the great state of kansas where we still have no word of when we might get benefits again…. Do I reopen a claim now? So which program did I just exhaust my benefits from. Enjoy jail man! I’ve continued to certify and yet $0.00 dollars as of present. It will come but it slows down the back weeks process. Can someone let me know how I can move forward with the weekly certification to get the benefit that I am intitle to? $167. I have been filing my weekly p e u c From Virginia. Can someone please help me ?! Note that your PEUC claim may have a different weekly benefit amount due versus your PUA benefit to the differing calculation to state UI benefits. It now says to answer questions to certify. They changed everything expect that part. Help! He then got the same message as you saying if you haven’t certified in a while you need or you never certified for the benefit year…you need to reopen. Is weekly amount. DO NOT Reopen. I read on the United States Department of labor that claimants who’s claim exhausted before December 26, 2020 you will still get the extension but it will be delayed. I was hesitant to click it because EDD site says don’t do anything and EDD will automatically recalculate and extend soon. Go to this link Payments will be made from WED Jan. 2, 2021 – March 13, 2021; can you certify for any of these date? UI claimants who have had a significant gap in getting unemployment benefits or exhausted their original PUA benefits prior to or before December 26th, 2020 will be able to file for the extended weeks once their state UI system has been updated with the new extensions and associated program changes (see FPUC state tracker). Depending on state they may have to reopen, refile or reactivate their claim. I wasn’t sure of that. The remaining 25% ($100) will come from states, either as an additional payment or as part of the claimant's regular unemployment stipend. It’s no time on their part to send out an automated email, to let us know what to do! It previously said don’t do anything EDD will recalculate and contact…now it has the Blue Button to REOPEN but that is for the people who they listed below the button( people who received a notice from their job or union). You won’t be able to do much until they finish this processing. All very confusing and doesnt make any sense, should have been placed back in PUA automatically and had the balance refresh for the next 3 months with the added extra $300 from the government. The year end expiry of PUA and PEUC benefits will also likely mean that payment of any retroactive supplementary benefits under the $600 FPUC and $300 LWA programs will also be unavailable for new claimants who may have been eligible for these programs when there in effect. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Any response is helpful, thank you in advance! Should I wait for CA EDD to sort out new regulations?? I went through the whole process of filing for the PEUC on Mon Dec 18. Hope you do as well. Unemployment benefits or unemployment insurance is a special program that’s operated all throughout the state to help pay for the living costs of the unemployed. So I stopped getting benefits. PUA REPS TOLD ME TO KEEP FILING WKLY IF THE OPTION TO DO SO WAS AVAILABLE. If I find anything out I’ll post the info. If you Did Not have a balance when the federal payments expired then YES You Do Need to reopen your claim. I am pua UI in Ohio, I still have a balance, and I read it may roll over but when can we start filing claims again, and I am confused whats the difference in UI and pua? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They are not meant to be a permanent solution. THEY CANT TELL ME IF OR WHEN OR HOW TO REAPPLY, IM LOSING MY SHIT HERE BC IM STUCK HOME WITH MY KIDS WHO CANT GO TO SCHOOL & THE OPPORTUNITY FOR ME TO CONTINUE MY WORK IS NOT AN OPTION ATM. In your account, it should say additional claim required. And, you need to file a new claim but see how they calculate Wage Base in the UI Handbook first so that you know what you’re doing & what to expect going forward before you file a new claim; if you file a new claim between Jan.-March then your Wage Base is calculated using the first 2 of the last 5 quarters: Oct.-Dec. year before last & Jan.-March of last year so do not wait because like I haven’t worked since April of last year but I work full-time those 2 quarters. I’ve been checking every couple of days since the new fed extention. I know this was driving me crazy not knowing what to do so hope this helps anyone having the same issues! EDD will recalculate PUA. Several states are updating systems and balances will adjust from that I am hearing. The only other message I recieved was about filing taxes. Can’t get a hold of anyone either. I havent heard anyone have this issue, I am very confused. Am on PEUC program. Others say doing that will prolong any payments. Apparently you’ve gotten the 11-week extension; don’t worry about how they show it as long you’re getting it. This is important, and shouldn’t be disregarded as “we’re very busy and will get to all of you eventually”. I don’t know what to do Dec 12th I was cut off PUA benefits or they stopped in ohio and had 7 weeks remaining still. Since each state is in charge of unemployment benefits paid out to residents of the state, this is the starting point for signing up for compensation. Do I need to reapply? Thanks for any additional info. I also read through this, but am not finding the answers I need. Hitting the “What does this mean” link, tells me that I need to do nothing, and the extent should kick in automatically. My Foray into GameStop (GME), AMC and BlackBerry (BB) – Joining the Mob Frenzy and Taking Down the Wall Street Billionaire Hedge Funds! They said an adjudicator was looking aty file. If may take a week or two for your state agency to start paying benefits, which will be retroactively caught up. If you are in this situation with an active claim balance (up to and including the week ending December 26th, 2020) no action should be necessary and you start UI agency will start paying benefits from December 27, 2020. Your state UI agency will send instructions on how to do this and will vary on a state by state basis. So since I will lose my benefits come Dec 26 because I’m in the midst of my extension does this mean in 2021 if and when they pass a new one I’ll get retro benefits? this pua claim stayed active because me not knowing what i was actually doing kept randomly filing weeks curious if i would get anything or not. When I click to apply for PUA, it says already have a pending PUA claim on file. I filed for unemployment in NJ due to covid March 22, 2021. If you are unemployed or partially unemployed after December 27, 2020 you will need to reopen your PUA or PEUC claim to get coverage for the 11 weeks of extended coverage. It finally let me file for those 7 weeks and I got paid the 300 Federal and half my benefit amount but now it says no weeks remaining and I still only received 7 out of the 11 weeks of federal 300. I’m in Ca. God Bless. How long is this supposed to take? But when I log on to my account, it still shows active. You cannot reopen a claim more than once within the same calendar week (Sunday through Saturday). What do I do next since my business is still closed because all events are cancelled from Covid. BUT FOR THE WK OF 1/31/21 IT SAYS ZERO AVAILABILITY & MY STATUS NOW SAYS MY WEEKS ARE EXHAUSTED. An FHA Loan Might Get You a Lower Down Payment, but End up Costing You More. This is what an other commenter said ” After 2 hours and 31 minutes in and a wait time of 45 minutes I just got off the phone with EDD and the rep said nobody has received an extension and the people who are receiving payments are from pending payments on December 26th. I’m thinking maybe the system still updating and soon I will see answer. No answers to emails or phone calls . They have a Pandemic supplement too! @Mary I found a help link to ask questions in the EDD website. Scenario: Actively filing for PUA as of Dec 26th, 2020 (i.e. See more in this VA UI page – > You are the best of the best. What can I do to get the benefits owed to me?? We don’t want to reopen his claim and make a mistake and it takes even longer or he gets some type of penalty. From what I read on EDD website, if you clicked reopen then you should get paid for that week you get approved on, and the previous weeks you’re owed from Dec end time will take a little longer. I used all my other puc here in California and I was unable to do my vertication like I always did for my 2 weeks. Dec 26 mine ended too. But now that the bill has passed, both PUA and PEUC programs have been extended by 11 weeks for a maximum of 50 weeks. Will that update as well or will I still need to do anything else even though they have already reset my account for the new program. Reopen claim. Has anyone had any luck reopening their claim? So I reported my wages again at that time and she told me I was all set. To reopen or not to reopen, that is the question…. EDD will automatically recalculate your payments…We will email or text you after updating etc. It’s only a few more weeks but with holidays, sure would be useful. And how long does that take here in California? Required fields are marked *. I’ve been told simply to certify tomorrow, which is my normal certification date and then the balance would renew. I was prompted to reopen a claim and I did and this what’s it’s saying. I’ve been researching today and am also getting conflicting messages. His last payment was on Dec 27th. Either chat with a rep or call the help line and they will file for you manually while you are on the phone. Im in maryland. We also recommend that you visit to see whether you may the victim of other types of identity theft. additional documentation requirements to fight fraud) before being able reopen or reactivate her existing claim. Do I just wait and let them sort it out, or do I need to file ANOTHER claim under some other category or something. however no option to certify or my benefits have been extended. Im in CA too. 1/13/21 I finally saw an update. The EDD will recalculate and send you a notice when you can start certifying again. If you get PUA between Dec 27th and Mar 14th, you will get the $300 FPUC! So confused its crazy. Under alerts where you usually certify, is there an alert that says additional claim required. Not knowing if I should reopen or not. Hopefully they get that money out sooner then later…smh. you don’t need to refile all refile mistakes will be automatically fixed when the state update their system. Updated following passage of new $900 Billion Stimulus Package. If you don’t qualify, you will need to refile a new PUA claim. Sorry about the typos. What if My State Unemployment Office Does Not Answer the Phone Around My Missing Claim – How Can I Get My Money? His ended 12/31/2020 but he had a balance of over $5000. They’re making the rounds and it takes time but you will get your $. Thanks for anyone knowledgeable on this or has gone thru it themselves. Example (Active PUA claim): Mike was getting PUA and in continued filing status up through the week ending 12/26/20, and still had a balance remaining. can anyone please let me know how long it will take for me to receive my one lump sum payment along with my back pay? I’m so confused. It also said they are updating the system and we do not need to contact EDD. If you qualify, it will automatically update and you will see the alerts to start certifying again.,,,,,,,,, Unemployment Extensions to PUA, PEUC and FPUC in Latest Biden Stimulus Bill, $3000 to $3600 Expanded Child Tax Credit in 2021 Biden Stimulus Package – To be Paid Monthly. Go to CLAIMANT services at the bottom it should say submit additional information. So my Ohio (pua) was exhausted as of Dec20th, and my (pua) login is updating, will I need to apply for extended benifits or will it automatically do it after the system updates… Just wondering because my finances are pretty messed up right now. Required fields are marked *. Hi, My husband has been receiving PUA in California since Oct 2020 his PUA UI online said his claim ended on Dec 31st. This article was last updated on January 11. Keep in mind that it might be difficult to get someone on the phone. They will base your eligibility on the first 2 of the last five quarters–be sure to see page 10 in the UI Claimant Handbook. I hope this helps you work through this, good luck! They send an email to you if it is submitted. Thats is for people who have regular UB. If you later exhaust EB and continue to be unemployed or partially unemployed, you may be eligible to reopen your PEUC claim and collect these additional benefits. 2.) So the key word here is patience. Therefore, no payments will be made for WED 12/26/2020 & prior. I WAS CUT OFF BENEFITS 12/12 BC OHIO NUMBERS WERE UP & I WAS SHOWING I STILL HAD 4WKS PUA AVAILABLE. The CARES Act ended December 30th, 2020. I’m on regular unemployment here in Tennessee, my claim benefit balance is now zero after getting the remaining balance of $22 plus the $300 on Monday, my question is will I have to file a NEW claim or will EB or PEUC be automatically started? Thank you for the reply, Andy! So even if eligible recipients have a balance or weeks of benefits left at the year end expiry date, and millions of unemployed workers will be in this boat, they won’t be getting these payments in 2021 unless Congress extends unemployment benefits via a new COVID stimulus package. So does anyone know how the 13 week ext works? Be careful about answering 2 of the questions on a new claim; I Resigned from my job not due to Risk of Covid-19, one question (employer’s fault), but due to potential risk of Covid-19, another question after (PUA eligible). He will also be eligible to get the additional $300 extra FPUC payment. State Unemployment and Labor Departments Should Start Planning NOW For Further 2021 Extensions of PUA, PEUC and FPUC Programs Under Biden COVID Relief Plan, New Tool For Claiming Missing or Under Paid Stimulus Checks Including For Dependent Payments, Claiming the Recovery Rebate Credit (Stimulus Check Payment) in Your 2020 Tax Return in 2021. Here we look at how you can go about signing up for unemployment compensation and what you can do before separation to get your finances in order. In this situation, Charlene will need to wait for her state to implement the new PUA changes (i.e. EB Ohio claim. State Unemployment and Labor Departments Should Start Planning NOW For Further 2021 Extensions of PUA, PEUC and FPUC Programs Under Biden COVID Relief Plan, New Tool For Claiming Missing or Under Paid Stimulus Checks Including For Dependent Payments, Claiming the Recovery Rebate Credit (Stimulus Check Payment) in Your 2020 Tax Return in 2021. EDD and most state UIs are struggling to process extensions and some messages are still tied to old rules. Get ahold of your states unemployment office by way of phone and they will remove that for you so that you can move forward. Slide over to & click on transaction, then it will take you to a page that will show you total at the bottom. Did BIDEN signed the $1400 Stimulus package ? But he had a balance when the federal extension no action is.! Let me know how the 13 week ext works mess up in the will. Just kick out your reopen application if you did or did not through... 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