... Obad-Hai, Chislev, Balinor, and Pan) to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves (such as Eldath). The Eldathyn faith also has close ties with Those Who Harp (the Harpers), an organization working throughout Faerun for good and against the rise of great powers, which tend to endanger all natural life. Eldath cleric with green eyes v3. Eldath cleric with green eyes Oromir. In woodlands and remote wilderness areas, worship of the Green Goddess should be done unclad or as close to it as is possible in a given circumstance. Few Eldathyn live in large settlements, but many dwell in springside cottages—often with trained guard animals—within an easy ride of cities or large towns so as to be able to serve the local populace as sources of medicines and potions. Of course, the location is also a factor which should be taken into account: clerics of Umberlee who wear … 1. Must be a worshipper of any Major Everbloom Deity. Given the limitations and goals of the specialty priests of Eldath, it should not be surprising that there are not very many of them. Many are vegetarians and herbalists who desire to take no life, but the ranks of the Eldathyn are studded with hardy adventurer-priests who serve as envoys to other faiths, act as go-betweens with urban worshipers (often guiding them to and from forest fastness temples), and carry items and messages from priest to priest within the faith. The ultimate devotee of a god, the cleric is called to do more than lead temple service. IMAGE DETAILS These monks guard sacred sites where many peacemen and peacewomen dwell and travel the countryside gathering information for isolated groves and fastnesses. Here Eldath can choose to speak through the mouth of any woman who enters the House of the Moon, a nearly circular palatial temple formed of chalky, translucent desert rock in the midst of a lake set in a sacred grove surrounded by over a hundred small springs. Peacemen and peacewomen wear no armor and sport garb similar to their ceremonial dress made up of multiple layers of semitransparent robes and tabards over an opaque foundation robe or dress. Creatures by origin; Creatures by alignment; … May 2020. 0. Eldath (EL-dath) is the guardian of druid groves, and her presence is felt every place where there is calm. They are to plant trees and green-leaved things and tend such things when they need it, wherever they may be. by . Clergy of senior years, many accomplishments, or higher rank are styled “Exalted,” and traveling Freewalkers rank between full priests and senior priests. Clerics of Eldath are expected to enforce strict non-violence against any non-agressive humanoid and beast, they are expected to act as Diplomats towards other factions and independant groups. Oromir. Although it is part of the making of a priest of Eldath that an individual must travel Faerun widely enough to pray in at least nine sacred fastnesses (temple groves) dedicated to the goddess, most Eldathyn settle in one grove or one forest and live their lives thereabouts. ... Deneir (writing), Eldath (peace), Gond (craft), Helm (protection), Ilmater (endurance), Mielikki (forests), Milil (poetry and song), Sune (beauty), … … Eldathyn are organized in a simple hierarchy where a dozen or so clerics report to a senior cleric who in turn reports to a grand cleric responsible for a realm or larger region. Name: Eldath Divine rank: lesser deity Title(s): Goddess of Singing Waters, Mother Guardian of Groves, Green Goddess Symbol: waterfall plunging into a still pool Home plane: Alignment: neutral good Portfolio: quiet places, springs, ... Cleric alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Domains: family, good, plant, protection, water Favored weapon: "Net" (regular net or a net that does damage as unarmed strike) Festivals: There the waters of the River Rimril, a tributary of the Esmel River, plunge down the western cliffs of Eldath’s Mount in the Troll Mountains via the Green Goddess Falls in a descent of over 400 feet and thence through a series of pools and lesser falls (called the Steps) out into Arundath, the Quiet Forest (known most commonly as the Snakewood for the serpentine denizens the Eldathyn use to scare away intruders). Home Plane: House of Nature See more ideas about Dnd, Dungeons and dragons homebrew, Dnd 5e homebrew. Enemies: Malar, Loviatar, Bane, Amaunator, Talos, Moander (now dead). Her druids and clergy often aid other druidic faiths in establishing a grove and sanctifying it. Wikis. Specialty priests don a series of sheer robes, each in different shades of blue and green. Due to their unusuall duty, many Clerics of Eldath go through years of training in the ways of Diplamacy, they use their divine powers to aid them on their quest for peace. Eldath cleric with green eyes v2. Mielikki and Eldath have a very close relationship. Here Most Exalted Fallskeeper Alatoasz Berendim presides over a tree city of Eldathyn who train underpriests in the service of the Green Goddess and send them out all over Faerun to find their personal place in Eldath’s service. Vanilla Tealeaf, Lightfoot Halfling, Cleric of Tymora Orphenia Magis “Chatterbox” “Quickstep” “Pifflesquat” Thistlewood, Forest Gnome, Cleric to Nilik, God of Trickery and Mischief Theadra, Tiefling, Cleric of Lathander Joy Cross, Tiefling, Cleric of Eldath Sign in or Register to comment. Nitharos Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Appearing as a sleek and supple catlike beast with blood-spattered ebony fur, Malar delights in instilling fear in his victims, for he can literally smell and taste the essences of their terror. Aug 28, 2019 - Character commission, human cleric. ... however, the Sophists with help from their patron god Eldath formed a supernatural bond with one another. Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to publication for the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and … They listen to both sides and try to find a middle ground without polarizing the issues through overt statements of moral judgment. An avatar of Eldath always appears to bless her worshipers’ efforts, though she may not always speak or work magic other than making any spring or water in her new sacred place into water of Eldath for a tenday thereafter and giving it the power to regenerate and heal all creatures immersed in it until the dawn following the day of her appearance. Games Movies TV Video. The church of Eldath has a circle of a few peacewomen and peacemen who have formed a group known as the Arbitrators of the Quiet One. In religious art, Eldath is often depicted as a dark-haired woman dressed in shimmering green or as a dryad or wild elf with blue and green hair. … Eldath ( pronounced: /ˈ ɛ l d æ θ / EL-dæth listen ), also known as The Green Goddess or Mother Guardian of Groves, was a lake spirit who acted as the guardian of groves and watersheds. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Her singing is heard in every babbling brook and waterfall. She is a pacifist who avoids hostile action, even if threatened. See More from Fandom. Character Street Art.. Malar(mahl-arr) is a primordial, savage deity who revels in the hunt and the blood of the kill. Sep 25, 2020 - Explore Jeremy Knight's board "DnD Cleric" on Pinterest. The Beastlord is known by many names in many lands, including the Stalker along the shores of the Vilhon Reach, the Render across the Endless Ice and the Great G… The only other occasions upon which Eldathyn gather in large numbers are consecrations of new places as open-air temples or shrines of the goddess. Eldath is a pacifist and usually takes no hostile actions even when threatened. All worshipers of Eldath are to aid fellow Eldathyn and clergy of Silvanus and Mielikki whenever possible and to give assistance, support, and shelter to displaced forest dwellers and to those who work to defend ponds, marshes, and streamside woods everywhere. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Eldathyn are organized in a simple hierarchy where a dozen or so priests, each of whom may have up to 14 underpriests dwelling with him or her, report to a senior priest who in turn reports to a grand priest responsible for a realm or larger region. both-dungeons-and-dragons reblogged this from bch-art. Eldath (pronounced “el-dath”), also known as The Green Goddess or Mother Guardian of Groves, is a lake spirit who acts as the guardian of groves and watersheds, her presence is felt wherever there is calm. 7 6 6 667. C: Maribeth, Human Cleric. ... Obad-Hai, Chislev, Balinor, and Pan) to friendly deities associated with particular springs and groves (such as Eldath). Each Sophist found that being near each other, they felt healthier and more adept than ever. Character commission, human life cleric of Eldath. Character commission for a fellow Redditor. While you might choose to have a complicated relationship with that deity beyond being a straightforward champion of them and their church, you must select a deity whose powers you channel. At 1st level, you gain the friends cantrip if you don’t already know it. Art Inspiration Fantasy Art Art Dnd Characters Character Portraits Character Art Character Drawings Character Design. Only some 10% of the priests of Eldath are specialty priests, called peacemen and peacewomen in the faith. ... Now, you might personally feel that they should be more rare, just as Eldath thinks they should be more evil, but I do not see where WotC's own official material supports that. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. JavaScript is currently disabled. Classes. Eldath (EL-dath) is the guardian of druid groves, and her presence is felt every place where there is calm. tanvstheworld liked this . Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to diffuse a … They rarely resort to any sort of open confrontation for as long as possible as it tends to bring attacks down on the clergy—but hidden priests can work in opposition unhindered. The church of Eldath is small and dispersed, the majority of its most ardent priests traveling and preaching or settling by some quiet spot and teaching those who come seeking enlightenment. In 1369 DR, the same year that Mielikki established an Outer Planes realm, Eldath also moved her home realm, the True Grove, to The House of Nature. ... Habbakuk from Dragonlance, Eldath from the Forgotten Realms, and Obad-Hai from Greyhawk. Although shy, quiet and enigmatic, Eldath is possessed of unknown depths of character and unexpressed resolve that could … Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game.Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories. advertisement. upgrade now He speaks slowly, often swallowing mid sentence, but is well-travelled (INT 14), well-intentioned (WIS 18), and modestly quiet — but he's weird looking, talks funny, and far too slowly beating around the bush, so people are usually weary of him (CHA 9). 1. You also gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill. Show Less. Acolyte of Peace []. Add new page. Cleric Alignments: LG: NG: CG: LN: TN: CN: LE: NE: CE: Amia Domains: Balance Community Good Plant Protection Water [1] Eldath (el-dath) is the guardian of groves, and her presence is felt wherever there is calm. Description: Victoria Diotama is red-skinned hobgoblin from the Savage Frontier. Image Link: Many forest paths in woods dwelt in by Eldathyn cross streams by means of log bridges bearing tiny huts with holes or trap doors in their floors, permitting modest clergy to immerse themselves for prayer or bathing. The holy magic from the Love Domain worked by giving two (willing) people bonuses when they were near to each other and in need of help. 0. Eldathyn are instructed to nurture and aid and not to restrict or punish. Close. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. Pacifists and lovers-of-nature cleave to the Green Goddess. Druids revere nature as a whole and might serve one of these deities, practicing mysterious rites and reciting all-but … Eldath has a hatred of indiscriminate and greedy woodcutters, those who use fire as a weapon, and avaricious millers and careless beings who foul rivers and other waters. Eldath sees him as a father figure, but often finds his robustness intimidating to her retiring nature. When challenged, she gives before challengers who only later discover that her apparent acceptance and retreat merely drew them out into an untenable position where they are surrounded, out of their element, and their reinforcements have been converted to her side. Goddess of Singing Waters, the Quiet One, Mother Guardian of Groves, the Green Goddess, the Mother of the Waters, Symbol: Waterfall plunging into still pool All clergy wear Eldath’s symbol as a holy symbol; the sky-blue disk is fashioned of painted wood and fresh fern fronds are planted or affixed over the painted ones on the symbol whenever possible. The priests of these deities bless fishermen with safety and a plentiful catch and farmers with rain for a strong harvest, utilize the life-giving waters to cleanse disease and heal the sick, and protect … Elah’zad, an ancient Eldathyn holy site in Anauroch, is also a place of great power. But many of these gods have clerics as well, champions who take a more active role in advancing the … Clerics of Eldath are expected to enforce strict non-violence against any non-agressive humanoid and beast, they are expected to act as Diplomats towards other factions and independant groups. Worshipers: Druids, pacifists, rangers However, these same scholars speculate that wherever she received the power from, it may be related to the official shift toward good that Eldath herself made apparent in picking the House of Nature as her home plane. 1. mxomniverse liked this . Green healing aura. Perk: Divine tongue Edit. Orellios, Firbolg Cleric of Eldath, Sage of Deneir [RF] Firbolg cleric for billyccfc. They rarely resort to any sort of open confrontation, instead working subtly. The shift itself surprised no one, and Eldath still welcomes the same worshipers and clergy members within her fold. The only calendar-related ritual of Eldath, the Greening (Greengrass) is also the only regular gathering and festival of the priesthood. Feb. 18 2018. Eldathyn are also charged with observing and recording what sort of birds, beasts, and plants dwell in what places and the changes in the amounts and locations of such flora and fauna over the years. Although shy, quiet, and enigmatic, Eldath is possessed of unknown depths of character and unexpressed resolve that cannot be broken. In short we had been manipulated to make Cosma exactly 542 times stronger than the Gods of this world. Cleric: Nature Domain. Rugby, UK. This is one of the reasons that Eldath is almost a forgotten power; most Faerunians think of Mielikki, Silvanus, or Chauntea in relation to nature before they think of her. They must swear to take no thinking life save in direst need and to share with all beings the beneficial things that grow in or come from running water that all may know of and praise Eldath. Perk: Defender's grace Edit The philosophy of Eldath is highly advanced. Like all good adventurers, a cleric needs a backstory. They are to report such things to their superiors on a regular basis so that the senior clergy members, working with those of Silvanus and Mielikki, can interpret long-term trends in regional ecologies. Street Art. spooperdoopy liked this . At the House of the Moon charged magical items of the Eldathyn faith can be recharged through prayer and ritual by the grace of Eldath. Relations between the five branches of the faith are excellent, and both of the more militant wings of the faith are very supportive and protective of the specialty priests, mystics, and monks, who are more retiring. Feeling a little damp there 's nothing to lose but possessed of unknown depths of character and an unexpressed that! You upgrade now you will have instant access to your previous versions the monastic.... They survive and even flourish in the deep woods have given rise to many legends of wild folk of Fastness! They freely go to areas of conflict and attempt to serve as mediators in longstanding disagreements that led! Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript you don ’ t know! Center of Eldathyn worship is Duskwood Dell in Amn, east of Eshpurta Pan ) to friendly deities associated particular... A slot of the Fastness spell casting will leave you feeling a damp! Sides and try to find a middle ground without polarizing the issues overt! 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