Checklist: • Agenda • Laptop • Flip charts • Software – Microsoft PowerPoint • Stationery – markers, pens, notepads (workshop toolbox is located at … b) Drinks need lids (you'd think it was a given, but after enough spills on my training laptops I made it a rule). Those rules were — … Set Ground Rules . It’s great to see a master storyteller at work. Establishing ground rules for classroom interactions and discussions can help to promote an inclusive learning environment for all participants. It’s very common for workshop facilitators to establish ground rules at the beginning of the workshop. Here are a few actions to get started and move the brainstorming session forward: Action 1. Open the workshop with a welcome and introductions; Explain why the participants are there and the objectives of the workshop. Set the context and ground rules: This is about making sure that everyone is on the same page concerning goals and the agenda of the session and ensuring everyone is aware of, and agrees upon, the rules of the meeting (Rules are created about respecting others’ opinions, how questions will be answered, etc.). To present the various strategies, approaches or to help resolve conflicts at the workplace, you can use PowerPoint templates to demonstrate your point of view.Here is a list of some handy PowerPoint templates & slides for conflict resolution. Share the roles of the workshop team (facilitator, data scientist, subject matter expert, scribe). Presentation Ground Rules I did a program session at a conference on October 30, 2010 and before I started the session, I realized that I needed to set some ground rules for the presentation. or. Agenda Review –Process, responsibilities, schedule and activities are discussed. I keep it simple with a few ground rules like: a) Cell phones off or on silent (I train new hires for my department so they don't need to be in touch with anyone during training). Provide Information About Your Venue, Your Plans, and Your Schedule Presentation style Visual Aids 8. Prepare all necessary resources needed All resources required for the seminar are acquired or sourced at this stage. This presentation sample can be used to facilitate a risk assessment workshop. Follow these 10 simple construction site safety rules to keep yourself, and others, safe. Share Experiences. By clearly defining a process, ground rules, schedules, and anticipated outcomes, you’ll prepare your participants for a positive experience. For a brainstorming session to be successful, some ground rules should be set and followed by the group , when we say ground rules here we do not mean putting any restrictions on the solutions the group can imagine. Training objectives, house rules and introductions. Answer Questions. Design courses that allow learners to interact at least every 3-5 minutes with the platform, with each other, or with the instructor (virtual trainer), thus reducing the participants’ temptation to multi-task. This Workshop should be Interactive,NOT. Ask Questions. A well designed online workshop can help remote teams align, generate ideas and solutions, build trust and relationships, and strengthen remote team culture. The term “discussion” is rooted similarly to the terms “concussion” and “percussion.” Principles (Ground Rules and Decision Rule) Workshop Tools The following is a list of workshop tools—documents, draft models, templates (such as use case templates and business rules templates), and workshop aids (such as sample models, instructions for subgroup work, requirements prioritization schemes, quality assurance checklists, and Golden Rules for Presentations and Workshops Characteristics of a bad workshop 1. ; from 3 to 300 people. 2020 Telecommunications Workshop Response Directorate AskQuestions. From wearing your PPE, to following procedures, you can help make your … Insert pictures relevant to your context on the slides. Our ten simple rules aim to empower you to design and lead your own successful interactive workshops. You can lead meetings and discussions without ground rules, but did you ever leave an unstructured meeting with a headache? In two little anecdotes Billy sets up the rules of the room (no phones and no recording) but does it in a way where the audience laughs and doesn’t feel like they’ve just been told. What’s less common—but which has a higher positive impact over time—is the establishment of ground rules at the team, department, or organization level. Ground rules that work are: appropriate for your students’ age and developmental stage; agreed upon by everyone 4 – Set the Ground Rules. 10 Simple Construction Site Safety Rules. Share Insights. alllecture. Post the ground rules in a central location so that everyone can see them. However, any class can benefit from ground rules that set expectations for respectful dialogue. Answerquestions Ground Rules for Workshop #3 (continued) Conduct of the technical discussions at the workshops will be at the highest professional level Discussions will be primarily among the TI team, the PPRP, and the Hazard Analysts; all others will be considered observers, including REs and PEs Observers will be provided with opportunities for These ground rules can be simple directives, such as “no cell phones or PDAs in meetings,” to overall expectations and guidelines, such as “everyone has a right to be heard.” They typically express the beliefs, desires or perceived needs of the majority — … The bottom line is, if you want a smooth sailing training day, say “Yes” to ground rules… Lessons learned workshops are performed for three reasons: The first is to learn from mistakes and to avoid these mistakes in future projects. In brainstorming, everyone is equal. the main goal is to give them the freedom to suggest new creative and effective solution but to focus on one area at a time and help keep the group's focus , some ground rules are : Minimize or eliminate side … 6. Start With an Icebreaker. During this journey I have identified five “golden” rules that I follow when facing a new session: 1. Ground rules (also known as group agreements) help create these feelings from the start. Decide how you will wrap up the workshop. Ground rules 1. You can learn more about establishing housekeeping guidelines in our Instructional Techniques for New Instructors workshop or our Facilitation Skills for New Facilitators workshop. Workshop: Introductions & Ground Rules. Construction sites are dangerous places to work. Icebreaking sessions are a good way to establish this idea by playing games in which everyone has an equal role. Explain the Ground Rules for the session Explain the purpose of the “Parking Lot” (i.e., captures topics that are outside the scope of the workshop and keeps the workshop … The term ground rules was originally used to describe the rules of baseball that teams agreed to use in a particular venue, or grounds. It covers workshop objectives and ground rules, how to identify key risks, and how to … 2020 Surface Operations Workshop Response Directorate. Ensure the size of pictures is reduced to avoid designing a PowerPoint presentation which would slow computers down Determine ground rules for the workshop. Include Norm Kerth’s “Prime Directive for Retrospectives” – Regardless of what we discover, we understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job they could… Ask people to allow one person to talk at a time – you can use a “coffee mug” or something else to indicate who may talk; Phones off Such ground rules are especially important when discussing controversial or otherwise challenging topics. adaptation you need to do, to adapt the PowerPoint to the particular context of your workshop. We define an “interactive workshop” as a structured set of facilitated activities for groups of participants who work together to explore a problem and its solutions, over a specific period of time, in one location. Now with the scene set, goals and ground rules in place, it's time to begin. All meetings will begin and end on time; no session will run longer than 2 hours. While virtual workshops employ many of the same techniques and methodologies as live workshops, online workshops have special considerations, challenges, and potential benefits. GROUND RULESWe all assume other people will behave well, but different people expect different behaviours.So, facilitators establish SHARED ground rules.Ideally, delegates suggest and agree the rules.Then the facilitator may add to … The Kick –off meeting –Team Member introductions, Workshop ground rules etc. Ground Rules. Go ahead with 2 out of 3 present. Rules or guidelines such as only one person speaks at a time or raising a hand to speak, as well as shutting off any cellphones or distracting devices are good to establish at the onset of the workshop. The second is to gather best practices — that is smart ways of doing something — and to pass on this knowledge to other project leaders.