Should You Use Typescript To Write Terraform? 5 minutes read. This blog will cover a piece of automation I am now using to stand up an EC2 instance, configure it with iSCSI and get access to my data. Lastly, you can just grab that outputted URL and go to your browser to see if it has worked as expected. The below example shows how the terraform will store the state of ec2 configuration in terraform.tfstate file. I have attached one example for your reference. To Add your SSH key to the instance: Add your SSH key to EC2 instance and access it via SSH. connection { type = "ssh" user = "ec2-user" private_key = file ("C:/Users/Nadeem Akhtar/Downloads/mysecure.pem") host = aws_instance.web.public_ip } Firstly, our underlying EC2 image itself doesn’t have apache (our web server of choice) installed on it. Specifying user-data in Terraform Giving an EC2 instance user-data in Terraform is quite easy. After typing yes, Terraform will begin tearing down the EC2 instance. output "public_ip" { value = aws_instance.geektechstuff_tf_example_ec2.public_ip description = "Public IP of the EC2 instance" } Testing. We create our website as a small HTML string, and outputting it to the /var/www directory—which is the default location for files on an apache web server. If you only need to provision a single EC2 instance, consider using the terraform-aws-ec2-instance module instead.. You can also leverage the interesting EC2 User Data feature using Terraform. You’ll notice in the above example I’ve removed a lot of code (which mainly was the user_data property). What is EC2 User Data. That should hopefully cover enough to get you going with the AWS instance resource configuration block, let’s move onto the user_data script that we mentioned earlier…, eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'thedevcoach_co_uk-leader-1','ezslot_9',124,'0','0']));The “user data” script. I hope this article has given you some insight into how powerful Terraform is and how you can create a Terraform EC2 instance. BogoToBogo Within the block (the { }) is configuration for the data instance. By default, AWS does not allow any incoming or outgoing traffic from an EC2 Instance. You must also configure your security group to allow SSH (port 22), HTTP (port 80), and HTTPS (port 443) connections. In this tutorial, you create an EC2 instance running a pre-built webapp. If you use an AWS API in a user data script, yo… lets create an ec2 instance manually using aws console eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'thedevcoach_co_uk-box-4','ezslot_10',113,'0','0']));Right, let’s get straight into it! Back in the AWS console, we can see that the instance has been terminated. Here is a sample of using user_data embedded into tf file: Now, our app has been deployed and we can check it from our browser: Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization. Pre-Requisites. Create and attach a additional drive. Maybe you’re learning AWS, trying to get an understanding on Terraform or actually trying to get a pieceof your infrastructure setup. The `remote-exec` provisioner invokes a script on a remote resource after it is created. For most providers, if you change user_data (the script to be executed on instance creation by the cloud-init utility), Terraform will try to recreate the instance. This odd looking character collection is a shebang. I write this blog to make it as easy as possible for you, and many others, to learn Cloud Software Engineering. Terraform reported that it had created two new resources (the EC2 instance and the Security Group) and on testing: The web_port and user_data options worked. Hashicorp Vault. If you’re in a rush and you’re just looking for a snippet to copy, here it is…. Terraform is a great tool to add to your DevOps tool belt! Option 3: User Data Based on my personal use cases, this has been the preferred approach. Now we’ve got everything setup, the last thing we’ll need to do is start our web server. Available values: default, dedicated, host. This seems to be not really terraform related. For me, this is usually a script with enough code to run salt-call.I was having a hard time figuring out exactly how to include files into the data source template_cloudinit_config since my bootstrap script had a dependency on a additional script. This easy-to-use, low maintenance option can be interesting, especially to SMB companies concerned about K8S’s complexity. 1.- If the userdata logic is small you can just use local variables. As I have been previously doing more work on the other cloud, namely Amazon Web Services (AWS), I have found a few things that are worth mentioning and in this article here I will start with EC2 instances and their deployment / provisioning on AWS. The AMI property stands for Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which is the underlying base machine that our EC2 is created upon. AWS EC2 user data. This resource block is specific to AWS. That’s because the instance resource also creates a lot of other resources implicitly. Before you go, I should also remind you that if you don’t want an unexpected AWS bill, you should also destroy your infrastructure. Therefore we tell Terraform in this case that creating the EC2 instance must wait until the DB instance is created. In Terraform you can use connection keyword to ssh in EC2 instance.I have attached one example for your reference. use the lookup function to pass a map output to a variable as an input. User data can be used on both Linux and Windows systems. The configuration is dependent on the type, and is documented for each data source in the providers section. Back in the AWS console, we can see that the instance has been terminated. AWS : Creating an EC2 instance and attaching Amazon EBS volume to the instance using Python boto module with User data AWS : Creating an instance to a new region by copying an AMI AWS : S3 (Simple Storage Service) 1 AWS : S3 (Simple Storage Service) 2 - Creating and Deleting a Bucket AWS : S3 (Simple Storage Service) 3 - Bucket Versioning For more information, see Step 1: Launch an Instance. Overview This tutorial will hopefully help to understand different terraform components and functionality with real ssh-access, modules, security rules and so on. string: default: no: user_data: The user data to provide when launching the instance: string `` no: volume_tags: A mapping of tags to assign to the devices created by the instance at launch time: string