Many homeowners don’t realize the importance of what time of day you set your sprinklers to run. What Month Should I Start Watering My Lawn? Drip irrigation, bubblers and low-output sprinkler heads are more efficient and tend to waste less water. Most of the water should drain out the lines that run to the sprinkler heads when you turn the system off if your system was installed correctly. © Copyright 2020 ABC Home & Commercial Services All Rights Reserved. Over-pressurized sprinkler heads supply water in a fine mist, which travels away from the designated area and is subject to evaporation, both of which waste water. Most of the experts say that any lawn needs 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. How Long Should I leave the Sprinkler On? More than half of that ends up in our lawns and gardens. It's better to water your lawn deeply twice or thrice a week, rather than watering it daily. For example, the best time to water lawn in hot weather is at about 4 am. Using this technique, you set your sprinklers to run multiple cycles for each station with a half hour to an hour in between to allow the water to soak into your soil. You should insulate any backflow preventers and any associated valves as they will be at risk of freezing and bursting. Tweet . How Much Water to Use When watering an established lawn, it’s typically recommended to water until the top 6 to 8 inches of soil (where most turfgrass roots grow) is wet. How often you should water your lawn with a sprinkler system depends on many factors so it is a hard question to answer. All sprinkler systems are different and that is why I recommend you use this measurement technique to work out how often and how long you need to turn your lawn sprinklers on for. Follow a simple test. The soil absorbs water and remains damp. It all depends on what your local climate is and what the drainage is like on your lawn and what variety of grass you have. – a stationary sprinkler is one of the easiest to use. Using a soil probe or garden spade can help you determine how far down the soil became wet and how long you’ll need to water to wet your soil at the desired depth. – a rotary sprinkler is a common type of sprinkler. Run your sprinklers for 15 minutes and measure the depth of water in the cans, if its ¼ inch deep that means you need to turn your sprinklers on for 30 minutes to spray ½ an inch of water on your lawn. Regular lawn watering is essential, especially during the hot summer months. Common Solutions to Fix a Sprinkler System Although there are many variables that can change how often you need to water (clay or sandy soil, full sun or deep shade, etc.) The first cycle allows you to saturate the soil’s top layer, while the second enables water to go deeper beneath the surface. In so many regions, homeowners are allowed to strictly water plants just once or twice every week and this is ideal for established plants that have already gotten used to the local condition but the case isn’t the same when it comes to newly planted flowers and grass and watering needs to be done frequently when the root is still trying to develop. You won’t need to water each zone as much if your sprinklers supply large drops of water closer to the ground than systems which spray fine mists into the air. Let ABC take care of your yard, so you and the butterflies can simply relax and enjoy the view. Generally, you need to water more often in the summer. Better yet, have an experienced sprinkler company conduct an annual inspection to make sure your system is working effectively and efficiently. It will shoot its stream out at a low angle which makes it ideal for yards with low trees but you have to take care around flower beds as the powerful stream may wreck them. That said, you have to check your sprinkler system once a year to ensure that it has enough water to distribute across your lawn. Most lawns require at least 1 inch of water per week so I run mines depending on … To curb water waste, many municipal governments and agricultural extension offices have created irrigation calculators using local weather data to help homeowners determine how long to run their sprinklers. Sometimes, foot traffic or a lawnmower can tilt a sprinkler head so that parts of your lawn are getting less water than intended. What Type Of Sprinkler System Do You Have? The precise number of minutes for each watering will vary from lawn to lawn, depending on factors like the size of your lawn, the type of sprinkler you have, and its settings. Design your irrigation system to water shrubs and trees separately from your grass, since larger plants have deeper roots and will need to be watered differently. need to check your sprinkler system’s coverage for uniformity. Grass needs to be watered when the leaf blades begin to curl or when your lawn looks dark and dull. Heat evaporates moisture and will quickly lead to dry conditions. Most lawns require at least 1 inch of water per week so I run mines depending on the climate for 30 minutes twice per week. While automated sprinklers certainly are convenient, a homeowner can easily waste water if regular maintenance and needed repairs go undone. These resources apply a standard rate of evapotranspiration (ET) based on your location’s humidity, temperature, wind speed and solar radiation to determine how much water your landscape will need for your plants and grass to grow. Start at the lowest recommended run time and make adjustments by 10% as it gets warmer or cooler. Watering in the early morning or evening is best to minimize the amount of water that is lost to evaporation. The only part of your sprinkler system that may be at risk of freezing is the parts that are constantly under pressure so that would be the line that supplies the valves. The best sprinkler run times for a thriving lawn can be best determined after taking into consideration factors such as your location, the type of grass present in your lawn, the weather, and the aspect of the sun and evaporation. In the winter there is generally enough snow/moisture that you don’t need to water. If you aren’t sure your system was properly installed there are steps you can take to winterize your sprinkler system: Check out my article on grass turning yellow during winter.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'greenthumbplanet_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])); When you have a sprinkler system for your lawn it may not directly add value to your home but it will ensure you have a beautiful lawn that could indirectly add value to your home as it will give a good first impression to potential buyers. A lawn pro that is familiar with your area can inspect your sprinkler system and yard and help you come up with a schedule that keeps your grass green and healthy and doesn’t lead to a spike in your monthly water bill. The amount of time varies by season and your grass type. A sprinkler repair company can troubleshoot your issue and get your system back up and running so that your plants don’t wither in the summer heat. Many different factors influence how much moisture your plants need to thrive, including what type of soil you have, your weather, what plant species you have in your yard and how much water your sprinkler heads put out. Place a bowl and calculate the time required to fill an inch of water in the … Broken or missing sprinkler heads can lead to wet spots or run-off. During winter, you might not need to water your lawn at all. How much water does my lawn need? It is advised to operate the sprinkler for one-two hours. Choose native plants that are already adapted to your area and require less watering. Homeowners can select the type of irrigation system in their yard: spray, rotor, multi-stream, drip and even hose-end oscillating sprinklers. How Often to Water Lawn with Sprinkler System? This is an excellent choice for lawns where a circular spray pattern is an ideal choice. In many cases, irrigation systems can sense rainfall occurred, but does not reduce the amount a lawn is watered, often leading to unnecessary watering. Most of the water should drain out the lines that run to the sprinkler heads when you turn the system off if your system was installed correctly. In addition, one homeowner might just want the grass to survive the heat of summer, while another might want that picture-perfect, golf course-quality turf. Check out my article on grass turning yellow during winter. You can expect that watering for an hour will supply your lawn with an inch of water, which will penetrate six inches down into your soil, the optimal depth to reach the plant roots. So how can we ensure that the right amount of water is provided to the lawn? Most often, the questions are how often and for how long should they run their sprinkler system with the rising temperature this summer. Another common sprinkler system issue is that many homeowners do not perform periodic maintenance on their system, which can indicate where water is being wasted, what parts have become worn over time or where leaks and other problems are occurring. As with other types of sprinkler systems, the plant species, level of rainfall, soil type and temperature will determine your irrigation requirements. One tactic which has become popular for sprinkler systems is the cycle soak method. It reduces the lawn’s overall stress tolerance. Depending on your conditions, your grass may still do fine with as little as an inch of water each week during the hottest and driest months to stay healthy. Run your sprinklers for 15 minutes and measure the depth of water in the cans, if its ¼ inch deep that means you need to turn your sprinklers on for 30 minutes to spray ½ an inch of water on your lawn. Even when you switch to watering just a time or two a week, there are still other things you can do to maximize the amount of moisture getting to your plants. Home » How Often & How Long Should I Water My Lawn With Sprinkler System. We all know the significant role of water in maintaining a healthy lawn. For example, Texas A&M worked with water utilities and cities to collect data for the WaterMyYard app. Cost to Replace a Sprinkler System. Unless you have a dry winter, you may not need to water much, if at all, since many warm-season kinds of grass go dormant. Hello, my name is Samantha Bray and this is my blog. The licensed sprinkler repair technicians at ABC Home & Commercial Services can advise you on how often to water a lawn in the summer and how to scale back watering during the spring, fall and winter. This website also participates in the ShareASale, Clickbank & Cj affiliate programs, and other sites. On one of these occasions, you ask yourself: “How often should I water my lawn with a sprinkler system so that it looks just like that?” Unfortunately, determining a proper lawn watering schedule isn’t as simple as you might expect. I do normally advise people that it is a better idea to water your lawn less often but give it a deep water when you do water it. Frisco has been making irrigation recommendations for three years based on a system tested by the Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service. You may need to add in an additional day each week when summer begins, depending on how your plants are faring and whether water restrictions are in place in your area. Homeowners should check their sprinkler system at least once a year to make sure that enough water is being applied evenly across your yard. Proper watering is crucial to having the best-looking lawn on the block. The goal of sprinkler winterization is to make sure the pipes are completely dry. Understanding Sprinkler Systems: Signs Of A Problem. They are good for small lawns as they don’t distribute water very evenly so you do have to keep your eye on them and move them when its current area is soaked. If your area does not have a local resource to help calculate your sprinkler run times, or if managing your irrigation system seems overwhelming, you might consider contacting a trusted local lawn services company. An experienced sprinkler company will help you to conduct an annual inspection so your system will function efficiently and effectively. That's why we suggest the cycle-and-soak method of irrigation. The pipes in your sprinkler system should automatically drain when turned off if you are concerned your pipes haven’t drained contact an irrigation specialist. However, the climate is to be considered. 1 inch typically in the cooler months of spring and fall, and 1.5 in the hotter months of summer. Maurer recommends watering clay soils once a week … When relative humidity is about 70%, evaporation is not too fast. Water as early in the morning as you can, when possible. Look for and replace broken, clogged, or malfunctioning sprinkler heads that deprive lawn areas of sufficient water. To use the footprint test simply walk across your lawn then turn around and if you see your footprints across your lawn this is a sign the grass on your lawn is stressed and needs to be watered. Stations in shady areas may only require about half the watering as a sunny spot. Ideally, water should penetrate about 4 to 6 inches beneath the surface so that it reaches your plants’ root systems. If your lawn is dormant in the winter months, start watering once a week in the spring. A third cycle can prevent runoff, especially if your lawn has a slope. There are a number of observations you can make to judge whether your lawn needs water and the most simple yet effective method is the footprint test. When grass needs watered the grass blades will tend to appear to roll up so it’s easy enough to tell when your lawn needs to be watered when you learn the obvious signals. Some homeowners use the automatic settings on the sprinkler systems, which do not take into account local and seasonal conditions. Check out my article on the best types of sprinkler systems for your lawn. One of the pitfalls of an automated sprinkler system is that homeowners often adopt a “set it and forget it” mentality which can lead to water waste and other problems. This depends on the type of grass and the shading that it has. If you have any sloped sections of your yard, you’ll want to water those in shorter sessions to avoid run-off. You should place empty cans of tuna on your lawn and turn your sprinkler system on and you can measure how deep the water in the cans gets to calculate how much water you have sprayed on your lawn. Watering at night makes plants more vulnerable to illness and decay. If you walk across your lawn and the grass bounces back quickly then this is a sign your lawn does not need to be watered. In the fall, you can expect to water about 30% less than you did during the summertime. Grass, in particular, should be chosen based on your requirements and desires for traffic tolerance, mowing frequency, shade tolerance and drought tolerance. You shouldn’t worry about your sprinkler system freezing if it was properly installed. How often you should water a lawn is dependent on several factors, including the type of soil. Allow the water to be fully absorbed before beginning the next cycle. Sprinkler Run Times. As with our lawns, most gardens receive twice as much water as they typically need. So the sprinkler must run for the ideal time so that the required amount of water is supplied to the plants and grass. During the middle of the year, running your sprinkler for about two hours every other day will typically keep your grass healthy. – impact sprinklers use a very powerful stream of water which moves its arms in a circle covering a large area. You should water your lawn once or twice a week, giving your grass 1 to 1.5 inches of water each time. To use the footprint test simply walk across your lawn then turn around and if you see your footprints across your lawn this is a sign the grass on your lawn is stressed and needs to be watered. By giving your lawn a deep water I mean you should water it so much that it is completely drenched all the way down to the root system as this encourages the root system to grow deep and a lawn with a deep root system is a healthy lawn that will be a lot more tolerant of drought compared to a lawn that is watered every day and has become dependant on surface water. The most common sign that you have a leak or another irrigation problem is when your water bill suddenly goes up. In many areas, homeowners are only allowed to water lawns once or twice a week, which is adequate for established plants that have adapted to your local conditions. First of all, sprinklers water both the plant and the soil, so it’s more likely that moisture will remain on leaves overnight, increasing the likelihood of disease. During the spring months, you can expect to water between 20 and 50% less than during the summer. Proper mowing, thatch control, aeration and fertilization can help complement your routine watering to keep your landscape vibrant. When there is rain forecast, you can run the sprinkler system for 1-2 times in a week. How Often Should I Water My Lawn Sprinkler Systems How Often Should I Water My Lawn? Caring for your lawn can be a challenge when you don’t have a fully operational sprinkler system or a proper irrigation schedule in place. This web-based tool can help you set your sprinkler run times and also send you email or text reminders with instructions on how to run your system. Better yet, have an experienced sprinkler company conduct an annual inspection to make sure your system is working effectively and efficiently. This website is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'greenthumbplanet_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_3',120,'0','0']));report this ad, Best Grass for Shade in The South? Water deeply 2-3 times per week, rather than daily. How Often Should I Water My Lawn? Most lawns require at least 1 inch of water per week so I run mines depending on the climate for 30 minutes twice per week. A typical lawn needs 1 inch to 1.5 inches of water per week. If you notice that your lawn isn’t absorbing water, and that water is running off instead, adjust your watering schedule so your landscape isn’t being overwatered. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'greenthumbplanet_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',113,'0','0'])); When you water your lawn with a ½ inch of water that allows the water to be absorbed down to 3 inches in the soil and if you decide to run your sprinklers to achieve 1 inch of water that would be absorbed down to 6 inches. Experts estimate that over 50 percent of water homes and businesses use in our outdoor areas is wasted because of overwatering, run-off and evaporation. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to & as an Amazon Associate this site earns from qualifying purchases. The same principles we mentioned earlier apply to watering a lawn and running sprinklers in your a flower bed or garden. Here are some key points: Your lawn needs at least 1”-1 ½” of water per week, year-round, during the winter, too. To measure how much water your sprinkler delivers in 15 minutes, set out tuna cans in different watering zones. This is a common problem that can cause issues with water pressure and breakage along the lines. If you walk across your lawn and the grass bounces back quickly then this is a sign your lawn does not need to be watered. But, is it possible to water lawn without a sprinkler system and still achieve the best out of it? Watering your lawn as early in spring as possible is important and especially so if you have soil that has a high sand or high clay content and this is because : Learn tips to aerate your lawn if you have an irrigation system installed. 157 Shares. Here’s how to make the most of your sprinkler system. If I lived somewhere that didn’t have a winter and was warm all year I don’t think I would ever stop watering my lawn during the winter months as its really only the cold weather that makes grass go dormant and that will reduce its need for watering, well that and winter rain. Overwatering is not only wasteful, but it is more harmful to our yards than underwatering. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'greenthumbplanet_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',121,'0','0']));You really have to be the judge of how often your lawn needs watered with your sprinkler system and when you figure it out you can set a routine but bear in mind that your watering routine may need altered depending on the season and even variations in climate on a week to week basis. Typically, an efficient sprinkler system should deliver 1” of water in 15 minutes. The only part of your sprinkler system that may be at risk of. You should be able to tell when your lawn needs to be watered by just looking at it as the grass blades will change color and become slightly blue/ grey in color compared to the lush green in a well-watered lawn. For this method, I am presuming you have your lawn set up for watering with a sprinkler system and you are trying to figure out how long you should leave your lawn sprinklers on for. As a rule, it is best to water your lawn with an oscillating sprinkler during the early morning hours to achieve the right amount of moisture absorption. A worn nozzle can get clogged, which can result in dry patches in your grass. This type of sprinkler can quickly water a large area up to 25 or 30 feet but due to its high projection, it’s no good if you have low trees in your yard or if it is very windy because it shoots the water quite high. The value of having a sprinkler system for your lawn will vary depending on the location and type of property you have. How To Water Your Lawn . Native, established plants will require less water than new shrubs and trees. – the oscillating sprinkler uses a long plastic or metal tube that moves back and forth resulting in a wide fan spray pattern. A sprinkler system is a handy way to ensure your lawn gets the water it needs to grow full and lush, without having to stand out there with hose in hand. During spring, you can usually get away with wa… Water is essential to growing a healthy lawn. Water pressure is used to rotate the arms so that it will evenly spray your lawn in a circular fashion. By supplying water directly to the soil, less moisture is lost to evaporation, and more reaches a plant’s root system. While you may have to wait longer for a drip irrigation system to wet your soil, you will lose less water to evaporation than with an automatic sprinkler system. During the summer, however, your lawn will need the most moisture. We all have that one neighbor with the perfect lawn. Most lawns need 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week—either from rain or watering—to soak the soil that deeply. What are the warning signs to look for that might indicate you need an inspection or repair? As with most equipment, there are simple things you can do to help your sprinkler system work better and more efficiently. Homeowners should check their sprinkler system at least once a year to make sure that enough water is being applied evenly across your yard. Make sure to adjust your watering times if you do have rain in your area, and to increase watering in unseasonably hot weather. Weather will largely dictate how much water your lawn needs, or if it needs water at all. If you live in a cooler climate area and have a small yard in suburbia with a sprinkler system it may not add much value whereas if you live in the countryside in an area with hot weather with a couple of acres of grass then a sprinkler system could add significant value to your property. Shut your sprinkler water off at the main valve and cover the valve in insulation as it is the part most at risk of freezing (and bursting). Your control box valve may have a leak if you notice water seeping from one of your sprinkler heads. About 30% of the water the average American family uses goes outside. Well, an oscillating sprinkler is most useful for large lawns. Does A Sprinkler System Add Value To Your Home? However, you may not know how long you should water your grass in order to keep it green and healthy. I always start to water my lawn as early as possible in spring as I feel the sooner you start to water your lawn the sooner it will start to turn green again after the winter and I have noticed this trend over many years, the sooner you start to water your lawn the sooner it will start to turn green. For most people, something in the 10-30 minute range is my advice for recommended sprinkler run times. Over watering can cause damage to your landscape and lawn and is wasteful when little to no water is required during cold weather. The cost to replace your sprinkler system can run upwards of $100. When the seasons change for colder weather, be sure you turn the water valve off to the outside. In addition, watering during these hours helps prevent moisture from remaining on leaf surfaces during nightfall. The most important thing to do is to follow a couple simple rules of thumb to help ensure your lawn thrives in the summer heat. Perennials and shrubs will need less water than vegetables and perennials. Really, there is no scientific way to tell if your lawn needs water and it all comes down to your observations and judgment. Many factors go into how much to water your yard, including the condition and design of your sprinkler system. Moisture doesn’t dry up as fast when you have a dry winter. [Choose Wisely], How to Easily Grow White Strawberries Indoors, Complete Growing Guides, Grow Fruit Indoors. Other tips. You know, the yard that you can’t help but pause in front of to admire. The first step in sprinkler winterization is to shut off the water supply to your sprinkler system completely so that there is no longer even a trickle water flowing. Stationary sprinklers do deliver a large amount of water quickly so you really do have to watch what you are doing when you use one. If the temperature is still below 70 °F, watering can be postponed until 8 am. Set your sprinkler to run for 30 minutes. Another thing to do is to take a close look at all your sprinkler heads to make sure they are functional and that you aren’t watering your sidewalks or driveway. Custom Lawn explains how sub-par sprinklers are bad news for more than just your water, and what you can do to keep your sprinklers in tiptop shape. Your lawn needs at least 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week – depending on your variety of turf, may need water year round. Share. Cycle and soak . Monitor how many minutes you can run your sprinkler system before water starts to run off the property. Besides, most plants usually end up going dormant anyways. Check out my article on mowing patterns on your lawn with a push mower. Completely turn the digital control system off and unplug it for the winter don’t just put it on standby. – a traveling sprinkler will travel along on top of a hose you have previously laid out. How Often Should I Water Lawn With Sprinkler System? You will need to water your lawn 3 times a week in the summer season and adjust the frequency according to the rain forecasts and changes in weather. Then turn on your sprinkler system for 15 minutes. As long as the sprinkler system’s heads are adjusted properly, all the lawn watering problems can be fixed by following the lawn watering technique invented by Organo-Lawn called 1-2-3-2-1 Lawn Watering. The most efficient method to supply water to your garden is through a drip irrigation system. On one of these occasions, you ask yourself: “How often should I water my lawn with a sprinkler system so that it looks just like that?”. I have enjoyed gardening ever since i was a little kid 20+ years ago so i decided to make this blog out of my hobby, please have a browse and enjoy my work. Click here to find out the answer to whether your grass will get sunburnt if you water it in the sunshine. Set empty cans around the yard, run sprinklers, and then measure the collection to determine if turf is receiving adequate, consistent delivery. Adjusting the sprinkler run times on your irrigation controller is essential during the changing seasons. 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