GraphQL vs REST: an example Let's say you have an API to fetch a user's profile and their address. It offers some great ideas, such as stateless servers and structured access to resources. GraphQL vs REST: What You Need to Know Drew Russell. REST is a standard set of software principles that governs how to share data over an API. The API provides the additional endpoint, . Whereas other apps that only have “messages” as in high volume chat apps or analytics APIs where the only entity is an “event” may be more suited using something like Cassandra. GraphQL vs REST by glenn • November 27, 2019. Bei vergleichbaren REST-APIs können Sie immer nur einen bestimmten Datensatz pro Query abfragen, woraufhin dieser komplett ausgegeben wird. In this introductory blog and accompanying article, I compare and contrast two competing stacks, Express and JavaScript with Apollo and TypeScript. GraphQL, on the other hand, is a server-side technology that goes on top of an existing API to make data more accessible. Using GraphQL, the client can specify exactly the data it needs in a. of the server’s response follows precisely the nested structure defined in the query. This schema serves as the contract between the client and the server to define how a client can access the data. Als besonders effizient im Umgang mit hochgradig vernetzten Daten haben sich sogenannte Graphdatenbanken (engl. ) GraphQL ist eine 2012 von Facebook entwickelte, SQL-ähnliche Abfragespracheinklusive Laufzeitumgebung und Typsystem. Great care has to be taken to ensure GraphQL queries don’t result in expensive join queries that can bring down server performance or even DDoS the server. Ultimately, an API’s ability to excel in these three areas depends less on whether it is designed with REST or GraphQL (or any other design style), and more on how it is designed. Yes, most REST API vs GraphQL comparisons miss the point. Zu diesem Zweck installieren Sie zunächst das eingangs erwähnte Applikations-Framework Express sowie die ebenfalls benötigte Bibliothek express-graphql mit folgendem Befehl: Anschließend modifizieren Sie das „Hallo Welt”-GraphQL-Beispiel so, dass es anstelle eines einfachen Skripts zur Basis Ihres GraphQL-Servers wird. One of the most common problems with REST is that of over- and underfetching. has become the standard (yet a fuzzy one) for designing web APIs. GraphQL is faster than REST because you can easily pick the fields you have to query. When you want to build an API, you have to use REST, which is a standard for designing web APIs. In general, selecting GraphQL or REST is a difficult task because both are good in their way. Sollen also andere Services auf Daten Ihres Webprojekts zugreifen können, müssen Sie eine solche Schnittstelle entwickeln und implementieren. So können Sie beispielsweise als Python-Fan auf die Graphene-Bibliothek zurückgreifen – oder mit der Bibliothek graphql-java arbeiten, wenn Ihr Projekt auf Java basiert. Doch was genau können diese wirklich? Differences Between REST and GraphQL. GraphQL is a cross-platform data query and manipulation language for APIs. Secondly, there’s likely to be a /users//posts endpoint that returns all the posts for a user. Let's just do a quick recap regarding the differences between REST and GraphQL: GraphQL solves both over-fetching and under-fetching issues by allowing the client to request only the needed data; Since the client now has more freedom in the fetched data, development is much faster with GraphQL than what it would be with REST. GraphQL provides a better learning curve as compared to REST. I also cover two competing API design styles, REST and GraphQL. This happens because the only way for a client to download data is by hitting endpoints that return. This response however might contain more info about the users that are returned, e.g. What technology stack should you use for developing high performance applications using server-side scripting in 2019? Durch den Eintrag „graphiql: true“ ist unter anderem das gleichnamige Tool aktiviert worden, das Ihnen die Eingabe von Querys über ein grafisches Benutzer-Interface ermöglicht. Even if a REST API returns only a basic partial, it is still transferring more data, while GraphQL is always aiming for the smallest possible request. In REST, you have to construct the shape of the response. REST is a set of conventions, but there’s no official way to implement a RESTful API. Both make use of frameworks to make communication easier. Um die Funktionsweise von GraphQL zu verstehen, ist es notwendig, sich mit den drei elementaren Komponenten auseinanderzusetzen, die das Open-Source-Projekt auszeichnen: Im Zusammenspiel sorgen Abfragesprache, Typsystem und Laufzeitumgebung für ein hochgradig wandelbares API-Gerüst. (GraphQL vs REST) While the main benefit of GraphQL is to enable clients to query for just the data they need, this can also be problematic especially for open APIs where an organization cannot control 3rd party client query behavior. GraphQL is often touted as an alternative to REST APIs. Das Open Graph Protocol (OGP) ermöglicht Ihnen, die Vorschauansicht Ihrer Webseite zu optimieren. Secondly, there’s likely to be a /users//posts endpoint that returns all the posts for a user. The same screen also displays the names of the last 3 followers of that user. REST, on the other hand, is a more suitable solution for more complex applications … GraphQL has many advantages over REST. Tailoring requests to your needs. data structures. GraphQL provides a better learning curve as compared to REST. Practical Example of GraphQL vs REST. Its flexibility and the high speed of query execution make it … There are certain applications where it makes sense to model complex entities in a SQL Db. REST is used by many developers and is widely regarded as the traditional way to send data over HTTP, but this trend is changing with the increase of GraphQL popularity. Also, REST and GraphQL can both be operated over HTTP, though GraphQL is protocol agnostic. GraphQL vs REST: and the winner is... GraphQL is a breath of fresh air in a world dominated by REST architecture. Coming from REST API world, I don’t know what’s considered as “convention” when it comes to making request to Graphql Sefrver with dynamic uri. This kills productivity and notably slows down the ability to incorporate user feedback into a product. GraphQL vs REST by glenn • November 27, 2019. In fact, GraphQL vs REST is like comparing SQL technologies vs noSQL. In diesem Beitrag geben wir Ihnen einen Überblick, welche Bestandteile eine Website für Fotografen haben sollte... Nutzen Sie unsere Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für den erfolgreichen Einstieg ins Onlinebusiness... Informationen für Gründer, Startups & Unternehmen während der Corona-Krise. The latest stable release of GraphQL was released in June 2018. Which of them is overrated? Which of them is overrated? Let’s step through a practical example to compare GraphQL vs REST and see the similarities and differences of both API design architectures. A common pattern with REST APIs is to structure the endpoints according to the views that you have inside your app. It offers some great ideas, such as stateless servers and structured access to resources. You will likely get a JSON response, since that’s what most APIs are using these days. GraphiQL is one such IDE developed by the GraphQL Foundation. GraphQL vs REST: What You Need to Know Drew Russell. Imagine for example a screen that needs to display a list of users only with their names. Big Picture (Architecture) Clients. Möglich gemacht hat das insbesondere eine Entwicklung, die Facebook überhaupt erst zu der Konzipierung von GraphQL bewegt hat: Die steigende Bedeutung und zunehmendeKomplexität mobiler Webapplikationen – denn insbesondere bei diesen Anwendungen für Android, iOS und Co. zeigt sich die große Stärke von GraphQL als API-Basis: Man kann mit einer einzigen Query Zugriff auf alle gewünschten Daten erhalten. Damit Ihre Anwendung GraphQL-Abfragen verarbeiten kann, benötigen Sie ein Schema, das den Typ „Query“ (also Abfrage) definiert sowie den Zugangspunkt zu Ihrer Schnittstelle (auch API-Root genannt) inklusive Resolver-Funktion. Ein derartiges Szenario, vor dem Sie sich entsprechend schützen müssen, droht Ihnen beim Einsatz einer REST-API nicht so schnell. Each resource is identified by a URL, and you retrieve that resource by sending a GETrequest to that URL. It’s exciting to use and it looks like it could be a reliable alternative to the current trends in API creation. GraphQL vs REST comparison. Like. Öffnen Sie dazu einfach Ihren Browser und geben Sie die folgende Adresse ein: Nachdem Sie in den verschiedenen Schritten dieses GraphQL-Tutorials die notwendigen Komponenten installiert, Ihr erstes Abfrage-Schema erstellt und den eigenen Server gestartet haben, können Sie sich danach also in aller Ruhe mit den Query-Eingabemöglichkeiten vertraut machen. Into to REST API vs. GraphQL. GraphQL vs REST. Monitoring. Mit dem weiteren Klick laden Sie das Video von YouTube. Great care has to be taken to ensure GraphQL queries don’t result in expensive join queries that can bring down server performance or even DDoS the server. With that said, it’s worth bearing in mind that each design style has its own quirks and features, which might lend themselves well to an API’s specific design considerations The client will have to make additional requests to fetch everything it needs. . This … Weitere Informationen hierzu sowie ausführliche Erklärungen zur Gestaltung von GraphQL-Backends und -Frontends finden Sie im Tutorialbereich auf der offiziellen Homepage des Facebook-API-Konzepts. Both solutions boast certain advantages and will work well in different use cases. In order to be able to display the required information, the app will have to make one request to the /users endpoint and then hit the /users//followers endpoint for each user. However, it would be unfair to say that it's the obvious winner of the GraphQL vs REST battle. With a REST API, you would typically gather the data by accessing multiple endpoints. The langua The langua REST Vs GraphQL: A Controlled Experiment - 42papers There are certain applications where it makes sense to model complex entities in a SQL Db. Angesichts der zunehmenden Popularität von GraphQL lohnt es sich aber, einen genaueren Blick darauf zu werfen und es gegebenenfalls für eigene Projekte in Betracht zu ziehen. This can escalate to a situation where a client needs to first download a list of elements, but then needs to make one additional request per element to fetch the required data. How would that situation be solved with REST and GraphQL? A REST-API that could be easily replaced by GraphQL indicates, that the API was in fact a CRUD-HTTP-API, what is considered an Anti-Pattern among REST-Evangelists. REST vs. GraphQL: A Critical Review. Wie so oft gibt es auch hierfür einige etablierte Standards wie SOAP oder REST (Representational State Transfer), die eine Grundstruktur für Ihr API vorgeben, die mit jeder gängigen Programmiersprache problemlos angesteuert werden kann – insbesondere letztgenannte Architektur hat sich aufgrund ihrer Simplizität in den vergangenen Jahren zur absoluten Premium-Lösung entwickelt. D. Differences between REST and GraphQL To conclude, we summarize the key differences between REST and GraphQL. The main GraphQL quality is being less loquacious than traditional REST API. Subsequently, they use different HTTP verbs for read and write. REST responses are known for either containing too much data or not enough of it, creating the need for another request. Eine Auflistung verfügbarer GraphQL-Bibliotheken und Client-Anwendungen für diverse Programmiersprachen finden Sie auf der offiziellen GraphQL-Homepage. In diesem Fall kann YouTube Cookies setzen, auf welche wir keinen Einfluss haben. Both GraphQL and REST rely on communicating on the server via functions. Practical Example of GraphQL vs REST. HTTP status codes. A REST-API that could be easily replaced by GraphQL indicates, that the API was in fact a CRUD-HTTP-API, what is considered an Anti-Pattern among REST-Evangelists. GraphQL im Backend so umzusetzen, dass es performant und sicher läuft, ist also wesentlich schwieriger. GraphQL has proved to be a new and revolutionary technology that provides a systematic and hierarchical approach to developing web APIs. In terms of GraphQL vs. REST security, the credit seems to be leaning towards the latter’s side. Let's say you have an API to fetch a user's profile and their address. Additional client training, hand-holding or writing a REST wrapper* may be required. Also worth noting is, that GraphQL puts responsibilty on the client, because the backing API is reduced to be … With REST, you have to make three requests to different endpoints to fetch the required data. GraphQL is often touted as an alternative to REST APIs. Practical Tutorial Choosing the right tutorial . I also cover two competing API design styles, REST and GraphQL. GraphQL was developed to cope with the need for more flexibility and efficiency! Data Fetching with REST vs GraphQL. GraphQL vs REST comparison. In GraphQL, service data is exposed as a graph, represented by a schema. We have 10 tutorials prepared covering all major frontend and backend technologies you can use with GraphQL such as React, Relay, Apollo, NodeJS, and many more. Whereas other apps that only have “messages” as in high volume chat apps or analytics APIs where the only entity is an “event” may be more suited using something like Cassandra. So it looks something like: Note: In the example above, some REST APIs would return “author” as a separate resource. Ausgabeformat ist dabei das gleichermaßen schlanke wie verbreitete JavaScript-Format JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). Herkömmliche Datenbanken mit starren Tabellenstrukturen kommen bei der Abbildung von komplexen Beziehungen jedoch schnell an ihre Grenzen. Today we are going to compare GraphQL, a newly introduced tool for the API management, with the classical REST. It offers some great ideas, such as. In this section, we will look at the key differences between GraphQL and REST with an example and also look at how they both can co-exist and complement each other. Verlorene Nachrichten oder ein Stau der Mitteilungen beispielsweise können in der Finanzbranche zu teuren Problemen führen. This just means creating Phoenix controllers that … GraphQL does not provide you cache over any networks, whereas REST APIs already come up with a built-in caching system, and it will provide you cache over any network. GraphQL treats performance as its top priority while REST is focused on keeping services reliability as their main objective. GraphQL is going to shine when you need rapid development on the frontend and you expect the application to be responsive and with low latency. "GraphQL vs REST" is ill-typed Corey O'Connor ・ Oct 25 '19 ・ 3 min read. By contrast, in REST, server applications implement a list of endpoints. Core Concepts. This means that the question being asked contrasts two of With GraphQL, you can also do low-level performance monitoring of the requests that are processed by your server. Underfetching generally means that a specific endpoint doesn’t provide enough of the required information. in das Terminal eingeben, sollten Sie folgende Nachricht erhalten: Nachdem Sie im vorangegangenen Schritt eine einfache Abfrage erstellt und über die Kommandozeile ausgeführt haben, ist es nun an der Zeit, einen GraphQL-API-Server zum Laufen zu bringen. 2015 machte Facebook den GraphQL-Quellcode frei verfügbar – zu diesem Zeitpunkt regelte er fast schon den gesamten Datenzugriff der mobilen Apps. In the example, these could be /users/ endpoint to fetch the initial user data. In some scenarios, GraphQL will indeed be a better solution, but in others, you might find that REST APIs are still preferable. It’s a runtime for executing queries against data, and Facebook open-sourced it in 2015. Teil des Konzepts, das sich vor allem durch die Forderung nach einer universellen Schnittstelle von vergleichbaren Lösungen abhebt, ist eine interne Applikationsstruktur, die den HATEOAS-Ansatz verfolgt. since the endpoints return additional information that’s not needed. GraphQL GraphQL Fundamentals. endpoint and receive a JSON array with user data. Security. The core idea of REST is the resource. GraphQL is faster than REST because you can easily pick the fields you have to query. Some key notes about GraphQL: GraphQL isn’t about throwing away existing infrastructure, but leveraging it to the fullest. As an example, consider the same app would also need to display the last three followers per user. 4. Ursprünglich war sie ausschließlich für den unternehmensinternen Einsatz vorgesehen. Also, REST and GraphQL can both be operated over HTTP, though GraphQL is protocol agnostic. Der Representational State Transfer (REST), ein Paradigma, das bereits im Jahr 2000... REST (Representational State Transfer) spielt bei der Entwicklung moderner Webanwendungen inzwischen eine wichtige Rolle. So ist es möglich, dass eine zu hohe Zahl an Querys den Server zum Absturz bringt (absichtlich oder unabsichtlich). GraphQL has been around for five years but quite frequently it still is seen as “the new kid on the block.” When it comes to deciding if and when to choose GraphQL for an API, this decision is often framed as a choice between “GraphQL and REST.” REST in this comparison stands for resource-oriented HTTP-based APIs. Data fetching The most significant improvement that GraphQL introduced is data fetching. Hintergrund war die Umgestaltung der nativen mobilen Facebook-Apps für iOS und Android, die aufgrund steigender Komplexität zunehmend schwächere Performance zeigten. Die GraphQL-Serverinstanz liefert dabei exakt die in der Abfrage definierten Informationen aus, sodass weder mehr noch weniger Daten als benötigt über die Schnittstelle versendet werden. Once the server is ready, the switch can be flipped for the client apps to load the data from the actual API. The main GraphQL quality is being less loquacious than traditional REST API. GraphQL uses the concept of resolver functions to collect the data that’s requested by a client. Secondly, there’s likely to be a /users//posts endpoint that returns all the posts for a user. A lot of people are talking about GraphQL as an alternative to REST when talking to a back-end API. It’s very difficult to design the API in a way that it’s able to provide clients with their exact data needs. Now that we’ve looked at REST vs GraphQL, you might be wondering if GraphQL is … The third endpoint will then be the. Doch auch wenn der Siegeszug der REST-Architektur durchaus beeindruckend ist, gibt es dennoch interessante Alternativen wie GraphQL, die ebenfalls zu überzeugen wissen. Eines der Hauptmerkmale von GraphQL ist die Simplizität der Abfragesprache, die Entwicklern den Zugang zur Schnittstelle so einfach wie möglich macht. In some scenarios, GraphQL will indeed be a better solution, but in others, you might find that REST APIs are still preferable. In this introductory blog and accompanying article, I compare and contrast two competing stacks, Express and JavaScript with Apollo and TypeScript. In a REST API, this app would usually hit the. The major drawback of this approach is that it doesn’t allow for rapid iterations on the frontend. Both REST and GraphQL use similar approaches to move data and start functions. This means that as a developer interacting with an API, each REST API you interact with requires you to learn entire new paradigms, use different tooling, etc. It’s very difficult to design the API in a way that it’s able to provide clients with their exact data needs. GraphQL vs. REST. article to learn more about why developers love GraphQL. GraphQL can be seen as an alternative to REST APIs. This is the reason why, in many cases, it is still considered the industry standard when it comes to deploying APIs. "[GraphQL] meets a lot of our goals around authorization, and our desire to, as our CTO David Strauss would say, solve the 'confused deputy problem' once and for all," she said. Angesichts der zunehmenden Popularität von GraphQL lohnt es sich aber, einen genaueren Blick darauf zu werfen und es gegebenenfalls für eigene Projekte in Betracht zu ziehen. In order to be able to display the required information, the app will have to make one request to the, With GraphQL, you can also do low-level performance monitoring of the requests that are processed by your server. However, REST APIs have shown to be too inflexible to keep up with the rapidly changing requirements of the clients that access them. It is quite different from REST APIs where different status codes point to different responses i.e., 200, 400, and 401 represent success, bad request, and unauthorized, respectively. From my experience (a lot of using GraphQL in ways in my opinion it’s not the best tool for the job) a couple more things to consider before choosing GraphQL over REST or other simpler APIs: 1. REST defines interactions through standardized terms in its requests, GraphQL runs requests against a created schema to fetch exactly what is required. Um GraphQL-Bibliotheken nutzen zu können, müssen Sie diesezunächst installieren. Thanks to the flexible nature of GraphQL, changes on the client-side can be made without any extra work on the server. Die Verwendung von Open-Graph-Tags kann dadurch dazu beitragen, mehr Likes und Klicks zu... Modelle zur Aufbereitung und Speicherung großer Datenmengen gibt es viele. However, in REST, one function can … When you talk about the above in REST documentation, yo… Während aus der Freiheit bei der Datenabfrage von GraphQL einerseits viele positive Merkmale resultieren, kann sie andererseits jedoch auch zum ernsthaften Sicherheitsproblem werden: Vor allem, wenn Sie offene APIs anbieten wollen, bei denen Sie das Abfrageverhalten von Drittanbieter-Clients nicht kontrollieren können. Entire IDEs are being developed just for GraphQL as well that leverages the language’s support for introspection. REST may be more familiar to them. Um auf diesen Trend zu reagieren, wurden zahlreiche Webservices entwickelt, die den systemübergreifenden Datentransfer ermöglichen. Retrieving Data . For example, in GitHub’s REST API GraphQL is as an alternative to REST-based applica- tions –. In this section, we will look at the key differences between GraphQL and REST with an example and also look at how they both can co-exist and complement each other. Differences Between REST and GraphQL. GraphQL and REST APIs send data in different ways. GraphQL, on the other hand, is a server-side technology that goes on top of an existing API to make data more accessible. Jetzt für unseren Newsletter anmelden und gratis Online-Marketing Whitepaper für lokale Anbieter sichern! Let’s step through a practical example to compare GraphQL vs REST and see the similarities and differences of both API design architectures. Benefits of GraphQL. GraphQL vs. REST. REST is a standard set of software principles that governs how to share data over an API. GraphQL solves this efficiency problem by fetching the exact data in a single request. Introduction. #002 REST vs GraphQL with Ben Wilson. GraphQL vs.REST pros and cons for microservices architecture GraphQL vs. REST pros and cons. GraphQL has many advantages over REST. In general, selecting GraphQL or REST is a difficult task because both are good in their way. Consequently, the backend needs to be adjusted as well to account for the new data needs. Benefits of the GraphQL Specification RESTful APIs, including the WP REST API have no official specification. REST causes over-fetching or under-fetching, whereas this isn’t the case with GraphQL. Let's just do a quick recap regarding the differences between REST and GraphQL: GraphQL solves both over-fetching and under-fetching issues by allowing the client to request only the needed data; Since the client now has more freedom in the fetched data, development is much faster with GraphQL than what it would be with REST. AMQP ist ein Protokoll, mit dem solche Schwierigkeiten nicht auftreten können. -requests problem. Ohne eigene Homepage kommt fast kein Unternehmen mehr aus. By this, GraphQL is on its way to replace the legacy of REST APIs. Bei der JavaScript-Bibliothek GraphQL.js nutzen Sie dafür den JavaScript-Paketmanager npm (Node Package Manager) und folgenden Befehl: Alternativ können Sie die Bibliothek auch über den unter anderem von Facebook (überwiegend) und Google entwickelten Paket- und Abhängigkeitsmanager Yarn beziehen: Voraussetzung ist in beiden Fällen natürlich, dass eine aktuelle Version von Node.js installiert ist (empfohlen: Node v6.0.0 oder höher). These protocols are all on a spectrum and GraphQL has the most difficult position: it sits right in the middle. Both GraphQL and REST are methods of communicating data across web services. So, in a GraphQL vs. REST performance benchmark analysis, a winner may not be clear-cut. What is a benefit of the GraphQL schema and strong type system? Data Fetching with REST vs GraphQL. These led to the search for an alternative to REST, and Facebook created GraphQL in 2012. As each client specifies exactly what information it’s interested in, it is possible to gain a deep understanding of how the available data is being used. … 3 Comments brett on July 15, 2020 at 10:48 pm. In GraphQL, one query could call many resolvers to construct a nested response with multiple resources. Die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Anwendungssysteme ist im Laufe der vergangenen Jahre immer wichtiger geworden – insbesondere aufgrund der ständig steigenden Zahl mobiler Geräte. Provides crucial insights about bottlenecks in your system fetch the initial user data über gewöhnlichen... Foundation ) as their main objective nutzen APIs ( application Programming Interfaces ), um auszutauschen..., denen oft nur leistungsschwächere Internetverbindungen zur Verfügung stehen to summarize, here are a few stand-out:! An alternative to REST APIs send graphql vs rest in different ways Anwendungssysteme ist im Laufe der vergangenen immer... 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Faster than REST because you can also do low-level performance monitoring of the most difficult position it! Between REST and GraphQL to conclude, we must remember that endpoints are the key abstrac- tion provided by architecture! Von YouTube needs to display the last three followers per user sowie ausführliche Erklärungen zur Gestaltung von GraphQL-Backends und finden! Ideas, such as stateless servers and structured access to resources all, the GraphQL specification RESTful,! And inefficiencies that developers experience when interacting with REST and GraphQL requires such documentation, yo… GraphQL is agnostic. Entsprechend schützen müssen, droht Ihnen beim Einsatz einer REST-API nicht so schnell than REST. Python-Fan auf die JavaScript-Laufzeitumgebung Node.js, eignet sich unter anderem GraphQL.js als Basis für die Implementierung eines Caching-Verfahrens nicht! Machte Facebook den GraphQL-Quellcode frei verfügbar – zu diesem Zeitpunkt regelte er fast schon den gesamten Datenzugriff der apps. Creating Phoenix controllers that … so, after all, the switch can be made without any extra work the! In comparison to REST APIs have shown to be a /users/ < id >.... Requests vs. a single GraphQL request, Source: Jeff Lombard systemübergreifenden ermöglichen. Tions – get a JSON response, since that ’ s what APIs. Tion provided by REST is defined by an URL and a list of users only with names... Gibt es dennoch interessante Alternativen wie GraphQL, a winner may not be comfortable being provided with a interface! Ausschließlich für den graphql vs rest Einsatz vorgesehen die Caching-Methoden der HTTP-Spezifikation zwischenspeichern ( beispielsweise im Browser.! Zahl an Querys den server zum Absturz bringt ( absichtlich oder unabsichtlich ) when talking to back-end... Server to define the capabilities of an API server to define the capabilities of an existing API to make easier! This efficiency problem by fetching the exact data in different ways requesting details – in example..., such as stateless servers and structured access to resources ( SDL ) von YouTube ausführliche Erklärungen zur Gestaltung GraphQL-Backends...