Reaction 1: Formation of Citrate. C4 Plant: The plant whose first product of photosynthesis is 4 carbon compound is called C4 plant. 3. Carboxylation It takes place in the chloroplasts of mesophyll cells. ... Also Read: C3 and C4 Pathways. The C4 pathway bears resemblance to CAM; both act to concentrate CO 2 around RuBisCO, thereby increasing its efficiency. Breakdown . The C4 cycle involves two carboxylation reactions, one taking place in chloroplasts of mesophyll cells and another in chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells. And these are called C-4 plants. Why plant use C4 mechanism ? They use c4 mechanism. Frequently Asked Questions. The Net Equation. Phosphorylation 1. The C4 photosynthetic carbon cycle is an elaborated addition to the C3 photosynthetic pathway. It evolved as an adaptation to high light intensities, high temperatures, and dryness. acetyl CoA + 3 NAD + FAD + ADP + HPO 4-2 —————> 2 CO 2 + CoA + 3 NADH + + FADH + + ATP. C4 has one step in the pathway before the Calvin Cycle which reduces the amount of carbon that is lost in the overall process. Calvin cycle is also known as C3 cycle. There are four steps in Hatch and Slack cycle: 1. The classic Calvin Cycle, the first byproduct is this phosphoglycerate, this is a 3-carbon chain. Discover more about Calvin cycle or C3 cycle, its stages, and other topics only @ BYJU’S Biology. The carbon dioxide that is taken in by the plant is moved to bundle sheath cells by the malic acid or aspartic acid molecules (at this point the molecules are called malate and aspartate). 3. The process of photosynthesis is similar to that of C 4 plants but instead of spatial separation of initial PEP case fixation and final Rubisco fixation of CO 2, the two steps occur in the same cells but at different times, night and day, e.g., Sedum, Kalanchoe, Opuntia, Pineapple, Agave, Vanilla. How are C4 plants differentfrom C3 plants?C4 plants are special :- They have a special type of leaf anatomy They tolerate higher temperatures They show a response to high light intensities They lack a process called photorespiration They have greater productivity of biomass. Or they perform C-4 photosynthesis. Because C4 plant fix more co2 as compare to the C3 plant due to having kranz anatomy. Photosynthetically C 4 plants are more efficient as there is no Warburg effect or photorespiration in C 4-plants, because at the site of Rubis co (BS cells) less 02 is presents (mesophyll cells pumps more CO 2 for C 3 cycle). Carboxylation 2. Splitting 4. And we'll understand, hopefully in a few minutes, why it's called C-4. The Calvin cycle reactions only occur in bundle sheath cells in a C4 plant to shield the Calvin cycle reactions from O2 in the leaf spaces. What is calvin cycle? Which statement is accurate about how C4 plants are able to survive hot, dry spells during the growing season? C 4 Carbon Fixation. The C4 pathway 1. Therefore, C4 plants dominate grassland floras and biomass production in the warmer climates of the tropical and Hence it is called C 4 cycle. The path way is also called as Hatch and Slack as they worked out the pathway in 1966 and it is also called as C 4 dicarboxylic acid pathway. Just as a reminder, when we go up to the mechanism up here. Some plants which live in drought, at high temperature and nitrogen and co2 limitation environment. C 4 Cycle or Hatch slack Pathway It is the alternate pathway of C 3 cycle to fix CO 2.In this cycle, the first formed stable compound is a 4 carbon compound viz., oxaloacetic acid. The key step in the Calvin cycle is the event that reduces CO2.